مراجعة حالات انتان الدم الفطري المكتسب في شعبة أمراض الوليد في مشفى الأسد الجامعي باللاذقية خلال الأعوام 2011-2014...
Published 2018-11-01“…The major developments in the last three decades which related to the neonatal care, led to a high rate of survival in very and extremely low birth weight infants. These developments also led to a significant increase in the incidence of AFS* (from 2.6% to 10% ). …”
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Experiencia multicéntrica colombiana durante tres años en el cierre percutáneo de la comunicación interventricular con diferentes dispositivos oclusores. Propuesta para la simplica...
Published 2010-09-01“…Moreover, its profile makes possible the use of 4 French delivery systems that would make possible the inclusion of younger infants.…”
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Типи мікроструктури щитоподібної залози при затримці внутрішньоутробного розвитку = Types of microstructure thyroid intrauterine growth retardation...
Published 2016-06-01“…Follicular colloid-type characterized by thyroid term infants, the duration of which was the greatest life. …”
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Published 2009-05-01“…Dependent variables were the infants who suffer from measles diagnosis based on symptoms of the officers and based on information from family and as an independent variable is the number of children under five, immunization coverage and coverage of vitamin A.…”
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Interactive telemedicine: effects on professional practice and health care outcomes
Published 2015“…The main TM function varied depending on clinical condition, but fell typically into one of the following six categories, with some overlap: i) monitoring of a chronic condition to detect early signs of deterioration and prompt treatment and advice, (41); ii) provision of treatment or rehabilitation (12), for example the delivery of cognitive behavioural therapy, or incontinence training; iii) education and advice for self-management (23), for example nurses delivering education to patients with diabetes or providing support to parents of very low birth weight infants or to patients with home parenteral nutrition; iv) specialist consultations for diagnosis and treatment decisions (8), v) real-time assessment of clinical status, for example post-operative assessment after minor operation or follow-up after solid organ transplantation (8) vi), screening, for angina (1).The type of data transmitted by the patient, the frequency of data transfer, (e.g. telephone, e-mail, SMS) and frequency of interactions between patient and healthcare provider varied across studies, as did the type of healthcare provider/s and healthcare system involved in delivering the intervention.We found no difference between groups for all-cause mortality for patients with heart failure (16 studies; N = 5239; RR:0.89, 95% CI 0.76 to 1.03, P = 0.12; I(2) = 44%) (moderate to high certainty of evidence) at a median of six months follow-up. …”
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Proceedings of the 2015 WAO Symposium on Food Allergy and the Microbiome
Published 2016-10-01“…Maytee Mateo, Damaris Torralba Averoff, Raysa Cruz, Yunia Oliva Diaz, Mirta Alvarez Castello, Alexander Ciria, Mary Carmen Reyes Zamora, Beatriz Tamargo, Alexis Labrada A3 Prick test and immunoallergic profile to soy allergens in Cuban population Omar Herrera, Maytee Mateo, Raysa Cruz, Mirta Alvarez Castello, Alexander Ciria, Raúl Lázaro Castro Almarales, Mary Carmen Reyes Zamora, Alexis Labrada A4 Skin sensitization and immunoallergic profile to hen's egg in Cuban population José Severino Rodríguez Canosa, Raysa Cruz, Maytee Mateo, Mirta Alvarez Castello, Alexander Ciria, Raúl Lázaro Castro Almarales, Mary Carmen Reyes Zamora, Alexis Labrada A5 Sensitization to three domestic mites in patients with adverse food events to shellfish Mirta Alvarez Castello, Raúl Lázaro Castro Almarales, Alexis Labrada, Biocen A6 Diagnostic efficacy by skin prick test with allergenic extracts of legumes in Cuban patients Yamilet Ibizate Novales, Ilonka Estruch Fajardo, Alexis Labrada, Maytee Mateo, Armando Ginard A7 Baked egg goods without wheat flour carry an increased risk of reaction Bruce Lanser, Anna Faino, Erwin Gelfand, Pia Hauk A8 Prevalence, incidence and associated risk factors of adverse reaction to food in Cuban infants - a population-based prospective study Silvia Venero Fernández, Julia Urbina, Mirta Alvarez Castello, Raúl Lázaro Castro Almarales, Ramón Suárez Medina, Hermes Fundora Hernández, John Britton, Andrew William Fogarty A9 Microbiome in ice machines and assessing the plasma nanotechnology in breaking the biofilm and improving air quality Nabarun Ghosh, Clinton Ross Bell, Chandini Revanna, Constantine Saadeh, Jeff Bennert, Danius Bouyi, Mitsy Veloz, Nelofar Sherali A10 Characteristics of patients with food allergy in health public service Magna Coelho A11 Allergic rhinitis and asthma index increased in Texas panhandle and AHPCO and plasma nanotechnology as solutions Nabarun Ghosh, Jeff Bennert, Danius Bouyi, Constantine Saadeh, Clinton Ross Bell, Mitsy Veloz, Chandini Revanna, Nelofar Sherali A12 Antigen-specific T follicular helper cells mediate peanut allergy in mice Joseph J. …”
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Upper limb pediatric fractures in 22 tertiary children's hospitals, China: a multicenter epidemiological investigation and economic factor analysis of 32,832 hospitalized children
Published 2022-06-01“…A total of 4788 were infants, 14,320 were preschoolers, 10,499 were in of primary school age, and 2832 were adolescent. …”
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AntiEpileptic drug Monitoring in PREgnancy (EMPiRE): a double-blind randomised trial on effectiveness and acceptability of monitoring strategies
Published 2018-05-01“…Future work recommendations: Further evaluation of the risks of seizure deterioration for various threshold levels of reduction in AEDs and the long-term neurodevelopment of infants born to mothers in both randomised groups is needed. …”
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Avaliação da dor em neonatologia Evaluación del dolor en neonatología Pain evaluation in neonatology
Published 2007-10-01“…CONTENTS: A widely accepted, easy to apply and uniform technique to evaluate pain in children, especially newborns and infants, that can be used in all situations does not exist. …”
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مراجعة حالات انتان الدم الفطري المكتسب في شعبة أمراض الوليد في مشفى الأسد الجامعي باللاذقية خلال الأعوام 2011-2014...
Published 2018-11-01“…The major developments in the last three decades which related to the neonatal care, led to a high rate of survival in very and extremely low birth weight infants. These developments also led to a significant increase in the incidence of AFS* (from 2.6% to 10% ). …”
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Diverse Large HIV-1 Non-subtype B Clusters Are Spreading Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Spain
Published 2019-04-01Get full text
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Bone mineral density loci specific to the skull portray potential pleiotropic effects on craniosynostosis
Published 2023-07-01Get full text
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Defining Healthy City and Its Influence on Urban Well-being
Published 2023-07-01“…This impact extends to all age groups, including infants, youth, and the elderly, making a holistic approach to urban design and public health imperative. …”
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Distribución de la caries dental en niños preescolares en una región urbana, Argentina, 1992 Distribuição de cáries dental em pré-escolares em área urbana, Argentina, 1992 Distribu...
Published 1993-12-01“…Se describen los resultados de una investigación desarollada sobre una muestra de 1.115 preescolares (5 años) de jardines de infantes de la Ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina), destinada a establecer la prevalencia y distribución de la caries dental conforme a su nivel económicosocial. …”
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Taste: The Bedrock of Flavor
Published 2014-07-01“…Salt taste liking may have an innate component but recent work also suggests that experiences with salt in human infants and children may modulate liking [4]. Salt taste is critically involved in obtaining sodium, a mineral necessary for life and one that is often in short supply in nature. …”
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