Social media content analysis "Study on brand posts of electronics companies"
Published 2017“…Most importantly, in measuring social networking site's effectiveness, corporate houses are now analyzing metrics interms of calculating engagement rate, number of comments/share and likings infanpages. …”
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Efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on refractory epilepsy in Malaysia
Published 2016“…Three patients achieved >50% seizure reduction at 8 weeks post-treatment, with 2 of them had improvement in the number of IED. All of the responders had FCD. The responders were younger (mean 24.7 vs. 38.3 years old), had shorter duration of illness (mean 15.7 vs. 30.5 years) and had less frequent seizure frequency prior to treatment (mean 5.5 vs. 10.8 attacks per week), as compared to the non-responders. …”
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Implementation of the islamic quality management system MS1900 and its benefits: A case study at the department of Hajj, Waqf and Zakah, Malaysia
Published 2016“…MS 1900 has attracted considerable attention from Malaysian organizations but only a number of empirical studies have analysed the process of its implementation. …”
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Expectant mothers' readiness to initiate preventive oral health care for their children
Published 2016“…Overall readiness significantly differed based on maternal age and number of children (p = 0.001 and p = 0.04, respectively). …”
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A lateral flow immunosensor for direct, sensitive, and highly selective detection of hemoglobin A1c in whole blood
Published 2016“…We utilized colloidal gold-functionalized antibodies to transduce the specific signal generated when sandwich immuno-complexes were formed on the strip in the presence of HbA1c. The number and intensity of the test lines on the strips indicate normal, under control, and elevated levels of HbA1c. …”
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Job satisfaction of Malaysian registered nurses: A qualitative study
Published 2016“…Method: A convenient sample of 46 Malaysian nurses recruited from a large hospital (number of beds = 895) participated in the study. A total of seven focus group discussions were conducted with nurses from surgical, medical and critical care wards. …”
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Microbiota associated with Bactrocera carambolae and B. dorsalis (Insecta: Tephritidae) revealed by next-generation sequencing of 16S rRNA gene
Published 2017“…For conspecific samples of B. carambolae and B. dorsalis, those from Batu Pahat had higher number of bacterial families, genera and species than those from the University of Malaya. …”
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Microbial Community Composition Reveals Spatial Variation and Distinctive Core Microbiome of the Weaver Ant Oecophylla smaragdina in Malaysia
Published 2018“…Despite playing important roles in pest management, information about the microbiota of O. smaragdina is limited. In this work, a number of O. smaragdina colonies (n = 12) from Malaysia had been studied on their microbiome profile using Illumina 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. …”
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Genomic insight into pathogenicity of dematiaceous fungusCorynespora cassiicola
Published 2017“…Comparative analysis result shows that UM 591 possesses higher number of carbohydrate esterases family 10 (CE10) CAZymes compared to other species of fungi in this study, and these enzymes hydrolyses wide range of carbohydrate and non-carbohydrate substrates. …”
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Triglyceride to HDL-C Ratio is Associated with Insulin Resistance in Overweight and Obese Children
Published 2017“…Increasing tertiles of TG:HDL-C ratio showed significant increase in mean insulin level (p = 0.03), HOMA-IR (p = 0.04) and significantly higher number of children with acanthosis nigricans and metabolic syndrome. …”
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Experimental investigation on the use of reduced graphene oxide and its hybrid complexes in improving closed conduit turbulent forced convective heat transfer
Published 2015“…The enhancement was more pronounced at the entrance of the heating section as well as at high Reynolds number (Re), paving opportunities for further investigation to gain in-depth understanding on the mechanisms involved. …”
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Effects of nonionic micelles on the rate of alkaline hydrolysis of N-(2'-methoxyphenyl)phthalimide (1): kinetic and rheometric evidence for a transition from spherical to rodlike m...
Published 2011“…[C(m)E(n)](T) where m and n represent the respective number of methyl/methylene units in the tail and polyoxyethylene units in the headgroup of a surfactant molecule and m/n=16/20, 12/23 and 18/20) at constant 2% v/v CH(3)CN and 1.0 mM NaOH. …”
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Multi-criteria analysis for OS-EMR software selection problem: A comparative study
Published 2015“…Abstract Various software packages offer a large number of customizable features to meet the specific needs of organizations. …”
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Draft genome of neurotropic nematode parasite Angiostrongylus cantonensis, causative agent of human eosinophilic meningitis
Published 2015“…Mb, with 17,280 genomic scaffolds, 91X coverage, 81.45% for complete and 93.95% for partial score based on CEGMA analysis of genome completeness. The number of predicted genes of ≥300. bp was 17,482. …”
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Computer-aided diagnosis of Myocardial Infarction using ultrasound images with DWT, GLCM and HOS methods: A comparative study
Published 2015“…The extracted features are ranked based on t-value and fed to the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier to obtain the best performance using minimum number of features. The features extracted from DWT coefficients obtained an accuracy of 99.5%, sensitivity of 99.75% and specificity of 99.25%; GLCM have achieved an accuracy of 85.75%, sensitivity of 90.25% and specificity of 81.25%; and HOS obtained an accuracy of 93.0%, sensitivity of 94.75% and specificity of 91.25%. …”
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Chemical characterization and bioactivity of Trichosanthes dioica edible shoot extract
Published 2018“…Antioxidant capacity was analyzed by a number of in vitro assays. Quantification of bioactive polyphenols was done by HPLC. …”
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Home-Based Transabdominal Interferential Electrical Stimulation for Six Months Improves Paediatric Slow Transit Constipation (STC)
Published 2017“…Defecation frequency increased in 57/62 (91%, mean ± SEM pre- 1.49 ± 0.20 vs. post- 3.25 ± 0.25 defecation/week, p < 0.0001) with the number with ≥3BA increasing from 6 to 37 (10–59%). …”
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Flow pattern analysis in type B aortic dissection patients after stent-grafting repair: Comparison between complete and incomplete false lumen thrombosis
Published 2018“…Blood flow inside the false lumen which affected thrombus formation increased with the number of re-entry tears and when only small amounts of blood that entered the false lumen exited through the branches. …”
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Screening and characterisation of two strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from aquaculture and water environment
Published 2018“…Methodology and results: In this study, the bacteria were screened from water, sediment and fish from rivers and aquaculture farms around Kuching, Sarawak. A total number of 38 presumptive P. aeruginosa were isolated using CHROMagarTM Pseudomonas and subjected to a series of biochemical tests. …”
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Actual safety performance of the Malaysian offshore oil platforms: Correlations between the leading and lagging indicators
Published 2018“…Method: In this study, participating industrial practitioners rated the compliance status of each indicator using a numbering system adapted from the traffic light system, based on the actual performance of 10 oil platforms in Malaysia. …”