Encouraging learning how to fish: An uphill but worthwhile battle
Published 2001“…However, the views given in the form of written comments, following their positive responses, were somewhat contradictory. A large number of students (38 and 40) faced difficulties in getting involved in discussions during the PBL tutorial and a majority (73 and 82) preferred the normal subject-based tutorials. …”
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Reconfiguration distribution network with multiple distributed generation operation types using simplified artificial bees colony
Published 2012“…The connection of high capacity and excess number of DG units to electrical power system will lead to very high power losses. …”
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A review of oxalate poisoning in domestic animals: tolerance and performance aspects
Published 2014“…Oxalic acid is one of a number of anti-nutrients found in forage. It can bind with dietary calcium (Ca) or magnesium (Mg) to form insoluble Ca or Mg oxalate, which then may lead to low serum Ca or Mg levels as well as to renal failure because of precipitation of these salts in the kidneys. …”
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Effectiveness of vehicle weight enforcement in a developing country using weigh-in-motion sorting system considering vehicle by-pass and enforcement capability
Published 2013“…Data collected from the developed system is used to explore the effectiveness of using WIM system in terms of generating more accurate data for enforcement purposes and at the same time improving safety and reducing the number of vehicle weight violations on the roads. …”
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The impact of pharmacist intervention on the use of activated vitamin D in a tertiary referral hospital in Malaysia
Published 2009“…As a result of the intervention, the number of patients on activated vitamin D decreased from 4095 to 2338, which led to a significant reduction in expenditure from RM798 400.60 (US 221,777.90) to RM397 783.80 (110,495.50) (P = 0.002). …”
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Review on gas-liquid mixing analysis in multiscale stirred vessel using CFD
Published 2012“…However, it suffers from some inherent shortcomings that stemmed from the assumption of isotropy of turbulence and homogenous mixing, which is suitable for very high Reynolds number in unbaffled stirred vessels. In CFD simulations for gas-liquid systems in stirred vessels, bubble size distribution is the most important parameter; hence, different techniques for formulation of bubble size equations have been investigated. …”
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CoryneBase: corynebacterium genomic resources and analysis tools at your fingertips
Published 2014“…Corynebacteria are used for a wide variety of industrial purposes but some species are associated with human diseases. With increasing number of corynebacterial genomes having been sequenced, comparative analysis of these strains may provide better understanding of their biology, phylogeny, virulence and taxonomy that may lead to the discoveries of beneficial industrial strains or contribute to better management of diseases. …”
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Influence of object location in different FOVs on trabecular bone microstructure measurements of human mandible: a cone beam CT study
Published 2014“…Image analysis software (CTAn software v. 1.1; SkyScan, Kontich, Belgium) was used to assess the trabecular bone microstructural parameters (thickness, Tb.Th; spacing, Tb.Sp; number, Tb.N; bone volume density, BV/TV). All measurements were taken twice by one trained observer. …”
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Relationships between crown size and aboveground biomass of oil palms: An evaluation of allometric models
Published 2016“…The mean of various variables such as height (stem, total and height difference), biomass (crown, trunk and total), dbh (inner and outer) and number of petiole leaf were calculated based on 32 independent sample plots (N = 222 palms) across various age stages from 2 to 24 years. …”
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In-ovo injection of tongkat ali (Eurycoma longifolia) extract on the pre-hatch development of chicken embryo
Published 2015“…At 88 to 96 hours of incubation, the 0.1 mg/ 100g egg TA injection (38 somites) significantly reduced the number of somite in the embryo as compared to that in the control (42 somites). …”
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Academic Exercise -
Abundance, diversity, and dietary preferences of opisthobranchs in reefs around Kota Kinabalu
Published 2015“…Statistical analysis using the Mann-Whitney test showed a significant difference (p=0.043) in the diversity of the number of species between protected and unprotected areas at P<0.05. …”
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Academic Exercise -
Mammal species richness and community composition across a gradient of habitat disturbance in Kalabakan forest reserve, Sabah, Malaysia
Published 2015“…However, based on extrapolated data, the number of mammal species appeared to be the highest at sampling site in Maliau. …”
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Academic Exercise -
Unrecorded alcohol and alcohol-related harm in rural Sabah, Malaysia: a socio-economically deprived region with expensive beer and cheap local spirits
Published 2016“…Participants were asked about each type and amount of drink consumed; price paid, whether tax was paid, number of days sick in the last year and whether they had experienced various health problems. …”
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Effects of coloured feed on growth and survival in giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii larva
Published 2015“…In phase 1, behavioral response tests, yellow and blue custards were dropped into the middle of the tank 15-20cm from the edge of the tank wall where the larvae gathered in the absence of aeration. The number of larvae attracted and accepted blue custard was higher than that of yellow custard. …”
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Academic Exercise -
An establishment of the role of private and public sector interests in the context of tourism transport planning and development: the case of Malaysia
Published 2010“…This has proved to be extremely optimistic, with only a small number of tourism businesses actually joining in the decision-making processes of the direction for tourism development. …”
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The impact of work stress towards job performance among managers in private sectors in Kota Kinabalu Sabah
Published 2008“…The test conducted had Indicate that: I) there is a significant relationship between the sources of work stress towards work stress; II) there Is a significant relationship between sources of work stress and job performance; iii) there is a significant relationship between the impact of work stress and job performance; Iv) gender is not a significant moderating variable between sources of work stress and work stress; v) feelings and behaviour is not a significant mediating variable between sources of work stress and job performance. A number of research limitations are identified and suggestions for future research are proposed.…”
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Thesis -
Quantitative real-time PCR for determination of Transgene in Callus of Jatropha curcas
Published 2014“…Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) was carried out to demonstrate the integration and copy number of the 35S promoter in the putative tranformants. …”
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The relationship between success of ISO 9000 implementation and organizational commitment : a case study at Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Published 2006“…A purposive sampling technique was utilized in the selection of the samples for the study. The total number of respondents' in this study was 152 employees from various level in UMS (academic and non academic staff), of which 86 of respondents' were males and 66 females. …”
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Thesis -
Evaluation of microbial contamination on contact lenses among university students
Published 2014“…Microbial keratitis is affecting approximately 4 to 5 per 10,000 contact lens wearers worldwide and the severity of the disease depends on the type of microbial species contaminating the contact lens. As the number of contact lens wearer increases globally, including Malaysia, in the past ten years, there is a need to identify the type of microbial species that contaminates contact lenses among Malaysians, especially among college students. …”
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