An archaeobotanical study of the prehistoric lakeshore settlement sequence at Ploča Mičov Grad, Lake Ohrid, North Macedonia
Published 2024“…A Middle Neolithic (c. 5790-5722 to 5755-5714 cal BCE) phase of occupation is among the oldest evidence for Neolithic activity in the Lake Ohrid basin, while a later Bronze Age (c. 1878-1688 cal BCE) phase relates to material culture recovered from the lakebed during the archaeological excavations and deriving from largely eroded cultural layers. …”
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Absolute chronology and stratigraphy of Lepenski Vir
Published 2007-01-01“…There have been suggestions that these features also contain Early Neolithic Starčevo type pottery and other similar items of material culture and should thus be dated to the Early Neolithic historical context. …”
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Genealogia feminina: diálogo silencioso entre gerações - Female genealogy: silent dialogue between generations
Published 2014-05-01“…It considers memory both as a discourse and as a presence in objects and material culture. An object stored and gifted from generation to generation, to be used by the women of a same family at the time of childbirth is analyzed. …”
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Unikaalne ja universaalne nukuteatrikunstis / Unique and universal in the art of puppetry
Published 2017-06-01“…Puppetry as the “laboratory” of material culture studies. 3. Puppet thinking is a discursive methodological platform for discussing the topics of philosophy of mind. …”
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O ensino secundário no império e na primeira república no Brasil: entre as ciências e as humanidades. O caso do Liceu de Humanidades de Campos/RJ (1880-1930) - The secondary teachi...
Published 2011-03-01“…</p> <p>Keywords: secondary teaching; scholastic material culture; practises; curricular organization.</p> <p> </p> <p>LA ENSEÑANZA SECUNDARIA DURANTE EL IMPÉRIO Y LA PRIMERA REPÚBLICA EN BRASIL: ENTRE LAS CIENCIAS Y LAS HUMANIDADES. …”
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The Anglo-Saxon burial sites of the upper Thames region, and their bearing on the history of Wessex, circa AD 400-700
Published 1977“…In the seventh century the Upper Thames shares the uniform material culture associated with 'Final Phase 1 or 'Proto-Christian' cemeteries.…”
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Le sanctuaire romain du Vigneau à Pussigny (Indre-et-Loire) : un lieu de mémoire, de vie et d’accueil
Published 2023-08-01“…In this case, the sanctuary embodies a memorial dimension, all the more so as it was founded in the Augustan period, on what was to be a high-place for the community.The clues concerning the deity to which the sanctuary was dedicated are meagre: no ex voto, no representations, no material culture correlated to the cult... The numerous pits are more or less rich in faunal remains. …”
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Une pompe hydraulique romaine en bois en contexte d’incendie à Reims/Durocortorum
Published 2023-12-01“…Only a small artisanal space dedicated to metalworking (copper alloys) has been identified in this area. Material culture waste also abounds in the sector, though no workshop has been identified. …”
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Off-site embankments to protect fields from the growth of peatlands in the Valli Grandi Veronesi Meridionali (Italy) during Middle and Recent Bronze Age
Published 2016-12-01“…It allowed for the first time to present aspects of material culture (pottery facies), belonging to the first large RBA settlement of CdT, surrounded by the embanked. …”
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From the stage to the street: theatre music and the broadside ballad in London, 1797-1844
Published 2019“…</p> <p>Though tens of thousands of broadsides have been preserved in collections, the broadside tradition has proven a complicated one to study, as it has many components: it is material culture, poetry, visual art, and of course music. …”
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Bioavailable Strontium, Human Paleogeography, and Migrations in the Southern Andes: A Machine Learning and GIS Approach
Published 2021-03-01“…The combination of a geologically and ecologically diverse landscape provides an exceptional context to explore the potential of strontium isotopes to track the movements of people and the conveyance of material culture. Here we develop an isotopic landscape of bioavailable strontium (87Sr/86Sr) that is applied to reconstruct human paleogeography across time in the southern Andes of Argentina and Chile (31°–34°S). …”
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Genomic and dietary discontinuities during the Mesolithic and Neolithic in Sicily
Published 2022-05-01“…The genetic discontinuities during the Mesolithic and Early Neolithic match the changes in material culture and diet. Three outlying individuals dated to ∼8,000 yBP; however, suggest that hunter-gatherers interacted with incoming farmers at Grotta dell’Uzzo, resulting in a mixed economy and diet for a brief interlude at the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition.…”
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<b>Uses of heritage, social action and tourism: towards a needed consensus</b> - doi: 10.4025/dialogos.v12i1.34 Usos del patrimonio, acción social y turismo: hacia un n...
Published 2010-05-01“…Nevertheless, the key to good heritage management consists precisely of finding plausible solutions to this dilemma; to overcome this contradiction and come free of the shackles of material culture. The challenge is, if anything, more demanding in current times in rapidly developing countries, as the more usual and expansive form of giving use to cultural heritage resources is through tourism. …”
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À propos des foyers protohistoriques à pierres chauffantes en Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
Published 2022-02-01“…Current data from carbon-14 dating and material culture analysis demonstrates that the oldest hearths studied in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur are dated between the 12th c. and the 11th c. …”
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Adaptation and feasibility pilot of an evidence-based parenting intervention within the Thai public health system to prevent violence against young children
Published 2020“…Recommendations concerned programme language of delivery; reflection of local family demographics and material culture; emphasis on positive parent-child relationship building; encouragement of child participation; removal of time-out and inclusion of child development and self-discipline content; provision of ‘mini-scripts’ as a programme method; weekend programme delivery; utilisation of health workers as facilitators and recruiters; use of inclusive recruitment approaches and incentives to encourage participation; establishment of local primary care centres as programme venues; and adoption of top-down policy implementation, cross-sectoral partnerships, and model delivery centres as scale-up strategies. …”
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Reflection of Linguistic Elements of Popular Culture of Iran and Pakistan in the Poetry of Simin Behbahani and Parveen Shakir
Published 2023-08-01“…(Velayati, 2010: 19) From the point of view of some researchers, culture is divided into two main parts: material and immaterial (spiritual), and from another point of view, some researchers have divided culture into the official culture and popular culture. material culture, tangible cultural elements; Such as architecture, it includes clothes, tools, etc., and non-material or spiritual culture includes the intangible parts of culture; It refers to beliefs and beliefs, proverbs and allusions, stories and legends, etc. …”
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Regional Patterns of Late Medieval and Early Modern European Building Activity Revealed by Felling Dates
Published 2022-01-01Get full text
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За „приятелите на Сократ“ и прабългарите при Балчик (по повод една рецензия)
Published 2019-11-01“…Vazharova: the migration of population from one place to another and the preservation of its material culture on the new territories“. Here the audience is facing the question: since obviously E. …”
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Ancestral Tourism: A Novel Market of Isfahan Tourism
Published 2023-06-01“…My own island home: The Orkney homecoming. Journal of Material Culture, 9(1), 27-42.- Basu, P. (2005). “Roots Tourism as Return Movement: Semantics and the Scottish Diaspora.” …”
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