Published 2013-07-01“…De esa manera, decía, la Edad Media, después de una secular calma es sacudida por la crisis del Renacimiento, el cual comienza a cuestionar las bases mismas de la sociedad medieval. En lenguaje sociológico actual podemos traducir esa idea saintsimoniana diciendo que la crisis es el momento o la época en la cual los valores vigentes y generalmente aceptados de la sociedad, son cuestionados y sustituidos en forma parcial o total. …”
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Le médiévalisme entre hypnose numérique et conservatisme rétro
Published 2010-11-01“…This paper examines the importance of medievalism in the resistance against backlash. Medievalism prevents fantasy in spite of its conservative touch of “retrolution” from becoming a New Age ineffective phenomenon. …”
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Políticas da temporalização: medievalismo e orientalismo na América do Sul do século XIX
Published 2022-07-01“…Politics of temporalization: medievalism and orientalism in nineteenth-century South America. …”
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Ménestrel. Médiévistes sur l'internet: sources travaux références en ligne
Published 2004-12-01“…Médiévistes sur l'internet: sources travaux références en ligne <http://web.ccr.jussieu.fr/urfist/mediev.htm>…”
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Afterword: Whatever Happened to the Sagas?
Published 2019-12-01“… ABSTRACT: The author, who has himself written novels inspired by the Middle Ages, discusses the development of medievalism in Icelandic literature since Halldór Laxness’s Gerpla (1952)—with a particular eye on novels composed since 2000. …”
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Hasselhoff, Görge K. i Fidora, Alexander (eds.) (2017). Ramon Martí’s «Pugio fidei»: Studies and texts
Published 2018-10-01“…Exemplaria Scholastica, Textos i estudis medievals, 8, 268 p. ISBN 978-84-947566-1-0…”
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The fantasy of reunion: the rise and fall of the Association for the Promotion of the Unity of Christendom
Published 2007“…The principal motivation behind the venture was a Romantic medievalism inspired by the lay Roman Catholic Ambrose Phillips de Lisle and the Anglican ritualistic priest, Frederick George Lee. …”
Journal article -
Cólera e ingenio en "Enrique Fi de Oliva"
Published 2010-12-01“…Este artículo analiza la personalidad un tanto extrema de éste, quien sufre frecuentes y abruptos cambios de humor que lo convierten en uno de los más agresivos y creativos, alocados y desaforados héroes caballerescos de la literatura hispánica medieval…”
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To gaze or not to gaze: The nineteenth-century Der arme Heinrich from Volksbuch to Dante Gabriel Rossetti's ‘Miracle Rhyme’
Published 2019“…Hartmann von Aue's twelfth-century Der arme Heinrich was the subject of a nineteenth-century Volksbuch tradition inspired by the nationally focused medievalism of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. The Volksbücher adaptations published by Gustav Schwab, Karl Simrock, and Gotthard Oswald Marbach responded to and criticized one another through text and image, focusing on the figure of a naked teenager, watched covertly by her future husband. …”
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Insular sources and analogues of the otherworld in the middle english Sir Orfeo
Published 2018-01-01“… The Middle English Sir Orfeo presents a medievalized version of the classical myth of Orpheus that shows the influence of Celtic lore. …”
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Lo romántico y el romanticismo en Schlengel, Hegel y Heine. Un debate de cultura política sobre el arte y su tiempo.
Published 2009-12-01“…Romanticism, well characterized by Heine`s “Romantic School,” is the conversion of this Romantic aesthethic into a medievalizing and conservative ideology in the context of a political culture hostile to German Enlightenment, which was criticized by Heine for historical, political and social reasons, and by Hegel for philosophical reasons. …”
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Dystopias and Historiographical Objects: The Strange Case of The Middle Ages
Published 2021-04-01“…To verify this theoretical assumption, the article elaborates on two key research tools that Umberto Eco has employed throughout his life and that permeated his overall work, i.e. the categories of use and interpretation, and applies them to the treatment of the Middle Ages as a historiographical object, to show how medievalism can be an interpretive tool that allows understanding the contemporary age and its hermeneutic and ideological distortions, its fears, its media representations.…”
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Images beyond language?: The anachronism in Foucault’s hipotesis of the “decay of gothic symbolism” in History of Madness
Published 2019-10-01“…This becomes clear when Foucault differentiates two types of “experiences” of madness in the frontier between Medievalism and Renaissance: a tragic experience of madness, which reigns on the pictorial arts by Bosch and Bruegel, opposed to a critical experience, majorly expressed in comical and moral literary texts by Brant and Erasmus. …”
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Medievalist forgery? Editions, adaptations, and translations of Kudrun in the nineteenth century
Published 2024“…This ‘terms of art’ essay considers whether, and how far, the term forgery can usefully be applied to the study of translations and adaptations in the context of Anglo-German nineteenth-century medievalism, with a particular focus on the reception of the thirteenth-century epic, Kudrun. …”
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El bordell dels prohoms. El control municipal de la prostitució al Castelló del segle XV
Published 2005-06-01“…Anuario de Estudios Medievales…”
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Rumph, Stephen. 2004. Beethoven After Napoleon: Political Romanticism in the Late Works. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Published 2004-04-01“…Most importantly, several schol-ars have given unprecedented critical attention to the neglected group of compositions that Beethoven composed in the reactionary political climate of the Congress of Vienna-the notorious Wellingtons Sieg foremost among them. 1 With Stephen Rumph's splendid new book, this revisionist sensibil-ity has finally blossomed into a thesis: Beethoven's late music, argues Rumph, partakes of the counterrevolutionary politics, nostalgic medievalism, and anti-Enlightenment attitudes of German "political Romanticism." …”
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Un terrain d’expérimentation au long cours : Robert Lafont et la Revue des langues romanes
Published 2020-06-01“…The inventory and periodization of his collaborations allow us to sketch a portrait, the time having passed, of an original personality, between medievalism, linguistics, Occitan literary history and cultural anthropology.…”
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The role of eclecticism in the introduction of modern philosophy in eighteenth century New Spain
Published 2014-06-01“…It deals especially with Juan Benito Díaz de Gamarra y Dávalos, an author who is usually associated with the Mexican Enlightenment and understood as opposed to the Jesuits, condemned for their traditionalism and medievalism. I argue that the process of introducing modern philosophy in New Spain started with the 1750’s Mexican Jesuit generation and was followed by a second generation–represented mainly by Gamarra and Alzate–after the expulsion of the Society of Jesus in 1767.…”
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