Productivity and economic feasibility of stacked aquaponics
Published 2012“…Even so, SPU accommodated 108% more plant in an area of land when compared with the conventional planting unit and the increased plant number per area in the SPU compensated for the non-ideal biomass gain. …”
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Thesis -
Identifying predominant intelligence among preuniversity students of Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Published 2021“…Future research would include more language skills to be examined in a bigger number of students.…”
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Proceedings -
Towards enhancing power system protection in distribution systems with distributed generation: a graph theory-based systematic relay placement approach
Published 2024“…The key constraints for relay placement, including islanding operation, relay coordination, and load priorities, are considered to minimize the number of power outages and increase overall system reliability. …”
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Oscillatory free convection about a sphere in a porous medium
Published 2012“…In addition, the steady stream function also depends on the Rayleigh number, Ra. The boundary condition near the outer edge of the inner region could not be satisfied, and these steady terms form the necessary Inner boundary conditions for the outer region. …”
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16S rRNA Metagenomics data on the bacterial bommunities in Poring Hot Spring, Sabah, Malaysia
Published 2024“…Sequences and sample data are deposited in the NCBI Sequence Read Archive under Bioproject ID PRJNA982554 (Accession number: SRX20671661 to SRX20671666) at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Traces/study/ ?…”
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Status of proboscis monkeys in Kota Belud, Sabah, Malaysia: insights from population surveys and habitat assessment
Published 2024“…Past surveys have covered only a limited number of proboscis monkey populations across their range, leaving the status of many populations largely unknown. …”
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The effect of azolla (azolla pinnata) extract on the growth and yield of sweet corn under reduced nitrogen fertilization practice
Published 2024“…Results revealed significant differences (p <0.05) in sweet corn that received AE foliar spray in plant height (p = 0.0098), stem diameter (p = 0.0419), leaf area (p = 0.0364), cob length (p = 0.0077), and number of grains per cob (p = 0.0207) compared to the control plant received an optimal rate of 120 kg ha-1 urea without AE. …”
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TARS: a novel mechanism for truly autonomous resource selection in LTE-V2V Mode 4
Published 2021“…ARS includes (a) counter selection (i.e., specifying the number of subsequent transmissions) and (b) resource reselection (specifying the reuse of the same resource after counter expiry). …”
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Turnover intention among specialist medical practitioners in sabah: a statewide multicenter cross sectional study
Published 2022“…There is insufficient information to understand factors associated with turnover intention among specialist medical practitioners in Sabah, a state in Malaysia with the least number of clinical specialists for all specialties. …”
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Extractable impurities from fluoropolymer-based membrane filters – interference in high-throughput, untargeted analysis
Published 2019“…Preconditioning of the PTFE membrane filters could potentially reduce the number of extractable impurities across the tested brands. …”
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In-vitro propagation and Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of Jatropha curcas
Published 2015“…Real-time PCR was carried out to further confirm the integration of transgene and copy number of gene inserted in the putative transformants callus.…”
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Thesis -
Establishment of an in vitro mass propagation system for dendrocalamus asper
Published 2023“…Full strength MS medium supplemented with 5 mg/L BAP yielded the highest number of shoots (11.46 per explant) after four weeks of inoculation. …”
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Inventory of marine fauna on reef balls structures of selingan island, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia
Published 2020“…The marine fauna was expected to be higher if the survey could be done at the different tidal cycles, weather conditions and increase number of the survey. The findings provide insight of marine fauna at the reef balls structure in Selingan Island and enhance baseline data for marine resources management in the marine protected area of Turtle Island Parks.…”
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Application of teachers’ knowledge of socratic questioning in developing efl critical thingking skills among omani post-basic learners
Published 2019“…The findings of this study offer a number of implications: (a) For instructional practice that involves the teachers and students; (b) For policy and decision makers; and (c) For syllabus designers and testing and evaluation. …”
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Thesis -
Determination of ape distribution and population size using ground and aerial surveys : a case study with orang-utans in lower Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysia
Published 2004“…Because of the difficulties encountered in detecting many large tropical forest-dwelling species in their natural habitat, precise figures concerning the distribution, number and trends of many populations remain deficient. …”
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Activation energy, temperature coefficient and Q10 value estimations of the growth of 2,4-dinitrophenol-degrading Bacterium on 2,4-dinitrophenol
Published 2022“…One of the models that is employed the most frequently is the Arrhenius model, in part because it has a limited number of parameters. The development and metabolic activities of bacteria on the substrates they are grown on are commonly influenced by temperature. …”
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Amelioration of human acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cells by ZnO-TiO2-Chitosan-Amygdalin nanocomposites
Published 2022“…Nanocomposites containing ZnO-TiO2-Chitosan-Amygdalin increased the number of early and late apoptotic cells in MOLT-4 cells. …”
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Anti-inflammatory activity of combined pods and seed extract of Parkia Speciosa on lipopolysaccharide-induced paw edema in rats
Published 2022“…Paw edema thickness, total white blood cells (TWBC) number and its differential, erythron parameters, plasma biochemistry, and histology of the paw were evaluated. …”
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Application of Taguchi method to optimize the parameter of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) using oil palm fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites
Published 2022“…The results of SEM images demonstrate that the number of voids seems to be much bigger when the layer thickness is increased, and the flat orientation has a considerable influence on the bead structure becoming tougher. …”
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Assessment of RNA extraction protocols from cladocerans
Published 2022“…The results indicate that the column-based kit is most suitable for the extraction of RNA from M. micrura, with the quantity (RNA concentration = 26.90 ± 6.89 ng/μl), quality (A260:230 = 1.95 ± 0.15, A280:230 = 1.85 ± 0.09) and integrity (RNA integrity number, RIN = 7.20 ± 0.16). The RT-PCR analysis shows that the method successfully amplified both alpha tubulin and actin gene at 33–35 cycles (i.e. …”