Q&A Session Following the Lecture: Marxism without Philosophy and Its Feminist Implications: The Problem of Subjectivity Centered Socialist Projects
Published 2020-12-01“…Her most recent monograph is Capitalism’s Holocaust of Animals: A Non-Marxist Critique of Capital, Philosophy and Patriarchy published by Bloomsbury Academic, UK in 2019, whereas Cut of the Real: Subjectivity in Poststructuralist Philosophy, published by Columbia University Press, NY in 2014, remains her most cited book.…”
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Globalne tezy, lokalne przemilczenia
Published 2012-12-01“…On the other hand, Bloodlands presents a sort of synthesis of the latest discussions of the Holocaust historians and Eastern European experience of the Soviet rule. …”
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O Brasil no concerto das nações: a luta contra o racismo nos primórdios da Unesco Brazil within the concert of nations: the struggle against racism in the early days of Unesco
Published 1998-10-01“…I set out from the hypothesis that soon after the holocaust, the positive image of race relations in Brazil was in greater evidence, becoming a sort of anti-Nazi Germany. …”
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The shrine of the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) in the province of Babylon مقام النبي إبراهيم ( عليه السلام ) في محافظة بابل
Published 2011-06-01“…That the presence of the tower and place the Holocaust in that spot geographical confirm the validity of the place of birth is true a few sources of archaeological and historical event without checking to prove shrine birth but novels traded between inhabitants of that area and the same way as it inherited may be evidence of that, but not conclusive evidence. …”
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Image Politics. <i>Ordinary Fascism</i> – Contexts of Production and Reception
Published 2016-07-01“…In the final part of the article Romm’s film is examined in the context of other movies about National Socialism and the Holocaust, discussing earlier works including Alain Resnais’ Nuit et brouillard / Night and Fog (1955, France), Erwin Leiser’s Den blodiga tiden / Mein Kampf (1960, Sweden, Germany), and DEFA films and Polish documentaries as well as later examples such as the contemporary collage film Hitler’s Hitparade (Oliver Axer and Susanne Benze, 2003, Germany).…”
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Bombs in Vilnius: Radicalization of Antisemitic Attitudes and Practices Before World War II
Published 2021-11-01“… Bombs in Vilnius: Radicalization of Antisemitic Attitudes and Practices Before World War II On the eve of the Holocaust Poland saw enormous acts of antisemitic violence in every aspect of everyday life. …”
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Published 2017-09-01“…Cuvinte cheie: bandă desenată, Holocaust, traumă, memorie, transmitere, mărturie …”
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Vers una humanitat amb homes. Anotacions per instaurar l’humà en l’home
Published 2000-07-01“…Durant l’últim curs acadèmic 1997/1998, la temàtica sobre l’holocaust s’ha vist enriquida per la publicació de tres llibres, al meu parer excel·lents. …”
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Narrative and the Substance of Architectural Spaces: The Design of Memorial Architecture as an Example
Published 2015-04-01“…In the former museum, the architect intends to convey the history and memory of Jewish people and the Holocaust mainly through architectural compositions and their spatial languages. …”
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The European Union`s Framework Decision on the Use of Criminal Law to Combat Specific Types and Manifestations of Racism and Xenophobia and the Implementation of the Decision in th...
Published 2022-09-01“…The European Union’s Framework Decision on Combating Racism and Xenophobia, which was approved on November 28, 2008, is a vivid example of this issue, because it declares that member states are obliged to punish people who publicly deny, justify or grossly trivialise the Holocaust that was committed by the Nazi regime, as well as genocide, war crimes or crimes against humanity committed by other regimes. …”
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The Road Less Travelled: Reading dr. Izzeldein Abuelaish’s I Shall Not Hate as Responsible Response to Trauma
Published 2019-10-01“…Dominick LaCapra had pointed out that trauma often leads to distorted identity-formation, where either the subject-position of ‘victim’ or ‘perpetrator’ becomes prominent; “wherein one is possessed by the past and tends to repeat it compulsively” (Representing the Holocaust 12). But this article seeks to reveal how, when some individuals find within themselves to rise above such binaries, and tell their stories sensitively yet objectively- they accelerate the healing process, both for themselves and the community.…”
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Mehr als eine Religionsgemeinschaft. Jüdisches Leben in Frankfurt am Main nach 1945
Published 2011-01-01“…The author outlines the ‘search movements’ made by the second generation of Jews in the Federal Republic, who aimed to find their place not only within the society of former perpetrators and followers of the Nazi regime, but also in relation to the elder generation of Holocaust survivors. The article demonstrates how the history of Jewish life in the Federal Republic may not be seen exclusively in terms of the history of religion, for it must also be conceived in terms of the history of migration, social history and the history of mentalities…”
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“Westmount’s Sinai”: Projecting a Jewish Landscape onto Montreal through Fiction
Published 2021-05-01“…Ces similitudes sont particulièrement probantes lorsque nous considérons les expériences très différentes de Cohen et Rosenfarb de vivre leur judéité — l’un un juif nanti élevé à Westmount et l’autre une survivante de l’Holocauste.…”
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Historical Memory in Post-communist Europe and the Rule of Law: An Introduction
Published 2020-07-01“…It does so by first outlining the trajectory of memory governance in Western Europe, which has focused on the Holocaust as a foundational European narrative. It then outlines the tensions emerging between this account and the historical specificities of post-communist States which experienced different forms of totalitarianism. …”
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Movements between languages and histories in the autobiographies of Vladimir Nabokov, Georges Perec and Patrick Chamoiseau
Published 2014“…His autobiography engages with a family history of displacement and movement between religious affiliations, countries, alphabets and languages, triggered by multiple waves of anti-Semitism, culminating with his mother's death in the Holocaust. Chamoiseau explores the ambivalent cultural and linguistic affiliations produced by a post- or neo-colonial childhood in Martinique. …”
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The postmodern city
Published 1996“…</p> <p>Part III connects architecture and narrative through examples of recent developments in Postmodern museology, mainly the Holocaust Museum. They construe historical narratives by endowing building and contents with a communicative function.…”
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Euripides' Trojan women
Published 2005“…Chapter Four addresses productions of the play affected by delayed responses to the Holocaust. Chapter Five features performances in the 1990s that respond to crises of civil conflict and genocide.…”
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Attachment trauma and role of secure base in selected literary works of black women writers
Published 2018“…Most research in the field of trauma studies has been limited to the sufferings of Whites, focusing predominantly on the agonies of Holocaust victims and repercussions of military operations on war veterans. …”
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Książka obrazkowa jako przekład intersemiotyczny – "Król Maciuś Pierwszy" w obrazach Iwony Chmielewskiej
Published 2022-12-01“…Last but not least, the articles focuses on interdiscursivity to inquire how the societal and institutional context as well as the discourse of memory surrounding Janusz Korczak’s death in the Holocaust affect the meaning and where and how they ‘place’ the author and his child hero. …”
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