The Ballad as an Intermedial Rhythm. The Manifestation of the Genre as the Erosion of the Socialist Realist Chronotope
Published 2017-07-01“…She drew inspiration from literary historian Štefan Krčméry and his essays on Slovak folk songs, especially ballads. …”
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Voltaire and Clio : from history to story
Published 1999“…<p>This thesis proposes to examine Voltaire as 'literary' historian and to compare the theory and practice of his histories with those of contemporary historiographers and historians. …”
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Küsimus „vene mõjust” Friedebert Tuglase artiklis „Valeri Brjussov”. The Question of Russian Influence on Friedebert Tuglas’ article ”Valeri Brjussov”
Published 2008-12-01“…Friedebert Tuglas, leader of the Young Estonia movement, and recognized prose writer, critic, and literary historian, was significantly engaged with this question. …”
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The Shibboleth of Socialist Realism (Applying the Technical Term in Reflection of Literature Written in the First Half of the 1970s)
Published 2016-03-01“…Little of what has been preserved to date (from the reader´s or literary historian´s point of view) can be labelled as Socialist Realism. …”
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Re-visioning silk through Amami Ōshima = 「奄美大島を通して見た絹の再考
Published 2021“…This project is a collaboration between a historian of science (Lisa Onaga), a design historian (Laura Forlano), a textile artist (Galina Mihaleva), and a literary historian (Anne McKnight). It takes its inspiration from pattern books in fabric stores. …”
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I. Prijatelj in A. Nowaczyński: informativno-kreativna funkcija prevoda (Wildovi aforizmi prek polščine v slovenščino) / I Prijatelj i A Nowaczyński: informacyjno-kreatywna funkcja...
Published 2016-12-01“…Nowaczyński: the informative and the corrective function of translation (Wilde’s aphorisms rendered into Slovene via Polish) The Slavic scholar Ivan Prijatelj (1875—1937), who received his university education in Vienna and was a contemporary and collaborator of the group of Slovene writers known as the »Slovene Modernists« (slovenska moderna), established himself primarily as an influential literary historian. Apart from that, he developed his interests in literature as an essayist and translator, being eager to become familiar with important authors and literary currents, especially modern European ones, and to make them accessible to Slovene readers. …”
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“When there is no agreement between friends” A. S. Pushkin, N. V. Gogol, S. S. Uvarov
Published 2019-07-01“…Distorted ideas about Pushkin’s important views as a theorist and literary historian were also subjected to fundamental revisions. …”
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Victor Sosnora’s Siberian Poetry Tours (1960s)
Published 2022-06-01“…Among them was the critic and literary historian E.G. Rappoport who happened to meet Sosnora in Leningrad earlier than others. …”
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Published 2009-01-01“…In “Ogledalo književne poviesti jugoslavjanske na podučavanje mladeži” (book II, 1869) Šime Ljubić, Croatian literary historian, considers Croatian authors from the area of west Hungary and Lower Austria, today Burgenland-Croatian area, as kajkavian writers and calls them “literature written in the kajkavian dialect”. …”
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Ärkamisaeg, Noor-Eesti ja miski nende vahel. Eesti kirjandusloo küsimusi Juhan Kunderi näitel / National Awakening , Young Estonia and Something In Between. Problems of Estonian...
Published 2013-12-01“…As a critic, magazine editor and literary historian, his most important contribution to literary history was in the development of literary thought. …”
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Approaches and Methods of Periodization in Literary History
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Dvě lekce studia literatury aneb o pomalosti // Two Lessons in Literary Studies, or on the Slowness
Published 2018-08-01“…Drawing on the considerations of Karlheinz Stierle, who claims that one of the key tasks in thinking about literature is to oppose the technical totality of modernity and its repressive mechanisms with the substantiality of the slow and the already past, this study aims — in the reading of Franz Kafka, for example, by German thinker, literary theorist and critic Walter Benjamin, and that of Karel Čapek by Czech literary historian and critic Jiří Opelík — to present a form of thinking about literature and its studies that would belong in some ways to the ‘slow reading culture’. …”
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Approaches and Methods of Periodization in Literary History
Published 2013-10-01“…Seeking literary autonomous history, some literary historians accept dominant norms a base of periodization. …”
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Approaches and Methods of Periodization in Literary History
Published 2013-11-01“…Seeking literary autonomous history, some literary historians accept dominant norms a base of periodization. …”
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A Journey with experiences of a lifetime. The adventures of Gyula Germanus in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1902
Published 2023-11-01“…He was an Arabist, teacher, professor, writer, traveller, literary historian as well MP in Hungary (1958-1966) and member of many academies abroad. …”
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Published 2012-01-01“…Literary historian Petar Kolendić (1882–1969) published two tributes to Šimun Kožičić: Zadranin Šimun Kožičić i njegova štamparija na Reci (Šimun Kožičić from Zadar and his Printing House in Rijeka) and Najstariji naš bukvar (Our Oldest Elementary Reader). …”
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Pojem secese v české literární vědě
Published 2023-02-01“…In the second part, we introduce the basic approaches to the term Art Nouveau, which numerous literary historians have applied in their works in many variations over the years. …”
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Some types of introductory formulas in Greek klephtic (heroic) epic
Published 2013-01-01“…The introduction outlines the historical development of this category of folk songs, based on occasionally opposing views of literary historians and scholars concerned with the study of Greek folklore. …”
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Jubileusz dwudziestopięciolecia pracy literackiej Henryka Sienkiewicza. Wybór korespondencji (część I)
Published 2021-12-01“…Among the authors of these letters, one can identify artists, editors, or literary historians (Jan Styka, Julian Ochorowicz, Jan Piński, and Zygmunt Sarnecki, among others). …”
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Chaucer - a medieval writer?
Published 1993-12-01“…For literary historians with only few exceptions (e.g . J.W. …”
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