Picturing resources in concurrency
Published 2018“…Once more, we characterise it---this time as the equational theory of the symmetric monoidal category of polyhedral relations, discrete analogues of polyhedra in convex geometry. Secondly, we add a synchronous register to model stateful systems. …”
Thesis -
Oroclinal bending in the Caledonides of western Ireland: a mid-Palaeozoic feature controlled by a pre-existing structural grain
Published 1998“…The origin of this arcuate structure has previously been proposed to be either primary, reflecting the original geometry of promontories and embayments in the Laurentian margin in this sector of the orogen, or secondary, as evidenced by palaeomagnetically determined clockwise rotations in Silurian rocks in the region. …”
Conference item -
A mathematical model of pan evaporation under steady state conditions
Published 2016“…The results show the improved solar geometry related calculations (e.g., albedo, area) for the pan system led to a clear improvement in representing the seasonal cycle of pan evaporation. …”
Journal article -
Simultaneous identification of low and high atomic number atoms in monolayer 2D materials using 4D scanning transmission electron microscopy
Published 2019“…Here, we show that by capturing an array of convergent beam electron diffraction patterns using a 2D pixelated electron detector (2D-PED) in a 4D STEM geometry enables identification of individual low and high atomic number atoms in 2D materials by multicomponent imaging. …”
Journal article -
T-cell interactions with second generation glass-supported lipid bilayers
Published 2020“…Finally, antigen discrimination was found critically dependent on the small and constrained geometry of microvillar contacts. In summary, second generation SLBs are a powerful approach to dissect the early events that govern T-cell activation. …”
Thesis -
Dynamic stability of an aerodynamically efficient motorcycle
Published 2012“…This high-fidelity motorcycle model includes realistic tyre-road contact geometry, a comprehensive tyre model, tyre relaxation and a flexible frame. …”
Journal article -
Towards an imaging lattice for magnetically trapped atoms
Published 2017“…The construction and geometry of the individual dipole trapping beams in combination with our existing apparatus is discussed as well as the alignment methods used. …”
Thesis -
Design, analysis and implementation of bulk-synchronous parallel algorithms, data structures and techniques
Published 1998“…The methods considered in this thesis - both theoretically and experimentally - embody deterministic and randomized techniques for the efficient realization of fundamental algorithms (broadcasting, computing parallel-prefixes, load-balancing, list-contracting, merging, sorting, integer-sorting, selecting, searching and hashing), data structures (heaps, search trees and hash tables) and applications (computational geometry, parallel model simulations and structured query language primitives).…”
Thesis -
Synthesis and conformational analysis of fluorinated pyrrolidines
Published 2012“…Finally, we investigated the level of diastereocontrol displayed by these cyclisations as a function of the E/Z geometry of the starting aminated allylsilane. </p> <p><em>Conformational analysis</em></p> <p>Moreover the 3-fluoropyrrolidines obtained via iodoamination served to investigate the stereoelectronic influence of the fluorine gauche effect on ring conformations. …”
Thesis -
Enceladus plume structure and time variability: comparison of Cassini observations
Published 2017“…This complex spatial variability and dynamics may result from time-variable tidal stress fields interacting with subsurface fissure geometry and tortuosity beyond detectability, including changing gas pathways to the surface, and fluid flow and boiling in response evolving lithostatic stress conditions. …”
Journal article -
Conjectures on counting associative 3-folds in $G_2$-manifolds
Published 2018“…Several areas of Symplectic Geometry – Gromov–Witten theory, Quantum Cohomology, Lagrangian Floer cohomology, Fukaya categories – are built using ‘counts’ of moduli spaces of J-holomorphic curves in Y , but give an answer depending only on the symplectic manifold (Y,ω), not on the (almost) complex structure J. …”
Book section -
Single channel Kondo physics in triple quantum dots
Published 2012“…<p>In this thesis we investigate a system of three tunnel-coupled quantum dots, arranged in a triangular geometry and attached to a single metallic conduction band, using both analytic and semi-analytic methods and the numerical renormalisation group technique. …”
Thesis -
Black hole jets, accretion discs and dark energy
Published 2013“…I develop an inhomogeneous jet model with a magnetically dominated parabolic accelerating base, transitioning to a slowly decelerating conical jet, with a geometry set by radio observations of M87.</p> <p>This model is able to reproduce the simultaneous multiwavelength spectra of all 38 Fermi blazars with redshifts in unprecendented detail across all wavelengths. …”
Thesis -
Three-dimensional device structures for photovoltaic applications
Published 2013“…Their power-conversion efficiencies, below 13% and 9% respectively, still limit the economic viability of these technologies. The geometry and optical properties of photonic crystals can be used to improve the absorption and charge collection efficiencies of these devices. …”
Thesis -
A microfluidic platform reveals differential response of regulatory T cells to micropatterned costimulation arrays.
Published 2015“…Specifically, the ability of cells to respond to the microscale geometry of TCR/CD3 and CD28 engagement is made possible using a magnetic-microfluidic device that overcomes limitations in imaging efficiency associated with conventional microscopy equipment. …”
Journal article -
Residual stress analysis in shot peened and fretting fatigued samples by the eigenstrain method
Published 2006“…Fretting fatigue loading was carried out in hte pad-on-flat geometry using the Oxford in-line fretting rig. Flat-and-rounded pad shape was used to introduce the contact tractions and internal stress fields typical of the target application in aeroengine design. …”
Journal article -
Bordism categories and orientations of gauge theory moduli spaces
Published 2023“…<p>This is the second paper of a series that develops a bordism-theoretic point of view on orientations in enumerative geometry. The first paper is arXiv:2312.06818. This paper focuses on those applications to gauge theory that can be established purely using formal arguments and calculations from algebraic topology.…”
Internet publication -
Gravity anomalies, flexure and crustal structure at the Mozambique rifted margin
Published 2001“…The different amounts of sediment and underplate at rifted margins help, in fact, to explain the diversity of the edge effect, although they obscure the mechanics, styles and geometry of rifting. In this paper, combined 2-dimensional flexural backstripping and gravity modelling techniques are used to quantify the contribution of rifting, sediment loading and magmatic underplating to the edge effect anomaly at the Mozambique margin. …”
Journal article -
Governance in international trade beyond the state: Collective agency, the actorness of trading blocs, and institutional learning
Published 2023“…It entails an increasingly variable and overlapping geometry of cooperation. The theory is then applied to explain the governance of international trade, where trading blocs emerge as transnational actors. …”
Thesis -
Enhanced intersystem crossing and transient electron spin polarization in a photoexcited pentacene–trityl radical
Published 2020“…The efficiency of this spin polarization transfer depends on many factors: local magnetic and electric fields, excited-state energetics, molecular geometry, and spin-spin coupling. Here, we present transient electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements on three pentacene derivatives tethered to Finland trityl, BDPA, or TEMPO radicals to explore the influence of the nature of the radical on the spin polarization transfer. …”
Journal article