Adolescents amid emerging COVID-19 pandemic in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau: a qualitative study
Published 2022-04-01Get full text
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Valgevene folkloristika õnnestumised ja valupunktid 21. sajandil
Published 2019-12-01“…The article gives an overview of the achievements in Belarusian folkloristics in the 21st century, highlighting the most vulnerable areas in folklore research, and trying to understand the reasons and prerequisites for successes and shortcomings in folkloristics. …”
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Sloveenia folkloristika ja etnoloogia 2
Published 2005-01-01“…The overview introduces the centres, scholars and publications of ethnology, folkloristics and visual anthropology of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences. …”
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Folclore e politiche culturali in Brasile negli anni Sessanta e Settanta durante la dittatura civile-militare
Published 2015-12-01“…This article analyzes the relationship between political and intellectual action of a specific group of folklorists associated with the Brazilian Folkloric Movement, and the development and implementation of cultural policy within the context of the military dictatorship in the 1960s and 1970s in Brazil. …”
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"Městské legendy" na pomezí oborů: antropologický, folkloristický nebo sociologický diskurs?
Published 2009-04-01“…Theoretical approach to contemporary oral narratives such as „urban legends“, rumour or gossip has been always afflicted by artifical gaps between various academical fields, most notably between social sciences (social anthropology, sociology) and humanities (folkloristics, literary science). Presented article briefly sumarizes some of the most interesting main theories - but also defficiences - of contemporary folklore studies in fields of folkloristics, literary theory, social antropology and sociology, and calls for multidisciplinary analysis of this phenomenon.…”
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Rahvaluule mõiste kujunemine Eestis
Published 1999-01-01“…The 1990s was a tumultuous decade in the Estonian society - the crisis in Estonian folkloristic studies was reflected in the following phenomena: theory lagged behind practice, the research priorities hitherto (Kalevala-song, folklore's poetics) were substituted for newer ones (folk religion, heritage group folklore), modern folklore arose as equal next to the folklore of the past. …”
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Published 2014-11-01“…Since mostly the folklorists take part in the implementation of this convention, it is necessary to reveal the similarities and the differences of these two terms. …”
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Rahvameditsiinist meditsiinifolkloristikani
Published 2003-01-01“…From folk medicine to medical folkloristics. - Reimund Kvideland et al. (ed.). Folklore Processed. …”
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Aplikovaná folkloristika. Jak rozumět mainstreamovým filmům?
Published 2018-12-01“…Analysis and intepretation of film art is primarily domain of the film studies; approach of this discipline could be also supplemented by applied folkloristics. Folkloristic methodology used for analysis of folktales and legends could be used to analyse plots and sujets of popular mainstream movies and to better understand their meanings and their appeal to audiences worldwide. …”
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Bibliography of theoretical and methodological papers on folklore
Published 2007-06-01“… Published in folkloristic periodicals in ex-Yugoslavia until the year 1990: Part one. …”
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Mary Kaasiku ja Gustav Kallasto rahvaluulekogu ning kirjavahetus
Published 2020-12-01“…On the other hand, health also comes to the fore in the letters of folklorists, who in turn informed their contributors about their own or their colleagues’ health, if deemed necessary. …”
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The Joke – a(n) (Un)Important Form of Humor
Published 2016-02-01“…The joke is a form of humor that has not received as much attention by Serbian folkloristics and anthropology as it deserves. A possible reason for this is that the joke is so thoroughly incorporated into everyday communication that it tends to be overlooked. …”
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The Joke – a(n) (Un)Important Form of Humor
Published 2011-05-01“…The joke is a form of humor that has not received as much attention by Serbian folkloristics and anthropology as it deserves. A possible reason for this is that the joke is so thoroughly incorporated into everyday communication that it tends to be overlooked. …”
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Folklore and Sociolinguistics
Published 2018-01-01“…I offer the concept of performative efficacy, the notion that expressive culture performances have the capacity to shape attitude and action and thereby transform perceived realities, as a means of capturing the continuing promise of a sociolinguistically informed folkloristics.…”
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Richard Mercer Dorson: Institutionalization and internationalization of the American folklore science
Published 2016-03-01“…The legacy of Dorson's writings to future American, and folklorists worldwide, is rich and complex, requiring the long term for its full significance to be appreciated.…”
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Välitööd rahvuskaaslaste juures Krasnojarski krais
Published 2008-12-01“…In the summer of 2008, Estonian folklorists Anu Korb, Astrid Tuisk, Andreas Kalkun, and Tiit Sibul took part in the fieldwork expedition carried out among Estonians living in the villages of Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia. …”
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Epitaph in Romanian, Russian, Polish and Lithuanian Historiography
Published 2013-07-01“…There are reviewed most valuable scientific materials of historians, ethnographers and folklorists referring to this problem.…”
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