Validación de la unidad didáctica la Iglesia Católica de Costa Rica en la historia nacional: desafíos y respuestas / Validity of Costa Rica’s catholic church didactic unit through...
Published 2009-12-01“…I present the validation of the book History of the Catholic Church of Costa Rica: Challenges and Answers (Historia de la Iglesia Católica de Costa Rica: desafíos y respuestas) by Miguel Picado Gatjens made with the help of the students of the Metropolitan University Center of the State Distance University (Centro Universitario Metropolitano de la Universidad Estatal a Distancia, UNED) and a team from different fields of study. …”
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Polszczyzna na Mohylewszczyźnie – przeszłość i stan obecny (raport z badań terenowych)
Published 2015-07-01“…The work contains an outline of the history of the Mohylew region including the history of the Catholic Church, education and functioning of Polish in this land. …”
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