Low blood lead concentrations and cognitive development of primary school children from three areas in Malaysia
Published 2011“…However, for the suburban children, the cognitive score were significantly influenced by the blood lead levels, the mothers’ education, number of siblings, sequence in the family and the household income (p < 0.001). …”
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Effect of different maturation diets on reproductive performance of the broodstock of purple mangrove crab, Scylla tranquebarica
Published 2017“…Broodstock fed FA+D diet had the highest hatching rate, number of larvae produced and significantly higher zoea II survival compared to FCon and NF groups (P<0.05). …”
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Occurrence of harmful Algae bloom (HAB) and effects of aquaculture activity that causes HAB in Sg.Serusup, Tuaran
Published 2006“…On weekly sampling method, the density of these HAB species showed significant changes with depth (p< 0.05).The number of HAB species decreases when it gets deeper. …”
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Academic Exercise -
Secondary school students' energy literacy: effect of gender and school location
Published 2012“…An informed, energy-literate public is more likely to be engaged in the decision making process, and will be better equipped to make thoughtful, responsible energyrelated decisions, choices, and actions. Unfortunately, a number of studies have shown that people are generally ill-prepared to actively contribute to solving our energy problems, largely because they lack energy-related knowledge and awareness. …”
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A biointegrated system for improving production efficiency of water recirculating aquaculture
Published 2010“…It was found that the increased plant number per area in the SPU compensated for the non-ideal effiCiency. …”
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Research Report -
Enhancing knowledge management by developing an automated document Labelling based on concepts aggregation using Hac technique
Published 2011“…Normally, the assumed number of clusters may be unreliable since the nature of the grouping structures among the data is unknown before processing and thus the partitioning methods would not predict the structures of the data very well. …”
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Research Report -
Coliform Bacteria Contamination in Chlorine-treated Swimming Pool Sports Complex
Published 2018“…The amount of free chlorine content in the swimming pool were also analyzed using HACH Spectrophotometer in order to relate the reactions of the supplied free chlorine towards the number of the microbial colonies inside the swimming pool. …”
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Rhetorical stages and linguistic resources in the writing of research methods: a genre-based study of TESL research articles
Published 2009“…The project is of considerable significance and relevance to a large number of university students and academicians in the field of TESL as it has yielded important findings on how the Method/s sections of research reports can be appropriately written to meet the expectations of various members of an academic research community, including dissertation examiners, reviewers, and supervisors. …”
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Research Report -
Willingness and Perceived Barriers towards Organ Donation among Student Nurses in Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Published 2018“…Conclusion: There is a gap in commitment towards organ donation associated with a number of perceived barriers among student nurses in UMS. …”
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Coliform Bacteria Contamination in Chlorine-treated Swimming Pool Sports Complex
Published 2018“…The amount of free chlorine content in the swimming pool were also analyzed using HACH Spectrophotometer in order to relate the reactions of the supplied free chlorine towards the number of the microbial colonies inside the swimming pool. …”
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In vitro Multiple Shoot Regeneration from Stem Explant of Commercially Important Medicinal Herb Labisia pumila var. pumila
Published 2018“…All treatments responded well on rooting formation, but treatment with 2.5µM of NAA promoted the highest number of roots per explant (6.7 ± 1.2). The rooted plantlets were acclimatized successfully on peat moss or soil media with a survival rate of 70%- 90%. …”
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Paleo-Tsunami deposits investigation for tsunami hazard assessment in east Sabah
Published 2015“…While this study did not identify tsunami deposit, it does not mean that tsunami waves never occurred in Eastern Sabah. The limited number of trenches dug in selected accessible areas may have missed tsunami deposit. …”
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Research Report -
Demuse: Releasing Stress Using Music Mobile Application
Published 2018“…At explore phase, a number of existing applications have been compared. …”
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Article -
Effects of fertilizers on growth and leaf nutrient content of clonal oil palm seedlings
Published 2019“…Caonal oil palm offers the potential for greater productivity because it is possible to establish uniform tree stands comprising identical copies (clones) of a limited number of highly productive oil palms. There is limited information on the most suitable fertilizer type, method and rates of application for these clonal seedlings. …”
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Thesis -
Profiling users' behavior, and identifying important features of review 'helpfulness'
Published 2020“…The overall results show that the most significant features of review helpfulness are average user helpfulness, number of user reviews, average business helpfulness, and review length. …”
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Article -
COVID-19: Need of the hour to revisit asymptomatic prevalence of coronavirus pandemic
Published 2020“…The exponential increase in number shows that COVID-19 spreads faster compared to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). …”
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Article -
Effective catalytic deoxygenation of palm fatty acid distillate for green diesel production under hydrogen-free atmosphere over bimetallic catalyst CoMo supported on activated carb...
Published 2020“…Based on the study results, bimetallic catalyst Co10Mo10/AC formulation exhibited excellent catalytic performance with 92% hydrocarbon components (C8-C20) yield and 89% selectivity for n-(C15 + C17) with a total acid number of 24 mg KOH mg−1 . Based on a comparison study with various supports (AC, γ-Al2O3, TiO2), the AC-supported CoMo catalyst showed higher deoxygenation activity than both Co10Mo10/γ-Al2O3 and Co10Mo10/TiO2 owing to the super acid-base sites as a result of synergism between the CoMo and AC support. …”
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Article -
An effective hybrid local search approach for the post enrolment course timetabling problem
Published 2020“…PE-CTT is known as an NP-hard problem that focuses on finding an efficient allocation of courses onto a finite number of time slots and rooms. It is one of the most challenging resources allocation problems faced by universities around the world. …”
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Article -
The Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Organisational Culture on Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Innovation
Published 2020“…However, there exists a very limited number of studies regarding the impact of innovation on organisational culture and entrepreneurial orientation in manufacturing firms in Pakistan. …”
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Article -
Pilot study for the modelling of congestion pricing in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Published 2020“…It is found that the number of people who willing to shift to public transport is parallel with the congestion charge amount. …”
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