Teaching Arabic as a second language: an evaluation of key word method effectiveness
Published 2007“…This study aims to examine the effectiveness and the practicality of the “key word method” in teaching and learning Arabic as a foreign language within the Malaysian secondary school curriculum. …”
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The problems of learning the Arabic verbal system among the Malay learners in Malaysian Universities
Published 2013“…The Introduction highlights some issues and concepts pertinent to second/foreign language learning acquisition, as well as their implications to teaching. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Developing Arabic writing skills using Facebook
Published 2011“…Writing is a challenging task to many foreign language learners. This study describes an attempt to use Facebook to teach writing to Arabic learners. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Digital video presentation in an EFL writing classroom / Yustinus Calvin Gai Mali
Published 2018“…This qualitative study delved into students’ perspectives on the practices of a digital video presentation project in their English as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing class at an English Language Education Program of a private university in Central Java, Indonesia. …”
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English medium instruction: Global views and countries in focus
Published 2017“…If we consider every classroom around the world in which learners are exposed to English language as their second language (L2) we are faced with a huge variety: English as a foreign language (EFL); Immersion, English for academic purposes; English for specific purposes, English for examination purposes, Content and language integrated learning (CLIL); content-based teaching; content-based language teaching, and so on. …”
Journal article -
Do near-beginner learners of French have any writing strategies?
Published 2007“…There is virtually no research on foreign language writing at this level, conceived in this study as including the copying of words and sentences, as well as free-writing. 16 students took part in task-based interviews designed to elicit their writing strategies at two time points some seven months apart. …”
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L2 learners' attitudes toward, and use of, mnemonic strategies when learning Japanese kanji
Published 2013“…The study applies in-depth qualitative methods to broaden the understanding of how foreign language learners use mnemonics when learning kanji. …”
Journal article -
An evaluation of the global orientation of English textbooks in Germany
Published 2016“…For many European students, English is no longer just a foreign language, but an important European lingua franca. …”
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Rules and grammars of Italian in eighteenth-century England: the case of Giuseppe Baretti
Published 2016“…This essay examines his teaching methodology with regard to grammar rules in his A Grammar of the Italian Tongue (1760), and his treatment of what he called ‘a multiplicity of puzzling rules’, which, he claimed, can hinder rather than assist the acquisition of Italian as a foreign language, if excessive attention is devoted to them. …”
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First and second language use in English medium instruction contexts
Published 2018“…Although there is a wealth of research on the use of the first language (L1) in English as a foreign language (EFL) classrooms, there is as yet very little research of this kind in classrooms where the prime pedagogical objective is to teach academic content through English as a second language (English medium instruction; EMI). …”
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Net increase? Cross-lingual linking in the blogosphere
Published 2012“…However, bloggers' awareness of foreign language content increases over time. Personal blogs contain most cross-lingual links, and these links point to (primarily English-language) media. …”
Journal article -
Raising the achievement of young-beginner readers of french through strategy instruction
Published 2008“…This article reports on an intervention study of reading comprehension among young-beginner learners of French as a foreign language (L2) in England. A number of factors are currently contributing to low achievement in reading among this population of learners. …”
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The effects of exposure to literary texts on reading comprehension and vocabulary retention: literature-majors vs translation-majors
Published 2013“…This study attempts to examine the impact of reading literary texts on vocabulary retention of learners of English as a foreign language (EFL). Some Iranian undergraduate students (n=140) randomly selected from among senior students of English literature and English translation participated in this investigation. …”
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Social and affective strategies use among Arabic language students in Terengganu
Published 2013“…The use of social and affective strategies in learning a second or foreign language will help students master the language learned. …”
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A look at a small classroom in a big university: through a Metaphor, Vividly
Published 2014“…This article addresses this gap in research literature and examines metaphors about learning created by a group of foreign language learners in a big public university in East Malaysia. …”
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Japanese English: Norm-dependency and emerging strategies
Published 2018“…English speakers are therefore not necessarily native speakers but have a different first language (L1); English is a second (L2) or foreign language (FL) for them. There are increasing numbers of studies on Japanese English (JE), particularly from attitudinal and perceptual angles (e.g. …”
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The problems in reading comprehension of Chinese passages by non-Chinese Malaysian undergraduates
Published 2014“…The subjects involved are Malay undergraduates from Universiti Putra Malaysia who learn Chinese as a foreign language. The study examines whether the mother tongue of this group of Malay undergraduates affect their performance in Chinese passages comprehension. …”
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Malaysian students’ perceptions of writing strategy in French language learning: A quantitative approach
Published 2009“…This exploratory study aims to analyse Malaysian students’ perceptions of the types of strategy used in learning French as a foreign language with regard to writing skills. The study utilized quantitative method of data collection, by applying Dörnyei’s (1995) communication strategies taxonomy to the writing strategies. …”
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Saudi Efl Undergraduate Students’ Responses To Cognitive Stress And Metacognitive Reading Strategies In Reading Comprehension
Published 2022“…Reading comprehension in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) can be both tiring and stressful and, to be successful, EFL learners must have practical and coping strategies that they can apply with confidence and competence in comprehension of reading texts. …”
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Thesis -
Malay language enhancement carnival benefitted UMP foreign students
Published 2019“…According to Programme Director, Juwairiah Osman, who is from the Foreign Language Department of CMLHS, the foreign students were from UMP Gambang Campus who took the UHF1161: Malay for Beginners and UHF2161: Malay for Intermediate courses. …”
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