From Local Community to Glocal Network: Place, Memory, and Identity Politics among the “Jews of Trikala” and Their Diaspora (Greece)
Published 2019-11-01“…From the research we can assume that the Holocaust resulted in the extermination of an important part of the Trikalan Jewish community, while post-war emigration led to its gradual social disintegration, diffusion, and integration to broader ethnoreligious and national realities. …”
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Published 2023-05-01“…Maus is the first graphic novel dealing with Holocaust theme aimed at the adult audience. According to the definition of the graphic novel, Maus is seen to share discursive mechanisms with visual narrative instruments, embedded in multimodal phenomena. …”
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The Boundaries of Religious Persecution: Refugee Law and the Limits of Permissible Restrictions on Religion
Published 2019-03-01“…International refugee law, developed largely in response to World War II and the Holocaust, attempts to balance respect for national sovereignty with humanitarian protection concerns by only applying to persons outside their country of origin. …”
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A Matter of Justice
Published 2014-03-01“…The memory of Tuskegee and the Holocaust victims, Willowbrook, and foster children with AIDS, crowds and clouds the public perception of human subject research. …”
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The origin and development of American intervention in British Palestinian policy, 1938-1947
Published 1974“…Before anyone in America knew the full dimensions of the holocaust and before victory in the war seemed in any way assured, the American Zionists illustrated their belief that "the hour of redemption would soon strike," and produced the "Biltmore" programme. …”
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The Burden of Deciding for Others
Published 2020-10-01“…Also, some studies do not allow the enrollment of incapacitated patients without surrogates, which further limits the patients’ access to emergency treatment options that are readily available to patients with surrogates.[16] I was recently involved in the care of an elderly COVID-19 patient who I learned was a Holocaust survivor. Like the estimated 3 percent of older adults in nursing homes, this patient was incapacitated and had no surrogate or appointed guardian.[17] He presented to the emergency room with respiratory failure and was immediately intubated. …”
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Time and Architecture
Published 2020-09-01“…An unmeasurable event – the pandemic – invisible, of which we do not know and cannot imagine its boundaries, another “hyper object”, as Timothy Morton could define it, like Global Warming and Nuclear Holocaust (Morton, 2013). The new scenario cannot fail to be a topic of reflection, as well as a dramatic break in the biography of the living. …”
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Should the Food and Drug Administration Limit Placebo-Controlled Trials?
Published 2022-07-01“…Throughout the 20th century there have been numerous bioethical tragedies, including but not limited to the Holocaust and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study.[3] These and other transgressions have become an impetus for establishing ethical research standards preventing human exploitation in the name of science. …”
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Should the Food and Drug Administration Limit Placebo-Controlled Trials?
Published 2022-07-01“…Throughout the 20th century there have been numerous bioethical tragedies, including but not limited to the Holocaust and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study.[3] These and other transgressions have become an impetus for establishing ethical research standards preventing human exploitation in the name of science. …”
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Interview with Arthur Caplan
Published 2017-05-01“…You probably know too that I’ve written an awful a lot about Nazi science and the Holocaust and how it shaped experimentation. Well, germline engineering, you know, when you’re starting to edit hereditary traits, it gets us back to a place where a lot of scientists said we’ll never go; we’re not going to touch the germline, which I always thought was utter bullshit, because they didn’t know how to do it, but now we do know how. …”
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Anglobalisation And The Making Of The Third World. The British Empire In India
Published 2015-11-01“…It attempts to look at assertions about the Empire’s good work in India through the prism of the research carried out by the leftwing historian Mike Davis, whose seminal 2001 study Late Victorian Holocausts. El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World launched a debate on the human costs of anglobalisation.…”
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Migration and the historical formation of Latin America in a global perspective
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Published 2020-09-01“…Entre temps, sa mère, sa sœur et son frère restent en Europe, où ils vont subir les horreurs de l’Holocauste. Au plan extérieur, celui des événements guerriers en Europe, connus tardivement en Amérique de Sud, s’oppose le plan intérieur des remords du protagoniste. …”
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Transparency and the logic of auto-immunity
Published 2011-12-01“…The threshold between the auto-immune reaction, immune deficiency and auto-immune disease, between the sacrifice who delimits and constitutes the self and the <em>holocauste du peuple en détail</em>, is the space where, constantly exposed to the risk of auto-denial, democracy lives.…”
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Le silence dans l'écriture de la Shoah. Présentation
Published 2015-11-01“…Ce qui nous permet de faire le point sur le thème de cette recherche collective : le pro-blème du silence rapporté des récits et des témoignages de l’Holocauste. Et pour ce faire, rien de mieux que de revenir sur les textes du grand trésor littéraire et anthropo-logique des auteurs et des œuvres de la Shoah en langue française.…”
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Published 2020-09-01“…Entre temps, sa mère, sa sœur et son frère restent en Europe, où ils vont subir les horreurs de l’Holocauste. Au plan extérieur, celui des événements guerriers en Europe, connus tardivement en Amérique de Sud, s’oppose le plan intérieur des remords du protagoniste. …”
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Vargas Llosa y Roncagliolo
Published 2015-12-01“…À Huamanga, ville dans laquelle Chacaltana a la prétention d’agir dans le respect de la loi, on en vient à constater que la violence va au-delà des institutions, et la seule chose que font les autorités civiles c’est de constater l’holocauste laissé par les affrontements armés. L’essai analyse le développement de la trame narrative, la pensée ancestrale des Andins, leur religiosité et leur façon de comprendre le monde réel. …”
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Inscriptions des symboles et des icônes du Troisième Reich dans Maus d’Art Spiegelman
Published 2013-01-01“…Dans Maus d’Art Spiegelman, l’auteur raconte l’histoire de son père, survivant de l’Holocauste, et incorpore pour ce faire ces signes dans la matière visuelle de son oeuvre. …”
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Creating a Compassionate World: Addressing the Conflicts Between Sharing and Caring Versus Controlling and Holding Evolved Strategies
Published 2021-02-01“…Yet, along with our potential for compassion and self-sacrifice, the last few thousand years of wars, slavery, tortures, and holocausts have shown humans can be extraordinarily selfish, callous, vicious, and cruel. …”
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Educar para la Alteridad y la Comprensión
Published 2014-07-01“…Practices such as xenophobia, apartheid, discrimination generally arise among other things, ignoring nthe other as a valid interlocutor, as a being endowed with reason and reasons for acting as he does being. Massacres, holocausts, and massive forced displacement, genocide, ethnocide present because we have not learned to live together, to live with difference, with the alter ego.…”
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