Electronic Structure of a Paramagnetic {MNO}[superscript 6] Complex: MnNO 5,5-Tropocoronand
Published 2011“…The optimized S = 1 OLYP geometry reproduced all key aspects of the trigonal-bipyramidal molecular structure, including a short Mn-N(O) distance (∼1.7 A° ) and an essentially linear MnNO angle. …”
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MESSENGER observations of Mercury's magnetic field structure
Published 2014“…We take advantage of the geometry of the orbital Magnetometer data to estimate all but one of the model parameters, and their ranges, directly from the observations. …”
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Formation and optogenetic control of engineered 3D skeletal muscle bioactuators
Published 2014“…The device allows testing of the effect of a wide range of parameters (cell source, matrix composition, microtissue geometry, auxotonic load, growth factors and exercise) on the maturation, structure and function of the engineered muscle tissues in a combinatorial manner. …”
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Published 2015“…For a select number of model integrations, we generate full-orbit light curves and find that the timing of transit and secondary eclipse viewed from Earth with respect to periapse and apoapse can greatly affect what we see in infrared (IR) light curves; the peak in IR flux can lead or lag secondary eclipse depending on the geometry. For those planets that have large temperature differences from dayside to nightside and rapid rotation rates, we find that the light curves can exhibit "ringing" as the planet's hottest region rotates in and out of view from Earth. …”
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The titanium tris-anilide cation [Ti(N[[superscript t]Bu]Ar)[subscript 3]][superscript +] stabilized as its perfluoro-tetra-phenylborate salt: structural characterization and synth...
Published 2015“…A rare cationic d[superscript 0] metal tris-amide complex, shown by X-ray crystallography to contain an intriguing pyramidal TiN[subscript 3] core geometry, namely {Ti(N[[superscript t]Bu]Ar)[subscript 3]}[superscript +], could also be isolated when using [B(C[subscript 6]F[subscript 5])[subscript 4]] as the essentially non-interacting counter-ion. …”
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Theoretical and experimental study of a novel compressor
Published 2020“…The mathematical models developed for the studies include the mathematical representations of the geometry of its working chamber, thermodynamics of the working fluid, main flows through the inlet and outlet ports, secondary flows through internal leakages, kinematics and dynamics of the moving parts and lubrication of the rubbing parts. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
GPS‑based slip models of one Mw 7.2 and twenty moderate earthquakes along the Sumatran plate boundary
Published 2020“…We model each event as a single rectangular patch of uniform slip and constrain most of the patch parameters using external information based on slab geometry and global teleseismic catalogs. For each event, we use a grid-search approach to find the preferred location of slip patches, which we present along with contours of error-weighted variance explained to indicate the uncertainties. …”
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Journal Article -
A water-soluble Cu complex as molecular catalyst for electrocatalytic CO2 reduction on graphene-based electrodes
Published 2020“…The active sites consist of Cu(I) center in a distorted trigonal bipyramidal geometry, which enables the adsorption of CO2 with η1‐COO‐like configuration to commence the catalysis, with a turnover frequency of ≈45 s−1 at −1 V versus reversible hydrogen electrode. …”
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Journal Article -
Constraints on the shallow deformation around the Main Frontal Thrust in central Nepal from refraction velocities
Published 2020“…We use firstarrival picks from 625,416 seismic traces to derive P-wave seismic velocity models using a wavepath eikonaltraveltime inversion method, and derive estimates of alluvium thickness and water table depth across thesefaults (the Patu and Bardibas thrusts), allowing us to constrain the subsurface geometry of the MFT.Our results show that 1) seismic velocities range from 255 to 3660 m/s, consistent with dry and saturatedalluvium, and Siwalik bedrock; 2) low-velocity alluvium varies between ~20–50 and ~80–120 m thick in thehanging wall and footwall of the Bardibas thrust, respectively, corresponding to ~60–70 m of uplift of thehanging wall since deposition; 3) the two thrusts are soft-linked, and the western tip of the Bardibas thrust lies~6 km west of its surface expression; 4) during the dry season, the water table is ~25–100 m higher in thehanging walls of the faults than in their footwalls, due to the larger thickness of permeable alluvium in thefootwalls, and the water table shallows towards the east in the hanging wall of the Bardibas thrust; and 5)consistent with previous studies, the Patu thrust breaches the surface, while the Bardibas thrust is blind at RatuKhola. …”
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Journal Article -
"Meta-atomless" architecture based on an irregular continuous fabric of coupling-tuned identical nanopillars enables highly efficient and achromatic metasurfaces
Published 2021“…As a proof-of-concept demonstration, we showed an achromatic cylindrical metalens, constructed from strongly coupled dielectric nanopillars of a single geometry as continuously set phase elements in a meta-atomless fashion, working in the entirety of the 400-700 nm band. …”
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Journal Article -
On the vertex-oriented triangle propagation (VTP) algorithm : parallelization and approximation
Published 2021“…Computing geodesic distances on polyhedral surfaces is a fundamental problem in digital geometry processing and computer-aided design. Most of the existing exact algorithms partition mesh edges into intervals, called windows, and propagate one window at a time. …”
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Journal Article -
Impedimetric detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa attachment on flexible ITO-coated polyethylene terephthalate substrates
Published 2021“…The trends for interfacial resistance and capacitance were independent to the geometry of the ITO:PET working electrode. Moreover, most robust behaviour was observed for rectangular electrodes. …”
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Journal Article -
Study of fault zone and basin structure of 2019 Mw5.5 Ye-U earthquake sequence beneath Central Myanmar Basin
Published 2022“…Accurate and precise location of earthquake sequence is critical to better understand seismotectonics, such as better delineation fault geometry and understanding of the rupture of the earthquakes. …”
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Conference Paper -
High-speed intelligent power converter IC
Published 2022“…The inductor is designed based on the square planar spiral coil geometry and to be implemented off-chip. The proposed digital controller architecture comprises of an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), a digital compensator, and a digital pulse-width modulator (DPWM), operating at the same switching-frequency. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Hodge theory-based biomolecular data analysis
Published 2022“…Hodge theory reveals the deep intrinsic relations of differential forms and provides a bridge between differential geometry, algebraic topology, and functional analysis. …”
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Journal Article -
Spin-orbit coupling and spin-polarized electronic structures of Janus vanadium-dichalcogenide monolayers: first-principles calculations
Published 2022“…Phonon and spintronic structures of monolayered Janus vanadium-dichalcogenide compounds are calculated by the first-principles schemes of pseudopotential plane-wave based on spin-density functional theory, to study dynamic structural stability and electronic spin-splitting due to spin-orbit coupling (SOC) and spin polarization. Geometry optimizations and phonon-dispersion spectra demonstrate that vanadium-dichalcogenide monolayers possess a high enough cohesive energy, while VSTe and VTe2 monolayers specially possess a relatively higher in-plane elastic coefficient and represent a dynamically stable structure without any virtual frequency of atomic vibration modes. …”
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Journal Article -
Behaviour and design of hot-rolled stainless steel channel section members
Published 2023“…Channel sections with simple geometry are widely used in structural applications. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
On the relationship between the multi-region relaxed variational principle and resistive inner-layer theory
Published 2023“…Our technique to compute MRxMHD stability is first tested numerically in a cylindrical tokamak and its application in toroidal geometry is demonstrated. We demonstrate an agreement between the stability boundary obtained with SPEC simulation and the resistive inner-layer theories.…”
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