The universal covers of certain semibiplanes
Published 2013“…The universal covers of c.c*-geometries constructed from the length two orbits of certain involutory automorphism ofPG(2, q)are determined. …”
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Journal Article -
Perancangan Bundaran di Jalan Agro Fakultas Peternakan UGM dengan Mengacu pada Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia 1997
Published 2014“…Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja operasional simpang tak bersinyal dan melakukan kajian manajemen lalulintas simpang serta melakukan perancangan bundaran mengacu pada Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI 1997) dengan kriteria kapasitas, derajat kejenuhan, tundaan, dan peluang antrian. Dari data geometri, lalulintas dan kondisi lingkungan yang ada, kemudian dilakukan simulasi perbaikan geometri simpang tak bersinyal (tipe 424), dengan cara menambah lebar masuk jalan minor maupun jalan utama. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Brief review on recent technology in particle image velocimetry studies on hemodynamics in carotid artery
Published 2022“…The data of the published articles were focused on the technical aspects of PIV flow measurement and were organized in two categories i.e. carotid phantom geometries constructions and the blood mimicking flow circuits. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Construction of single-crystalline Prussian blue analog hollow nanostructures with tailorable topologies
Published 2020“…Specifically, this strategy enables a controllable synthesis of Co-Fe PBA cages, frames, and boxes with diverse geometries by tuning their growth kinetics and thus expands the richness of their topological complexity. …”
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Journal Article -
Fabrication of heat sinks by Selective Laser Melting for convective heat transfer applications
Published 2021“…Three heat sinks comprising pin fins of circular, rectangular-rounded and aerofoil geometries were fabricated by SLM from aluminium alloy AlSi10Mg powder. …”
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Journal Article -
Mereka-Bentuk Lengkung Timmer Selanjar G2 Secara Iteratif.
Published 2005“…Aspek keselanjaran geometri G2 diteliti dalam kertas kerja ini disebabkan pentingnya membentuk 'fair curve' untuk proses pembuatan bahan seperti badan kereta atau kapal,trajektori robot dan sebagainya.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Penggiat Seni kaligrafi kufi.
Published 2012“…Kufi iaitu sekumpulan geometri bersegi berunsurkan kaligrafi tulisan Arab atau ayat suci al-Quran dengan maksud berlainan mengikut lorekan ayat,gelaran,bingkisan nama seseorang,lokasi atau kata hikmah individu terkenal.…”
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Newspaper -
Parallel Boundary Integral Method Applied To Cavitation Bubble Dynamics On Shared Memory Computer System
Published 2001“…Ini mengekonomikan kebolehupayaan pengkomputeran.Walau bagaimanapun,untuk geometri yang lebih komplek seperti tiga-demensi,jejeri yang lebih tumpat diperlukan.jadi sistem persamaan yang lebih besar masih wujud.Ini teryata benar bila menyelesaikan masalah gelembing dinamik.Masalah ini terdiri daripada geometri yang lebih kompleks di mana ia memerlukan masa pengkomputeran yang lama. …”
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Thesis -
Effect of defect width upon burst capacity of composite repaired pipe
Published 2020“…Pipeline repair design codes and standards have been developed mainly focus on the defect depth and neglect other defect geometries such as defect length and defect width. Previous studies stated that defect geometries especially defect width should not be ignored in evaluating and designing pipe repair system. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Reducing pressure drop in microscale channel using constructal theory
Published 2015“…In order to tap the microscale heat transfer into macro geometries, overcoming the cost and technological constraints, microchannels are created in macro geometries using conventional methods to achieve a heat transfer coefficient exceeding 10 kW/m2•K [1]. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Experimental study of welded joints on steel plate cold-rolledsheet metal using different electrode tips
Published 2018“…The difference in electrode geometries showed a significant impact on welded joint properties of SPCC metal for automotive applications.…”
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Article -
Magneto-rheological fluid rotary brake used in wheeled vehicles
Published 2008“…Mathematical models for MR fluid flow for different geometries are developed with emphasis on the MR rotary brakes. …”
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Thesis -
Systematic investigation of gas assisted injection molding
Published 2008“…This thesis presents a systematic investigation of the GAIM process integrating the effects of process variables, gas channel geometries and material properties on gas penetration length, fingering formation, residual wall thickness (RWT), and mechanical properties of gas-assisted injection molded parts.…”
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Thesis -
Steady Boundary Layer Flow Of Nanofluid With Microorganism
Published 2020“…It involves two and three dimensional laminar convective external boundary layer flow with heat and mass transfer under various physical configurations as well as geometries.…”
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Thesis -
Investigation on the formation of C54-TiSi2 used as contact metallization in ULSI application
Published 2008“…Its applicability to sub-quarter-micron technologies, however, has been questioned due to difficulties of obtaining low sheet resistance on small geometries.…”
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Thesis -
Development Of Entrance Ramp Merging Density Model Based On An Urban Expressway Traffic Condition
Published 2007“…Operasi cantuman lalu lintas di susur masuk lebuh raya mempunyai kesan yang penting ke atas rekabentuk geometri dan operasi lalu lintas. Entrance ramp merging operation has significant impacts on expressway traffic operations and ramp junction geometric design.…”
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Thesis -
Development Of Entrance Ramp Merging Density Model Based On An Urban Expressway Traffic Condition.
Published 2007“…Operasi cantuman lalu lintas di susur masuk lebuh raya mempunyai kesan yang penting ke atas rekabentuk geometri dan operasi lalu lintas. Entrance ramp merging operation has significant impacts on expressway traffic operations and ramp junction geometric design.…”
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Thesis -
Investigation of pressure variation of airflow over riblets
Published 2019“…As riblets can have very different geometries, despite numerous studies on riblets, some geometries are lacking in experimental data and requires further verification regarding its effectiveness. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Peningkatan perpindahan kalor konveksi dengan cara penyisipan kawat spiral pada aliran dalam pipa=Convection Heat Transfer Enhancement by Inserting a Spiral Wire Inside the Tube
Published 1998“…By using the data, the increase of convection heat transfer can be plotted in respect to Reynolds number and physical geometri of the wire. The increase of heat transfer has some disadvantages such as increasing pressure drop along the tube. …”
Article -
Characterization of three-dimensional surface-breaking slots based on regression analysis of ultrasonic Rayleigh wave simulations
Published 2024“…This relationship is then experimentally used to predict the depth of real slots with different geometries, showing reasonable accuracy.…”
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Journal Article