Erakusten 101 - 107 emaitzak -- 107 bilaketa honetara '"manga"', Bilaketaren denbora: 0,10s Findu emaitzak
  1. 101

    Khemah mangsa banjir patuh syariah nork Yahya, Mohd Shahir, Mohamad, Mahmod Abd Hakim, Kamaruddin, Syamsul Azrin, Mohd Nadzri, Muhammad Haziq Khairunnas, Razali, Nur Afiq, Mohd Suhaimin, Muhammad Syamil Hakim

    Argitaratua 2020
    “...Projek yang dijalankan ini merujuk kepada segala permasalahan yang wujud di kalangan mangsa–manga banjir sendiri. Kumpulan sasaran adalah mangsa banjir yang berada di negeri yang sering mengalami banjir seperti di Kelantan, Terengganu, Johor dan Pahang. ...”
    Testu osoa
    Book Section
  2. 102

    Automated image generation nork Leong, Alex Kah Wai

    Argitaratua 2022
    “...In this project, we will be exploring Pix2Pix image-to-image translation abilities to generate facial images of Japanese Manga / Anime characters given a user sketch as its input, images of Asian faces given an artist sketch as its input and vice versa to serve as alternative ways to generate character design concept arts which can serve as inspirational and motivating ideas for the movie and animation directors of a small company. ...”
    Testu osoa
    Final Year Project (FYP)
  3. 103

    Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship (ENT300) Business Plan : Washoku Café / Muhammad Shazrul Hafizam Moestaffa nork Moestaffa, Muhammad Shazrul Hafizam

    Argitaratua 2020
    “...Normally, today people being influence the Japanese Culture by the anime and manga fandom. At our Café, they will be able to experience the food same shows in Anime in order to satisfy their wants. ...”
    Testu osoa
    Entrepreneurship Project
  4. 104

    Computational design tools for cartooning nork Pradeep Kumar Jayaraman

    Argitaratua 2017
    “...We demonstrate various styles of shading effects including 3D-like soft shading and 2D manga style shading on a number of line drawings. ...”
    Testu osoa
  5. 105

    The fourteenth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First spectroscopic data from the extended Baryon Oscillation Sky Survey and from the second phase of the Apache Point... nork Abolfathi, B, Aguado, DS, Aguilar, G, Prieto, CA, Almeida, A, Ananna, TT, Anders, F, Anderson, SF, Andrews, BH, Anguiano, B, Aragon-Salamanca, A, Argudo-Fernandez, M, Armengaud, E, Ata, M, Aubourg, E, Avila-Reese, V, Badenes, C, Bailey, S, Balland, C, Barger, KA, Barrera-Ballesteros, J, Bartosz, C, Bastien, F, Bates, D, Baumgarten, F, Bautista, J, Beaton, R, Beers, TC, Belfiore, F, Bender, CF, Bernardi, M, Bershady, MA, Beutler, F, Bird, JC, Bizyaev, D, Blanc, GA, Blanton, MR, Blomqvist, M, Bolton, AS, Boquien, M, Borissova, J, Bovy, J, Diaz, CAB, Brandt, WN, Brinkmann, J, Brownstein, JR, Bundy, K, Burgasser, AJ, Burtin, E, Busca, NG, Canas, CI, Cano-Diaz, M, Cappellari, M, Carrera, R, Casey, AR, Sodi, BC, Chen, Y, Cherinka, B, Chiappini, C, Choi, PD, Chojnowski, D, Chuang, C-H, Chung, H, Clerc, N, Cohen, RE, Comerford, JM, Comparat, J, do Nascimento, JC, da Costa, L, Cousinou, M-C, Covey, K, Crane, JD, Cruz-Gonzalez, I, Cunha, K, Ilha, GDS, Damke, GJ, Darling, J, Jr, DJW, Dawson, K, de Icaza Lizaola, MAC, de la Macorra, A, de la Torre, S, de Lee, N, de Sainte Agathe, V, Machado, AD, Dell'Agli, F, Delubac, T, Diamond-Stanic, AM, Donor, J, Downes, JJ, Drory, N, Bourboux, HDMD, Duckworth, CJ, Dwelly, T, Dyer, J, Ebelke, G, Eigenbrot, AD, Eisenstein, DJ, Elsworth, YP, Emsellem, E, Eracleous, M, Erfanianfar, G, Escoffier, S, Fan, X, Alvar, EF, Fernandez-Trincado, JG, Cirolini, RF, Feuillet, D, Finoguenov, A, Fleming, SW, Font-Ribera, A, Freischlad, G, Frinchaboy, P, Fu, H, Chew, YG, Galbany, L, Perez, AEG, Garcia-Dias, R, Garcia-Hernandez, DA, LA Garma Oehmichen, Gaulme, P, Gelfand, J, Gil-Marin, H, Gillespie, BA, Goddard, D, Hernandez, JI, Gonzalez-Perez, V, Grabowski, K, Green, PJ, Grier, CJ, Gueguen, A, Guo, H, Guy, J, Hagen, A, Hall, P, Harding, P, Hasselquist, S, Hawley, S, Hayes, CR, Hearty, F, Hekker, S, Hernandez, J, Toledo, HH, Hogg, DW, Holley-Bockelmann, K, Holtzman, JA, Hou, J, Hsieh, B-C, Hunt, JAS, Hutchinson, TA, Hwang, HS, Angel, CE, Johnson, JA, Jones, A, Jonsson, H, Jullo, E, Khan, FS, Kinemuchi, K, Kirkby, D, Kirkpatrick, CC, Kitaura, F-S, Knapp, GR, Kneib, J-P, Kollmeier, JA, Lacerna, I, Lane, RR, Lang, D, Law, DR, Le Goff, J-M, Lee, Y-B, Li, H, Li, C, Lian, J, Liang, Y, Lima, M, Lin, L, Long, D, Lucatello, S, Lundgren, B, Mackereth, JT, MacLeod, CL, Mahadevan, S, Maia, MAG, Majewski, S, Maraston, C, Mariappan, V, Marques-Chaves, R, Masseron, T, Masters, KL, McDermid, RM, McGreer, ID, Melendez, M, Meneses-Goytia, S, Merloni, A, Merrifield, MR, Meszaros, S, Meza, A, Minchev, I, Minniti, D, Mueller, E-M, Muller-Sanchez, F, Muna, D, Munoz, RR, Myers, AD, Nair, P, Nandra, K, Ness, M, Newman, JA, Nichol, RC, Nidever, DL, Nitschelm, C, Noterdaeme, P, O'Connell, J, Oelkers, RJ, Oravetz, A, Oravetz, D, Ortiz, EA, Osorio, Y, Pace, Z, Padilla, N, Palanque-Delabrouille, N, Palicio, PA, Pan, H-A, Pan, K, Parikh, T, Paris, I, Park, C, Peirani, S, Pellejero-Ibanez, M, Penny, S, Percival, WJ, Perez-Fournon, I, Petitjean, P, Pieri, MM, Pinsonneault, M, Pisani, A, Prada, F, Prakash, A, de Andrade Queiroz, AB, Raddick, MJ, Raichoor, A, Rembold, SB, Richstein, H, Riffel, RA, Rix, H-W, Robin, AC, Torres, SR, Roman-Zuniga, C, Ross, AJ, Rossi, G, Ruan, J, Ruggeri, R, Ruiz, J, Salvato, M, Sanchez, AG, Sanchez, SF, Almeida, JS, Sanchez-Gallego, JR, Rojas, FA, Santiago, BX, Schiavon, RP, Schimoia, JS, Schlafly, E, Schlegel, D, Schneider, DP, Schuster, WJ, Schwope, A, Seo, H-J, Serenelli, A, Shen, S, Shen, Y, Shetrone, M, Shull, M, Aguirre, VS, Simon, JD, Skrutskie, M, Slosar, A, Smethurst, R, Smith, V, Sobeck, J, Somers, G, Souter, BJ, Souto, D, Spindler, A, Stark, DV, Stassun, K, Steinmetz, M, Stello, D, Storchi-Bergmann, T, Streblyanska, A, Stringfellow, GS, Suarez, G, Sun, J, Szigeti, L, Taghizadeh-Popp, M, Talbot, MS, Tang, B, Tao, C, Tayar, J, Tembe, M, Teske, J, Thakar, AR, Thomas, D, Tissera, P, Tojeiro, R, Tremonti, C, Troup, NW, Urry, M, Valenzuela, O, Van den Bosch, R, Vargas-Gonzalez, J, Vargas-Magana, M, Vazquez, JA, Villanova, S, Vogt, N, Wake, D, Wang, Y, Weaver, BA, Weijmans, A-M, Weinberg, DH, Westfall, KB, Whelan, DG, Wilcots, E, Wild, V, Williams, RA, Wilson, J, Wood-Vasey, WM, Wylezalek, D, Xiao, T, Yan, R, Yang, M, Ybarra, JE, Yeche, C, Zakamska, N, Zamora, O, Zarrouk, P, Zasowski, G, Zhang, K, Zhao, C, Zhao, G-B, Zheng, Z, Zheng, Z, Zhou, Z-M, Zhu, G, Zinn, JC, Zou, H

    Argitaratua 2018
    “...New in DR14 is the first public release of data from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey; the first data from the second phase of the Apache Point Observatory (APO) Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE-2), including stellar parameter estimates from an innovative data-driven machine-learning algorithm known as "The Cannon"; and almost twice as many data cubes from the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO (MaNGA) survey as were in the previous release (N = 2812 in total). ...”
    Journal article
  6. 106

    Evolution of barred galaxies and associated structures nork Kruk, S

    Argitaratua 2018
    “...I investigate the asymmetries in the kinematics of a subsample of such galaxies using data from the MaNGA survey, and find that the perturbations in the haloes are ~ 6% for both galaxies with off-centre and centred bars. ...”
  7. 107

    Report on proposed interior design scheme of Cosplay Boutique for GempakStarz Sdn Bhd at Lot OB3.LG2.1 Blue Atrium, No.3 Jalan PJS 11/15, Bandar Sunway,46150 Petaling Jaya, Selango... nork Idzahar, Muhamed Fareez

    Argitaratua 2011
    “...The target market are citizen around Selangor and also the tourist especially that loves mangas. Besides that, target market also can be any College or University students that involved in the cosplay events that often organized by many College or University. ...”
    Testu osoa
    Student Project