Nuclear Energy Development in Bangladesh: A Study of Opportunities and Challenges
Published 2018-06-01“…What are the strategies for nuclear waste disposal? Whether the recent initiatives for nuclear energy production is necessary or the country should more concern with renewable sources? …”
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Encyclopedia of applied physics /
Published 2004“…Mossbauer effect to nuclear structure -- v. 12. Nuclear waste management to optics, underwater -- v. 13. …”
Partial Redesign of an Accelerator Driven System Target for Optimizing the Heat Removal and Minimizing the Pressure Drops
Published 2018-08-01“…Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS) seem to be a good solution for safe nuclear waste transmutation. One of the most important challenges for this kind of machine is the target design, particularly for what concerning the target cooling system. …”
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External force estimation for robotic manipulator base on particle swarm optimization
Published 2021-12-01“…The safe disposal of nuclear waste in radioactive environment urgently needs cost-effective approaches. …”
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A Review of the Effect of Irradiation on the Corrosion of Copper-Coated Used Fuel Containers
Published 2021-11-01Get full text
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A TOPSIS and AHP with Spherical Fuzzy Approach for Optimal Selection of Pervious Geopolymer Mix for Heavy Metal Removal
Published 2022-09-01“…Numerous applications of geopolymer have been reported in various studies, for example, in the construction and building sector, nuclear waste management, and wastewater treatment industry. …”
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Genomics of extreme environments: unveiling the secrets of survival
Published 2023-12-01“…Abstract Life on Earth has displayed remarkable adaptability to the harshest environments, spanning polar regions, scorching deserts, abyssal oceans, lightless caves, noxious lakes, boiling hot springs, and nuclear waste sites. These resilient organisms, known as extremophiles or polyextremophiles, owe their survival due to their unique genetic adaptations. …”
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Cross-national data sample on the environmental affection and cognition of adolescent students of varying interests in ecosystem services and sustainability
Published 2019-02-01“…The underlying source is the 2015 publicly released student questionnaire data file of the “Programme for International Student assessment (PISA)” (OECD, 2016) , which was used in the studies “Interest in the biosphere and students’ environmental awareness and optimism: A global perspective” (Niankara and Zoungrana, 2018) and “Scientific media dieting and students’ awareness and expectations about the environmental issues of deforestation and species extinction in the middle east and north America: An integrated cross cultural ecologic-economic analysis” (Niankara, 2018).By providing information on 7 major environmental issues (including deforestation, species extinction, air pollution, water shortage, greenhouse gas emission, genetically modified organism, and nuclear waste) in contemporary societies, for 18,7821 students from 50 countries worldwide, this data provides a unique opportunity to investigate various aspects of the world youth population׳s contribution to national sustainability and disease prevention initiatives.…”
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A comparative review of the aqueous corrosion of glasses, crystalline ceramics, and metals
Published 2018-05-01“…The corrosion of silicate glasses, crystalline ceramics, and metals, particularly as related to nuclear waste forms, has received a lot of attention. …”
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Learning argumentation through role-playing: should we install a nuclear deposit?
Published 2020-11-01“…This paper analyses the argumentative operations performed by pre-service teachers during a role play about setting down a nuclear waste deposit. The types of knowledge used for constructing their arguments when they try to reach a final agreement are also studied. …”
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Design and R&D Progress of China Lead-Based Reactor for ADS Research Facility
Published 2016-03-01“…In 2011, the Chinese Academy of Sciences launched an engineering project to develop an accelerator-driven subcritical system (ADS) for nuclear waste transmutation. The China Lead-based Reactor (CLEAR), proposed by the Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, was selected as the reference reactor for ADS development, as well as for the technology development of the Generation IV lead-cooled fast reactor. …”
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Swelling behavior of unsaturated claystone/ bentonite mixtures
Published 2020-01-01“…The French reference concept for the disposal of nuclear waste in deep sedimentary rock formations envisages the reemployment of excavated material as backfill material, which is installed in situ by means of conventional compaction techniques. …”
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Severe accident related activities of the research center Jülich/Germany
Published 2020-01-01“…In Germany, the Helmholtz Association’s program NUSAFE (Nuclear Waste Management, Safety and Radiation Research) tackles the scientific challenges for the safety of nuclear reactors in the key areas of design basis (DBA) and beyond design basis accidents (BDBA). …”
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Partitioning and transmutation strategy R&D for nuclear spent fuel: the SACSESS and GENIORS projects
Published 2020-01-01“…However, it does not fix the sensitive issue of the long-term management of the high active nuclear waste (HAW). Indeed, only the recovery and the transmutation of the minor actinides can reduce this burden down to a few hundreds of years. …”
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Solvent extraction of trivalent europium and americium into nitrobenzene by using hydrogen dicarbollylcobaltate and tetraisopropyl[oxybis(2,1-ethanediyliminocarbonyl)]-bisphosphora...
Published 2018-01-01“…From the experimental results, it is obvious that this effective ligand L for the Eu3+ and Am3+ could be considered as a potential extraction agent for nuclear waste treatment.…”
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New composite material based on heavy concrete reinforced by basalt-boron fiber for radioactive waste management
Published 2019-01-01“…This fiber reinforced concrete material incorporates basalt-boron fiber, with different concentrations of boron oxide in fiber, and is applicable to nuclear energy and nuclear waste management. The methodology for production of boron oxide (B2O3) infused basalt fiber has been developed. …”
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The response of Opalinus Clay when exposed to cyclic relative humidity variations
Published 2017-03-01“…Opalinus Clay, a clay shale chosen as host rock for nuclear waste disposal in Switzerland, was utilized. …”
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Estimates for the local permeability of the Cobourg limestone
Published 2018-12-01“…Argillaceous limestone formations are being proposed as sites suitable for constructing a deep geologic repository for storing low-to intermediate-level nuclear waste in southern Ontario, Canada. The Cobourg limestone is characterized by a visual appearance of heterogeneity resulting from light gray calcite nodular regions interspersed with dark gray calcite-dolomite-quartz partings containing a clay component. …”
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