PENGARUH THEOSOFI DAN FREEMASON DI INDONESIA (Kajian Analitis Simbol-simbol Theosofi dan Freemason dalam Lirik Lagu dan Sampul Kaset Album Grup Musik Dewa 19)
Published 2016-06-01“…Dewa 19 has consistently display the lyrics of songs and symbols of Theosofi and Freemasonry teachings started from his first album. …”
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La masonería y el movimiento obrero: imagos e ideas para una reflexión teórica
Published 2010-02-01“…Such as: The philantropic and social cohesive action carried out by Freemasonry with regard to the proletariat; the influence, that in the Labor Movement has had the construt «Freemason-revolutionary»; and the borrowing Masonic iconography and rituals in order to proyect its own ideological categories in a politically capitalizing way.…”
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The philosopher in a freemasons' lodge
Published 2004-01-01“…Fichte's Philosophy of Freemasonry took as its object the culture of a secret society, quite influential and widespread but no less obscure in times of Enlightenment and early Romanticism. …”
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Merchant and Masonic Networks in Eighteenth-Century Colonial India
Published 2017-12-01“…According to the membership lists, Freemasonry was particularly popular among the merchant classes operating in India. …”
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La masoneria en Pereira (Colombia), 1960-1975. Poder, política y civilidad.
Published 2011-01-01“…Palabras Clave: Masonería, logia, sociabilidad, élite de valor, élite de poder, Pereira, modernización, civismo. Freemasonry in Pereira 1960-1975. Power, Politic and Civic-Mindedness Abstract From two study variables, this article aims to approach to the unknown but influential Masonic sociability in Pereira city (Colombia). …”
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The Drama of Shalahuddin al-Ayyubi and Natana al-Hakim | مسرحية صلاح الدين الأيوبي وناتان اليهودي دراسة نقدية
Published 2008-06-01“…Through literaturecritic approach, the writer proves that Natana a/Hakimand Shalahuddin al-Ayyubi drama is part ofthe Jewish-Freemasonry projects. From literaturecritic point of view the writer also presents theshortage and constructive aspects of the drama.…”
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The French Masonic Tributes to Abraham Lincoln
Published 2016-05-01“…In France, as in the US, many Masonic institutions and Freemasons took initiatives to honor the memory of the great man, whose virtues were glorified and likened to Masonic values and were often based on the assumption that Lincoln was a Mason himself. However, French Freemasonry was highly politicized, and a close examination of the Masonic tributes to Lincoln also tells the story of a bitter political strife thinly veiled by the literary genre of eulogies, the fight of democracy against imperial rule. …”
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Imperialismo liberomuratorio? L’impatto della ‘questione dalmata’ sulla massoneria italiana (1914-1919)
Published 2018-01-01“…After the First World War, Italian freemasonry had to reconcile masonic universalism with patriotic demands. …”
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La libera muratoria del XVIII secolo nelle lettere dall’esilio di Giacomo Costantino Beltrami.
Published 2017-05-01“…The freemasonry, a crucial point in understanding Giacomo Costantino Beltrami’s literary contribution to travel fiction at the beginning of the 19th centu- ry, represented an influential and contemporary historical-cultural reality in the vast European literary panorama at the turning point between the 18th and 19th centu- ries. …”
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Selected English Masonic Bookbindings
Published 2022-09-01“…Books as artefacts, as well as the texts that they contain, play a fundamental role in English freemasonry. The esteem in which they were held is shown in paintings. …”
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Reflexiones a propósito de archivos privados. Eliseo Martínez Hernández: Espacios de información biográfica y fondo documental
Published 2011-12-01“…Recognizing the importance of researchers serving some results of this work, we decided to publish digital images of some documents of the Fund Eliseo Martinez Hernandez, 33 degree of Freemasonry. To complement and guide information there on,includes an articlewith some reflections onthe importance ofresearchcan have private collections of documents and the construction of biographical and historical spaces of the documentation beingraised producer using its built documentation source of information. …”
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Ramón Franco Bahamonde: dalle imprese aviatorie all’adesione al ‘Alzamiento’
Published 2012-12-01“…However, his temperament, his desire to emerge and his unscrupulousness led him to a swinging life: starting as a man royal to the Crown, he then joined the Freemasonry, was near the Italian exiles, and finally planned sensational bombing actions. …”
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Antysemityzm czy antyjudaizm na łamach miesięcznika "Pro Christo" (1924-1939)
Published 2009-06-01“…</p><p>"Pro Christo” was publishing articles criticizing Jews, editors were referring to "Protokoły Mędrców Syjonu”, repeating the stereotypical views on Jews, like their role in partitions of Poland, creating freemasonry and communism. The paper was trying to warn Polish nation against communist danger, connected with Jews, emphasizing that Jews should leave Poland. …”
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David Levi. A Child of the Nineteenth Century
Published 2015-11-01“…An analysis of his figure and activities, therefore enables us to investigate some crucial issues at the center of current historiographical debate, such as the nineteenth-century Jewish transition from a traditional to a modern identity, the discussion around the concepts of “assimilation”and “integration,” orientalist researches and the study of religions in nineteenth-century Italy, and the important role of Freemasonry and Saintsimonism in Levi’s secularization modes. …”
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La construction d’une éthique de vie à travers l’apprentissage transformationnel : la Franc-maçonnerie comme espace d’éducation au « savoir-exister » ?
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Bibliotecas populares en canarias: la Biblioteca de El obrero
Published 2021-03-01“…The inventory allows to identify various literary works of French and Russian novels, mainly, but also some pedagogical and esoteric treatises, such as studies on Freemasonry, spiritualism, etc. We understand that this type of inventory can be useful for the study of various ideological, political and cultural aspects of the Canary Islands WorkersʼAssociation, which was the first workers‘ entity of blind importance that existed in the Archipelago.…”
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Kabbalah in Sweden
Published 2008-01-01“…Bureus combined the Kabbalah with runes and Gothicism; in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries we can find the Kabbalah in Freemasonry and Esoteric societies, while the Kabbalah in the twentieth century and onwards has been associated with New Age, Parapsychology and Indian Mysticism. …”
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Children of Baldur: Understanding the Construction of Masculinity within Göthicism and the Manhem Society
Published 2022-12-01“…The Society developed a structure similar to freemasonry with degrees based on Old Norse mythology, where the candidate was to follow a mythical narrative of the story of Baldur that led from darkness to light. …”
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The Image of an Architect and Masonic Symbols in Works by Milorad Pavić
Published 2021-04-01“…A reader has an opportunity to choose their own style of reading and solving textual puzzles because Pavić’s prose represents a wide variety of themes, symbols, images, and allusions that embody the secrets of Freemasonry, allowing for various interpretations.…”
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Iconography of the Labour Movement. Part 1: Republican Iconography, 1792–1848
Published 2020-11-01“…With the breakthrough of modern political ideologies after the American and French revolutions, the symbols of freemasonry long remained an important point of reference for new iconographic systems serving secular propagandistic needs. …”
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