Published 1982“…We calculate accurate quantum mechanical reaction probabilities and thermal rate coefficients for all three reactions in collinear geometry using the Liu-Siegbahn-Truhlar-Horowitz (LSTH) accurate potential energy surface. …”
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Feature extraction from a broadband sonar sensor for mapping structured environments efficiently
Published 2000“…The major advantage of using these sensors is that the information generated is reliable enough to extract the geometry and type of certain features with very few measurements; hence, maps can be generated rapidly. …”
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Combined experimental and CFD study of a HP blade multi- pass cooling system
Published 2009“…Progress in the computing power available for CFD predictions now means that full geometry, 3 dimensional predictions are now routinely used in internal cooling system design. …”
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Revealing the origins of vortex cavitation in a Venturi tube by high speed X-ray imaging
Published 2023“…However, the mechanistic origins of bubbles constituting vortex cavitation remains unclear, although it has been concluded that the pressure fields generated by the cavitation collapse strongly depends on the bubble geometry. The common view is that vortex cavitation consists of numerous small spherical bubbles. …”
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Calabi-Yau Manifolds Over Finite Fields, II
Published 2004“…The appearance of these factors is intriguing since we have been unable to `see' these curves in the geometry of the quintic. Having these zeta-functions to hand we are led to comment on their form in the light of mirror symmetry. …”
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(C3H12N2)(2)[UO2(H2O)(2)(SO4)(2)](2)center dot 2H(2)O: an organically templated uranium sulfate with a novel dimer type
Published 2005“…Each UVI centre is seven-coordinate with a pentagonal-bipyramidal geometry. Both pendent and bridging sulfate tetrahedra are observed, as well as bound and occluded water molecules. © 2005 International Union of Crystallography Printed in Great Britain - all rights reserved.…”
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Synthesis, structure, and magnetic properties of the new ternary nitride BaHfN2 and of the BaHf1-xZrxN2 solid solution
Published 1998“…Hafnium is coordinated to five nitrogens in a distorted square base pyramidal geometry, forming layers of edge-sharing pyramids which stack along thecaxis. …”
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Numerical Simulation of Transpiration Cooling in a Laminar Hypersonic Boundary Layer - Dataset
Published 2022“…Coolant concentration and heat flux results are compared to data obtained from laminar transpiration cooling experiments conducted in the Oxford High Density Tunnel employing a flat-plate geometry at Mach 7. TINA successfully predicts the mixing rate at the wall as a function of the streamwise direction for all blowing ratios. …”
Dataset -
Mirror symmetry and generalized complex manifolds. Part I. The transform on vector bundles, spinors, and branes
Published 2006“…In this paper we begin the development of a relative version of T-duality in generalized complex geometry which we propose as a manifestation of mirror symmetry. …”
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Improving turbine endwall cooling uniformity by controlling near-wall secondary flows
Published 2016“…Arguments are developed by examining detailed experimental studies conducted in a large-scale low-speed cascade tunnel with engine-realistic combustor geometry and turbulence profiles. Computational fluid dynamics predictions validated by the same are used to extend the parameter space. …”
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A modeling-based design and assessment of an acousto-optic guided high-intensity focused ultrasound system
Published 2017“…It was found that a through transmission geometry results in the best performance, and an optical wavelength around 800 nm was optimal as it provided sufficient contrast with low absorption. …”
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A taxonomic revision of the genus Hydnora (Hydnoraceae)
Published 2024“…We place particular emphasis on the taxonomic value of osmophore geometry and positioning in living and dried material, which are highly consistent within species. …”
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Sasaki-einstein manifolds and volume minimisation
Published 2008“…This extends our previous work on Sasakian geometry by lifting the condition that the manifolds are toric. …”
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Controlled topological transitions in thin-film phase separation
Published 2015“…In this paper the evolution of a binary mixture in a thin-film geometry with a wall at the top and bottom is considered. …”
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The structure of alkyl ester sulfonate surfactant micelles: The impact of different valence electrolytes and surfactant structure on micelle growth
Published 2019“…Whereas changing the headgroup geometry from methyl ester to ethyl ester has in general a less profound impact. …”
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Growth and instability in elastic tissues
Published 2005“…First a change of mass modifies the geometry of the system and possibly the critical lengths involved in stability thresholds. …”
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Numerical approximation of viscous contact problems applied to glacial sliding
Published 2022“…The advection equation for evolving the geometry of the domain occupied by the fluid is then solved via a specially-built upwinding scheme, leading to a robust and accurate algorithm for viscous contact problems. …”
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Performance of transpiration cooled heat shields for re-entry vehicles
Published 2019“…The cooling performance for sustained hypersonic flight and transient re-entry of a blunt cone geometry is assessed. A simplified numerical model is used to calculate the transient temperature of a transpiration cooled heat shield. …”
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A graphene-based large area surface-conduction electron emission display
Published 2013“…A screen-printed triode edge electron emission geometry has been developed based on chemical vapor deposited (CVD) graphene supported on vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (CNT) necessary to minimize electrostatic shielding induced by the proximal bulk substrate. …”
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Extended surface convective cooling studies of engine components using the transient liquid crystal technique
Published 1997“…Experiments conducted on a smooth cylinder and selected cylindrical finned geometries are discussed. In the configurations investigated, the relative sizes of the fin diameter to the fin array greatly exceed any geometries previously reported. …”
Journal article