External factors and endogenous elements fostering critical thinking of tertiary EFL learners in China: a grounded theory study
יצא לאור 2024"...It assumes particular significance within the domain of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). This study directs its focus on the Chinese tertiary TEFL context and endeavours to explicate what the external factors are, as well as endogenous elements and ways to foster students’ critical thinking. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
Article -
Raising exposure and interactions in French through computer-supported collaborative learning.
יצא לאור 2010"...Questionnaires and guided interviews were carried out to assess the learners’ evaluation of the online support, the relevance of CSCL in a foreign language acquisition and the benefits of real task based assignments. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
Article -
Error analysis of present simple tense in the interlanguage of adult Arab English language learners
יצא לאור 2013"...The findings of this study have pedagogical implications for English as a foreign language classroom teaching practice as well as for second language teachers and researchers. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
Article -
Language learning with a social networking site on a mobile device: identifying inhibiting issues
יצא לאור 2012"...The authors propose solutions to alleviate those issues and advocate for the use of both technologies in the foreign language course...."
Conference or Workshop Item -
Impact of EFL teachers' job satisfaction and their introversion/extroversion towards their instructional strategy use
יצא לאור 2020"...In teaching and learning a second or foreign language, individual differences and affective factors have recently received great importance and attention from psychological and pedagogical point of views. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
Article -
Thick translations and thick contextualisation in two english versions of laozi by Lin Yutang and ames and hall
יצא לאור 2020"...Lin translated Laozi from his native language to a foreign language while Ames and Hall translated Laozi from a foreign language to their native language. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
Thesis -
Illuminating ‘second life’s benefits and challenges as an interactive blended virtual learning platform for English language teaching and learning
יצא לאור 2016"...Learning English as a foreign language like many other foreign languages possess as a challenging task to teachers and students. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
Article -
Intercultural performativity in learning and interpreting Shakespearean plays:Towards a new model for learning literature.
יצא לאור 2014"...Its primary objective is to introduce a new approach to teaching Shakespearean drama in the second/foreign language classroom by incorporating elements of traditional theatre...."
Monograph -
Comparison and contrast of Chinese curricula between China and Singapore: challenges and prospects
יצא לאור 2017קבל טקסט מלא
קבל טקסט מלא
Journal Article -
The functions of code-switching in EFL classrooms / Suthagar Narasuman, Ahmad Zahir Wali and Zahra Sadry
יצא לאור 2019"...Code-switching is a concept which has existed in bilingual and multilingual societies and it occurs quite frequently in English as a second or foreign language classes. Especially when the learners are all bilinguals or multilinguals and they have to switch back and forth between their mother tongue and a second or foreign language. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
Article -
Text difficulty effect on metacognitive reading strategy use among EFL learners
יצא לאור 2014"...Reading is one of the most integral academic skills in learning a foreign language. According to Anderson (2003), it is the interaction of four factors: the reader, the text, fluent reading and strategic reading. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
Article -
Investigating Vietnamese ESP Learners' Difficulties in EFL Speaking: DMGA Scaffolding Model as a Proposed Solution
יצא לאור 2022"...Teaching speaking for English-as-a-Foreign-Language (EFL) students in an English-for-Specific-Purposes (ESP) classroom is a demanding process. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
קבל טקסט מלא
Conference or Workshop Item -
Strategies of content knowledge representation and EFL learners‘ english writing proficiency: Mediating role of critical thinking skills
יצא לאור 2023"...The exploration of optimizing content knowledge representation and enhancing critical thinking capabilities in English as Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ writing still needs to be improved. ..."
Article -
Raising exposure and interactions in French through computer - supported collaborative learning
יצא לאור 2010"...Questionnaires and guided interviews were carried out to assess the learners’ evaluation of the online support, the relevance of CSCL in a foreign language acquisition and the benefits of real task based assignments. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
Article -
Code-switching as a communicative strategy among Malay students learning japanese in Malaysia Higher Education Institution
יצא לאור 2021"...Code-switching is an effective communicative strategy in learning Japanese as a foreign language in Malaysia Higher Education Institution. ..."
Article -
Types of common errors in Middle Eastern students’ opinion essays: A case study
יצא לאור 2019"...Analyzing students’ written errors is an approach to better understand the challenges that second and especially foreign language learners faced while writing in English. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
Conference or Workshop Item -
Moral judgement in early bilinguals: language dominance influences responses to moral dilemmas
יצא לאור 2018"...The Foreign-Language effect (FLe) on morality describes how late bilinguals make different decisions on moral judgements, when presented in either their native or foreign language. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
קבל טקסט מלא
Journal Article -
Investigating English language anxiety among UiTM Sarawak undergraduates / Vicky Chin, Ting Hie Ling and Yeo Jiin Yih
יצא לאור 2016"...Second or foreign language learning can be a demanding task for many language learners. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
Article -
Designing an interactive multimedia model: case study for learning german language / Sopiah Ishak
יצא לאור 2004"...It has been proven that the usage of multimedia courseware in learning foreign language does improve student's achievement. However, most course materials developed are inclined to show the sophistication of the multimedia only, rather than analysing the best method of conveying the content of the courseware. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
Thesis -
The impact of film and film-based activities on the attitudes of English-speaking secondary-school students towards L2 Chinese / Qi Zhang
יצא לאור 2013"...While foreign-language films can provide second language learners with authentic exposure to the target language in a relatively natural context, very few studies have been conducted on the use of film in the teaching of Chinese language and culture. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא