Zmiany afiliacji partyjnych w trakcie kadencji parlamentarnej a partyjne przywództwo populistyczne. Analiza porównawcza przypadków Czech, Litwy i Polski
Published 2022-12-01“… LEGISLATIVE PARTY SWITCHING AND POPULIST PARTY LEADERSHIP: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE CZECH, LITHUANIAN, AND POLISH LEGISLATURES The aim of this article is to empirically demonstrate whether parliamentary groups led by populist leaders are more likely to be affected by party switching than groups without populist leadership. …”
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The Democratizing Effects of Transjudicial Coordination
Published 2012-05-01“…While recognizing the dangers of 'le gouvernement des juges', we suggest that, at least in the short term, the expanded role of national courts can operate to enhance rather than pre-empt domestic political processes and promote accountability to diverse democratic concerns by providing opportunities for national legislatures and civil society to weigh in on matters subject to executive discretion or international regulation.…”
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La construction argumentative de l’ethos et des identités collectives dans les propositions de loi de l’Assemblée nationale française concernant les étrangers et les migrations...
Published 2018-12-01“…This study deals with a body of law proposals discussed by the French National Assembly during the 13th and 14th legislatures concerning, from different angles, “foreigners” living on French soil. …”
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The position of women in electoral process in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1990 to 2014
Published 2019-01-01“…One of the essential elements which affects the position of women in politics and the electoral process itself and gender equality, are normative provisions by which the electoral process is regulated what may be noticed at many examples in many legislatures in the area of Europe, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and other states. …”
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The French and the Italian Parliaments in EU Affairs Post-Lisbon: True Empowerment or Cosmetic Change?
Published 2017-08-01“…This article argues that, because of the new procedures provided for by the Lisbon Treaty and the direct relationship between the Commission and national parliaments, certain legislatures such as the French and Italian have become stronger in their involvement in EU affairs. …”
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Published 2015-08-01“…It is noted that courts and legislatures in those jurisdictions have moved towards pro-enforcement policy to questions of recognition and enforcement arising under Article V of the NYC. …”
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Time to Move On? The International State of Affairs with Respect to Child Relocation Law
Published 2012-01-01“…Various legal topics that have concerned legislatures are discussed. It appears that - worldwide and more specifically within Europe - great variety exists with respect to child relocation law, which leads to legal uncertainty. …”
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Debating the Conduct and Nature of Malaysian Politics: Communalism and New Media Post-March 2008
Published 2010-01-01“…By winning five state legislatures and denying the incumbent governing coalition its hitherto routine two-thirds parliamentary majority, the performance of the opposition, swayed by the contribution of the new media, raised hopes that Malaysian politics had turned a corner. …”
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Holocaust Denial as Memory Criminal Law Seen Through the Nordic Lenses
Published 2023-09-01“…The matters, such as the Holocaust, that have merited the attention of legislatures are, however, exceptional. The painful memory of the horrible events has required a profound rethinking of the basic premises of political and legal life in Europe. …”
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Multilevel Governance in Post-Transitional Justice: The Autonomous Communities of Spain
Published 2020-11-01“…Complementing, transcending and superseding the efforts at the national level, the law-making activity in AC legislatures has come in two separate and diverse waves, leading to the development of public policy and institutions dealing with the recovery of memory. …”
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Assessing Congressional Institutionalization and Political Elites’ Renewal in Latin America Through Legislative Amateurism
Published 2023-12-01“…Using a novel dataset comprising eighteen national single or lower-chamber legislatures over almost three decades, we find that legislative amateurism is a consequence of party system institutionalization, electoral volatility, and newly implemented gender quotas. …”
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Personalism or party platform? Gender quotas and women's representation under different electoral system orientations.
Published 2021-01-01“…Our analyses of 76 countries' electoral rules and legislatures show that contrary to expectations, it is in candidate-oriented systems that quotas facilitate stronger effect on women's representation. …”
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The Puzzle of Transparency Reforms in the Council of the EU
Published 2017-09-01“…My argument is based on three distinctions: the distinction between transparency (availability of information) and publicity (spread and reception of information); between transparency in process and transparency in rationale; and between plenary and committee decision-making arenas in legislatures. While national parliaments tend to have all these features, the Council of the EU only has two (transparency in process and committee decision-making). …”
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Environmental Protest and Civil Disobedience in Australia
Published 2023-08-01“…In other parts of the world, however, legislative activity has singled out the illegality involved in civil disobedience to the opposite end. Legislatures have introduced laws that radically increase penalties for existing offences involved in disruptive protest and blockades, conferred new powers on police, and created new offences for previously legal forms of protest. …”
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Endogenous Direct Democracy: The Case of Mexico
Published 2020-08-01“…Other prominent cases, such as Uruguay, suggest that DD was adopted to pursue party goals or to shape a particular government structure. Legislatures certainly provide the masses the option of engaging in DD but they do so on their own terms.…”
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Estimating Ideology of Brazilian Legislative Parties
Published 2009“…We present a new data set on the left-right placement of major Brazilian political parties serving in the first five legislatures under democracy. On the basis of survey responses of more than 850 federal legislators from 1990 to 2005, we generate party placements on an ideological scale where 1 = "left" and 10 = "right." …”
Journal article -
Professional politician profile during the dictatorship (1967-1982): social background and career analysis of the federal deputies of Arena and MDB
Published 2022-08-01“…Therefore, the biographical data of the elected/alternate members are analyzed by the subtitles created in 1965, Aliança Renovadora Nacional (Arena) and the Brazilian Democratic Movement (MDB), considering the legislatures of 1966, 1970, 1974 and 1978. In all, there are 1,703 cases that make up the database, considering 22 variables. …”
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The Essential Role of Empirical Validation in Legislative Redistricting Simulation
Published 2020-01-01“…As granular data about elections and voters become available, redistricting simulation methods are playing an increasingly important role when legislatures adopt redistricting plans and courts determine their legality. …”
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Subrepresentación política de las mujeres en México 1976-2003. Diputadas del Congreso de la Unión y del Congreso del Estado de Jalisco
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Parliament’s (lack of) agenda-setting power over the executive decision agenda: evidence from Belgium, France and Portugal
Published 2020-12-01“…Abstract One of the functions of parliamentary questions in modern legislatures is to pressure executives to pay attention to specific issues. …”
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