Showing 3,261 - 3,280 results of 3,348 for search '"moss"', query time: 0.14s Refine Results
  1. 3261

    Calcareous Tufa: Deposition and Erosion during Geological Times by Giandomenico Fubelli, Francesco Dramis

    Published 2023-03-01
    “…At emergence, because of the higher surface temperatures, running water turbulence, photosynthetic activity of mosses and algae, and evaporation of spray droplets, the groundwater loses CO<sub>2</sub>, becoming oversaturated with CaCO<sub>3</sub> and causing tufa deposition, even at a great distance from the spring. …”
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  2. 3262

    Metal Ions, Element Speciation Forms Retained on Wet Chitin: Quantitative Aspects of Adsorption and Implications for Biomonitoring and Environmental Technology by Stefan Fränzle

    Published 2023-07-01
    “…Analyses of mosses and lichens provide some information on the contents of both particulate and dissolved (from hydrometeors including snow and flooding) metal ions and other elements like As and Sb in the local environment. …”
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  3. 3263

    Verità della physis e menzogna sociale: Doktor Glas, un Übermensch fallito? by Viviana Santovito

    Published 2022-09-01
    “…L’articolo prende in esame due testi nietzschiani finora poco messi in relazione con l’opera söderberghiana, Über Wahrheit und Lüge im außermoralischen Sinne e Die fröhliche Wissenschaft, evidenziando gli influssi che il pensiero del filosofo tedesco ha esercitato sulla concezione del Doktor Glas. L’analisi prende le mosse dai concetti di menzogna e conoscenza così come formulati in Über Wahrheit und Lüge im außermoralischen Sinne e dal concetto di “morte di Dio”, identificando in quest’ultimo il crollo della metafisica nel pensiero filosofico europeo a partire dalla rivoluzione copernicana. …”
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  4. 3264

    From sink to resurgence: the buffering capacity of a cave system in the Tongass national forest, USA by Melissa R. Hendrickson, Chris Groves

    Published 2011-09-01
    “…The dominant plants of the muskeg ecosystem are Sphagnum mosses, whose decomposition leads to highly acidic waters with pH as low as 2.4. …”
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  5. 3265

    A novel phylogeny and morphological reconstruction of the PIN genes and first phylogeny of the ACC-oxidases (ACOs) by Ronald Matthew Clouse, Nicola eCarraro

    Published 2014-06-01
    “…ACO genes appear to have diversified mostly since the dicot-monocot split, as most genes cluster into a small number of monocot and dicot clades when the tree is rooted by genes from mosses. Gymnosperm ACOs were recovered as closely related and derived.…”
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  6. 3266

    “Great Flood-Gates of the Wonder World”: Baptisms of Water and Fire in Melville and Hawthorne by Ariel Clark Silver

    “…In “Hawthorne and His Mosses,” Melville writes that “it is hard to be finite upon an infinite subject, and all subjects are infinite” (1170). …”
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  7. 3267

    L’occhio di una connoisseur: il collezionismo secondo Jayne Wrightsman/ A connoisseur's eye: art collecting according to Jayne Wrightsman by Ludovico Baldelli

    Published 2022-12-01
    “…Tuttavia, se molto si conosce della sua collezione e delle sue attività filantropiche, poco o nulla si sa del percorso che l’ha portata a sviluppare delle precise conoscenze in ambito storico-artistico. Prendendo le mosse dallo spoglio dell’inedita corrispondenza che la collezionista scambia con lo storico dell’arte Bernard Berenson tra il 1955 e il 1959, il presente contributo si propone di ricostruire le principali tappe che hanno scandito la formazione storico-artistica di Jayne Wrightsman, in modo da poter conferire tratti più nitidi al percorso che l’ha portata ad affermarsi nel panorama culturale e artistico statunitense.    …”
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  8. 3268


    Published 2021-01-01
    “…Questo contributo prende le mosse da un’indagine finalizzata ad esplorare le pratiche di glottodidattica a distanza attivate da un campione di oltre 1.500 insegnanti di lingue e tutor dell’apprendimento durante il primo periodo dell’emergenza da COVID-19. …”
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  9. 3269

    Natura, politica e nobiltà nelle città italiane del tardo medioevo. Il 'Tractatus de dignitatibus' di Bartolo da Sassoferrato e le sue eccezioni by Federico Del Tredici

    Published 2020-03-01
    “…Il contributo prova a rispondere a questa domanda prendendo le mosse dal cosiddetto trattato sulla nobiltà di Bartolo di Sassoferrato (Tractatus de dignitatibus) per secoli dotato di larghissima popolarità in tutta Europa. …”
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  10. 3270
  11. 3271

    Multiscale mapping of plant functional groups and plant traits in the High Arctic using field spectroscopy, UAV imagery and Sentinel-2A data by Thomson, ER, Spiegel, MP, Althuizen, IHJ, Bass, P, Chen, S, Chmurzynski, A, Halbritter, AH, Henn, JJ, Jonsdottir, IS, Klanderud, K, Li, Y, Maitner, BS, Michaletz, ST, Niittynen, P, Roos, RE, Telford, RJ, Enquist, BJ, Vandvik, V, Macias-Fauria, M, Malhi, Y

    Published 2021
    “…At the UAV level, we were able to map three plant functional groups (mosses, graminoids and dwarf shrubs) at 72% accuracy and generate maps of plant chemistry. …”
    Journal article
  12. 3272

    Soil moisture dynamics under two rainfall frequency treatments drive early spring CO2 gas exchange of lichen-dominated biocrusts in central Spain by Selina Baldauf, Mónica Ladrón de Guevara, Fernando T. Maestre, Britta Tietjen

    Published 2018-11-01
    “…Background Biocrusts, communities dominated by mosses, lichens, cyanobacteria, and other microorganisms, largely affect the carbon cycle of drylands. …”
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  13. 3273

    Fire severity as a key determinant of aboveground and belowground biological community recovery in managed even‐aged boreal forests by Leticia Pérez‐Izquierdo, Jan Bengtsson, Karina E. Clemmensen, Gustaf Granath, Michael J. Gundale, Theresa S. Ibáñez, Björn D. Lindahl, Joachim Strengbom, Astrid Taylor, Maria Viketoft, David A. Wardle, Marie‐Charlotte Nilsson

    Published 2023-05-01
    “…Severe fires that killed overstory Pinus sylvestris promoted a successional stage dominated by the mosses Ceratodon purpureus and Polytrichum juniperinum, but reduced regeneration of tree seedlings and disfavored the ericaceous dwarf‐shrub Vaccinium vitis‐idaea and the grass Deschampsia flexuosa. …”
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  14. 3274

    Using Ex Situ Seedling Baiting to Capture Seedling-Associated Mycorrhizal Fungi in Medicinal Orchid <i>Dendrobium officinale</i> by Yi-Hua Wu, De-Yun Chen, Xin-Ju Wang, Neng-Qi Li, Jiang-Yun Gao

    Published 2022-09-01
    “…We collected substrates (e.g., litters, barks and mosses) from six original habitats of <i>D. officinale</i> in different geographical locations in China, and then, transplanted in vitro-produced seedlings of <i>D. officinale</i> into the substrates. …”
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  15. 3275

    Long-term snow alters the sensitivity of nonstructural carbohydrates of Syntrichia caninervis to snow cover: Based on a 7-year experiment by Shujun Zhang, Shujun Zhang, Qing Zhang, Ziyi Liu, Sulayman Mamtimin, Xiaobing Zhou, Benfeng Yin, Yuanming Zhang

    Published 2022-10-01
    “…However, there is a lack of understanding of how desert mosses respond to long-term snow cover change at the NSC level. …”
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  16. 3276

    Multicore Study of Upper Holocene Mire Development in West-Frisia, Northern Netherlands: Ecological and Archaeological Aspects by Bas van Geel, Otto Brinkkemper, Guido B.A. van Reenen, Nathalie N.L. Van der Putten, Jasmijn E. Sybenga, Carla Soonius, Annemieke M. Kooijman, Tom Hakbijl, William D. Gosling

    Published 2020-05-01
    “…Pollen, spores, non-pollen palynomorphs, mosses, other botanical macrofossils and insect remains were recorded for reconstructions of changing environmental conditions. …”
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  17. 3277

    Phytocenotic and inventory indication of bog pine forests in the Ob’-Tom’ interfluves by S. P. Efremov, Т. Т. Efremova, А. V. Pimenov, Т. S. Sedel’nikova

    Published 2022-10-01
    “…R. Buck et Vitt tows mosses. Taking into account these and a number of other factors, the trend of ambiguous settlement of self-sowing and pine Pinus L. undergrowth under the canopy of «mother» forest stands is estimated. …”
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  18. 3278

    Negative impact of freeze–thaw cycles on the survival of tardigrades by Krzysztof Zawierucha, Matteo Vecchi, Nozomu Takeuchi, Masato Ono, Sara Calhim

    Published 2023-10-01
    “…We used 12 populations of tardigrades, representing different families within order Parachela, inhabiting different ecosystems (glaciers, snow, terrestrial, aquatic), found in various substrates (mosses, sediments in lakes, cryoconite on glaciers, and snow), and originating from different latitudes and altitudes. …”
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  19. 3279

    Dew formation on the surface of biological soil crusts in central European sand ecosystems by T. Fischer, M. Veste, O. Bens, R. F. Hüttl

    Published 2012-11-01
    “…Despite higher amounts of dew, the water availability to the crust community decreases with crust development, which may be compensated by ecophysiological adaptation of crust organisms, and which may further suppress higher vegetation or mosses.…”
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  20. 3280