The relationship between alcohol abuse and homicides in the sample of convicted offenders in Belgrade
Published 2022-01-01“…The second part of the article is an empirical analysis of a sample of 84 final court cases of the High Court in Belgrade, involving 105 victims, with the total 95 persons convicted of homicide, aggravated homicide or manslaughter. In addition to determining the prevalence of alcohol abuse in the sample, the authors also analyse the significance of the presence of alcohol in different homicide classifications. …”
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Marginal Structural Models to Estimate Causal Effects of Right-to-Carry Laws on Crime
Published 2022-12-01“…RTC laws significantly increase murder and manslaughter, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny theft and motor vehicle theft rates. …”
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The Criminalisation of Women in Joint Enterprise Cases: Exposing the Limits to ‘Serving’ Girls and Women Justice
Published 2023-12-01“…Over three-quarters of the women were convicted of murder or manslaughter. Yet, in no cases was evidence presented that the girl or woman used a deadly weapon. …”
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Tendencies in medical negligence, with special reference to Hungary
Published 2019-01-01“…In the UK, many lawyers and physicians have protested against the legal practice of gross negligence manslaughter, an effort which may also serve as an example for other countries. …”
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The role of spirituality and religion for those bereaved due to a traumatic death
Published 2011“…Our findings are based on narrative interviews with 40 people bereaved through murder, manslaughter, car crash, train accident, fire, bomb explosion, industrial explosion, or pedestrian incident. …”
Journal article -
The Aggravation of Blood Money of Homicide in Mecca Shrine with a View to Slamic Penal Code 2013
Published 2015-12-01“…Another point is that mentioned aggravation is only in felony on life and there is no difference among intentional, quasi - intentional and manslaughter in this case. It should be considered that there isnât consensus on mentioned generality but it is based on trustworthy fame among slamic jurists and therefore the legislator has insisted on it in article 555.…”
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Euthanasia and Assisted Death
Published 2016-12-01“…Ending a human life by themselves or others is not acceptable from the perspective of Islam because of extreme dignity of manslaughter and importance of the self-preservation. …”
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Quantifying Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Human Deaths to Guide Energy Policy
Published 2023-08-01“…If warming reaches or exceeds 2 °C this century, mainly richer humans will be responsible for killing roughly 1 billion mainly poorer humans through anthropogenic global warming, which is comparable with involuntary or negligent manslaughter. On this basis, relatively aggressive energy policies are summarized that would enable immediate and substantive decreases in carbon emissions. …”
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A reflection on the validity of imprisonment and temporary detention as a safeguarding and precautionary action in the Islamic jurisprudence
Published 2014-06-01“…Concerning the charges of assault and battery, authors in agree with shahid avval and mohaggeg-e-sabzevari, believe that the accused can be arrested temporarily, and in their view, the proofs of some who donât agree with temporary detention is imperfect in proving their claims, and criticize them and in addition to proofs of who agree with being permissible, they bring about more documentary evidences, too. On the charge of manslaughter, they forbid temporary detention. And eventually, on the charge of criminal act in divine rights, in addition to lacking of reasons for legitimacy of temporary detention, they provide the evidences indicating it is not to be allowed.…”
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Mens rea of Murder in the Islamic Penal Code (2012)
Published 2015-12-01“…Actually, the difference of murder and involuntary manslaughter is mens rea which has different components including general ill will (intention of behavior or the purpose of action) and particular ill will (intention of the result or purpose of the result). …”
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Learning to think-with: Feminist Epistemology and the Practice-based Medical Humanities
Published 2018-09-01“…This paper begins at the place of practice, immersed in the messy real-life clinical setting, with the tensions, errors and affects that suffuse healthcare and its delivery, using the recent case of Hadiza Bawa-Garba’s conviction for manslaughter and lifetime ban from the medical profession, after the death of Jack Adcock, a 6-year-old boy in her care, in 2011. …”
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Korporatiewe Identiteit as die Basis van Strafregtelike Aanspreeklikheid van Regspersone (2): Die Praktyk
Published 2011-05-01“…This approach is often regarded as the most sophisticated and comprehensive model for corporate criminal liability. The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act of the United Kingdom of 2007 provides that a jury may take into consideration the extent to which the evidence shows that there were attitudes, policies, systems or accepted practices within an organisation that were likely to have encouraged failure to comply with health and safety legislation. …”
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Acquired immunedeficiency syndrome in forensic autopsies
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“Surgically created” excision of the back mimicking homicide: report of an unusual case
Published 2015-05-01“…Consequently, the manner of death was ultimately certified as an involuntary manslaughter. Our case has clearly illustrated that even highly suspicious and atypically shaped wounds created by sharp-edged instruments with localization in non-accessible body areas does not exclusively indicate homicidal activity, hence, the accidental, suicidal or even iatrogenic origin of the wounding mechanism must be taken into consideration.…”
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مفهوم الحِرابة وضوابِطُها دراسة بين النص القرآني والتراث الفقهي
Published 2015-10-01“…Based on the Qur'anic verses the study has shown that the concept of banditry is broader than high robbery or manslaughter. It includes other acts like drugs dealing, promotion of immorality, targeting individuals or the state by extra-constitutional means and laws, or terrorizing citizens; as all that is considered violation of the teachings of the tolerant Shari‘a, which came to achieve the purposes of security and human well-being in this life and the Hereafter. …”
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Mercy killing in contemporary criminal law
Published 2020-01-01“…The Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia envisages three types of murder (Art. 113-115 CC): a) 'common' murder, punishable by a term of 5-15 years' imprisonment; b) "privileged" murder in a heat of passion (manslaughter) punishable by a term of up to 8 years' imprisonment; and c) aggravated ("qualified") murder punishable by a term of at least 10 years or 30-40 years' imprisonment. …”
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Euthanasia According to Islamic Jurisprudence and Legal System
Published 2013-02-01“…The present research after dealing with semantics of graceful killing tries to survey this act from Islamic Jurisprudences point of view.METHODS: Inquiry in religious Islamic scholars and jurists texts, books and traditions as well as opinions, judgments and speeches, working methods of jurisprudence and legal basis was in the phenomenon of euthanasia.FINDINGS: From all Islamic Jurisprudences view imposable statement Pityingly killing is sanctity according to evidence of sanctity of manslaughter. But, Jurisconsults have different ideas about its situational judgment. …”
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How law developed by different judicial system - a comparison study between the English and Malaysian legal system with particular reference on defense of provocation / Hanizah As...
Published 2009“…Provocation is recognised under the common law system (United Kingdom) whereby if it successfully pleaded, the crime of murder will be mitigated to manslaughter and the death penalty will be replaced with a lesser punishment which usually will be imprisonment for a period that shall be determined at the discretion of the court. …”
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Student Project -
A Comparative Study of Alternative Systems of Compensation for Physical Damages in Iranian and English Laws
Published 2020-03-01“…In Iranian law, for determination of the responsibility of "treasury" in cases such as manslaughter or error of judges, mainly the attention is paid to the origin of the damage. …”
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Gerar (e gerir) expectativas: novas áreas de pesquisa nos estudos da ciência e da tecnologia │ Making (and managing) expectations: new areas of research in science and technology s...
Published 2014-12-01“…To do so, the author uses an ensemble of work from the sociology of expectations to offer a different reading of the prosecution of six scientists and a government official in Italy, found guilty of involuntary manslaughter after an earthquake left over 300 victims in L’Aquila. …”
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