Moderation- mediation effects of english proficiency and willingness to communicate on the relationships between self-efficacy and communication apprehension and frequency of engli...
Published 2021“…In this design, the researcher collected data through the questionnaire and a semi-structured interview from Libyan bank’ employees using a purposive sampling strategy. …”
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The Archaeology of Zygris/Ladamantia (Marsa Bagoush): Illuminating Ancient Maritime Networks on the Egyptian Mediterranean Coast
Published 2024-06-01“…Zygris and Ladamantia are among several natural anchorages that extend along the Mediterranean coastline between Alexandria and the Libyan borders. Since 2015, the sites of Zygris and Ladamantia have been subject to an archaeological investigation conducted by the Alexandria University Centre for Maritime Archaeology and Underwater Cultural Heritage (CMAUCH), with kind support of the UK-based Honor Frost Foundation. …”
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An Econometric Study of Palm Oil Import Demand in the Middle East and North African Countries
Published 2005“…Exchange rate also proved to be an important determining factor for shaping Libyan import demand for palm oil. Demand elasticities with respect to own price, substitute price and income came out to be very high indicating its high responsiveness to changes in these variables and implying the importance of considering them in the process of formulating the marketing policies. …”
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Antibacterial activity of flavonoid extracts from Enteromorpha intestinalis and Caulerpa prolifera against multidrug resistant foodborne bacterial isolates
Published 2024-03-01“…Methods: E. intestinalis was collected from Western Libyan Coast and C. prolifera was collected from Farwa Island. …”
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Pouvoir politique et pouvoir religieux. L’exploitation de la Sanusiyya au sein de la Libye indépendante (1951-1958)
Published 2022-12-01“…Whereas in the past the success of the Sanusiyya had depended on a precise autonomy toward the imperial structure of the Ottoman and colonial empires, so that the figure of the šayḫ was functional for the preservation of the Sufi Way and the transmission of Islamic knowledge, the political legitimisation of his function, as emir and king, led to a redefinition of the whole structure of the ṭarīqa. Hence, in the Libyan case, the establishment of a nation-state, built on and legitimised by the ṭarīqa, radically changed the structure and function of a religious institution, decreeing an adaptation to a model that was no longer theocentric but theocratic. …”
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The influence of breed's difference on the hemogram and biochemistry profile of goats raised in Libya during winter
Published 2024-08-01“…There are significant differences (p < 0. 01) in hemoglobin (Hg), red blood cells (RBC), hematocrit (HCT), mean corpuscular volume (MCH), red cell width distribution-coefficient of variation (RDW-CV, %) and red cell distribution width-standard deviation (RDW-SD, fl) values among all different breeds of Libyan goats. The results of biochemistry displayed significant changes among the studied goats' breeds, where the highest serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT, U/L) activity was observed in Cyprus (17.81±7.95) and Shami (17.27±1.15) compared with Hegazi (15.31±6.13) and Mahali (14.60±0.46), while Kurdi breed (11.68±7.95) showed the lowest ALT activity. …”
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Simulation of seawater intrusion in Jifara Plain, Libya
Published 2018“…The geological, hydrogeological, and hydrological data used in the simulation processes were acquired from the Libyan General Water Authority. For the Tripoli aquifer, simulation of future management scenarios under transient state were carried out to study the impact of pumping on groundwater levels and TDS concentrations for a period of 90 years (2010-2100). …”
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Residential Satisfaction of Public Housing Dwellers in Alkish and Alzaiton, Benghazi City, Libya
Published 2000“…One of the major concerns of the Libyan Government is to provide adequate housing for its citizens. …”
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Determination of additional access door location for a traditional house in Libya to reduce evacuation time
Published 2019“…The analyzed questionnaire result indicated that larger numbers of Libyan house occupant have poor awareness of fire safety activities and limited knowledge on safe egress evacuation in case of unwanted fire eruption, despite good knowledge of fire hazards and consequences. …”
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Sociodemographic and clinical profile of immigrants hospitalized in psychiatric facilities in Tunisia
Published 2024-04-01“…All were of African origin, of whom 21.9% (n=7) had Libyan nationality, 15.6% (n=5) had Somali nationality and 12.5% (n=4) had Sudanese nationality. …”
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The Antiproliferative Effects of Flavonoid MAO Inhibitors on Prostate Cancer Cells
Published 2020-05-01Get full text
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Effects of adolescent asthma education intervention on asthma control in Northwest of Libya
Published 2020“…These results provide evidence for the effectiveness of asthma educational program to improve the level of asthma control, as well as the asthma knowledge and self-efficacy among Libyan asthmatic adolescents.…”
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In Vitro Evaluation of Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Peel Extract against Candida krusei as an alternative agent to antifungal medicines
Published 2022-02-01“…Use of CHROMagar Candida for the presumptive identification of Candida species directly from clinical specimens in resource-limited settings. Libyan J Med, 5. OTHMAN, K. I., ABDULLAH, S. M., ALI, B. & MAJID, M. 2018a. …”
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