Toxoplasmosis: a silent opportunistic diseases in HIV/AIDS patients
Published 2007“…However, the highest numbers of both genders were manifested to be heterosexuals (M = 47.6 vs F = 86.2), followed by intravenous drug users (M = 39.3 vs F = 6.5) (p = 0.000). …”
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Article -
Development of molecular markers for the conservation of phalaenopsis gigantea, paphiopedilum rothschildianum and other endangered endemic orchids of Sabah, Malaysia
Published 2008“…This is in accordance with karyotype analysis data, which indicates that the species In island ecosystems of. which one representative is Borneo, have evolved into distinct species as a result of speciation events involving reduction in chromosome numbers. The study has concluded that both the endangered species being investigated exhibit a reduced genetic diversity and warrant categorization as ESUs for the purpose of conservation and has recommended a strategy for the conservation and maintenance of current diversity levels by complying with the scientific breeding strategies that are delineated within the contents of this study. …”
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Thesis -
Molecular characterization and methylation status of torque teno virus isolation among hepatitis patients in a public hospital in Pahang, Malaysia
Published 2020“…By the construction of the phylogeny tree, conserved TTV isolates in hepatitis patients were identified in Clade A with the majority of numbers. Despite that, TTVMY02 is the first TTV Malaysian isolate from hepatitis patients with partial whole genome sequence of 3,265 kb and was determined by phylogeny relation to have a high identity percentage with KAV isolate, which grouped in Group 2. …”
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Thesis -
Detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection-resistant biomarkers in tiger grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus (Forsskǻl) using quantitative real-time PCR method
Published 2019“…Real time qPCR-based methods are convenient, easy to screen for epidemiological, genetic studies and applicable to routine high-throughput detection of large numbers of samples and can be used for quantitative gene expression of biomarkers in grouper organs and tissues. …”
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Thesis -
Bioavailability of Amino Acids of Soybean Meal in Broilers Subjected to Heat Stress
Published 2006“…In both experiments, equal numbers of chickens (90 birds: 45 Male, 45 Female) were assigned to three groups namely 2 weeks heat stress (heat acclimated), I week heat stress (non-heat acclimated) and no-heat stress. …”
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Thesis -
Comparison of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Bifidobacteria from Honey Stomachs and Honeycombs of Giant Honeybee (Apis Dorsata) in Kedah and Terengganu, Malaysia
Published 2010“…All bacterial 16S rRNA genes were sequenced and entrusted in GenBank and were given specific accession numbers. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA sequences showed that the novel LAB and Bifidobacterium isolates could be grouped into four different phylotypes. …”
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Thesis -
Salient stakeholder identification process for strategic ecotourism management from the perspective of Forestry Department
Published 2014“…Principal component analysis was employed to determine the numbers of components within each key construct and also relevancy of items within these key constructs. …”
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Thesis -
A hybrid sampling-based path planning algorithm for mobile robot navigation in unknown environments
Published 2013“…These algorithms generate paths using random numbers and perform efficiently in guiding the robot in known environments. …”
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Thesis -
Production And Efficacy Of Exserohilum Longirostratum As A Bioherbicide For The Control Of Itch Grass (Rottboellia Cochinchinensis) In Sugarcane Farms
Published 2008“…There was no significant difference in tiller numbers and the growth of sugarcane between the inoculated plots and the untreated control or plots treated with the fungus-free oil emulsion. …”
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Thesis -
Isolation, Identification and Characterization of Yersinia Spp from Meat and Meat Products
Published 2005“…Fifty-three isolates of Yersinia spp. were isolated from 25 (7.7%) positive samples and identified as Y. enterocolitica (29), Y. frederiksenii (18), Y. kristensenii (3) and Y, intennedia (3). Highest numbers of positive samples were obtained from Selangor (86.2%), followed by Negeri Sembilan (6.9%). 3.4% of the positive samples were obtained from Kuala Lumpur and overseas. …”
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Thesis -
Knowledge, attitudes and practices related to antibiotic use and resistance patterns among outpatients in Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia
Published 2015“…Antibiotic resistance is globally responsible for high numbers of morbidity and mortality. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Extended-spectrum β- lactamases producing Escherichia. coli and Klebsiella. pneumoniae have high prevalence in many countries. …”
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Thesis -
Health evaluation of captive Malayan sun bear (Helarctos malayanus Horsfield) in zoos in Peninsular Malaysia
Published 2011“…Simple faecal floatation technique detected strongyles (hookworm) ova only in two animals but in very low numbers. No blood parasites were found. Haematology studies includes PCV, RBC count, differential counts for leucocytes, haemoglobin, plasma protein, PT and APTT. …”
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Thesis -
Determination of additional access door location for a traditional house in Libya to reduce evacuation time
Published 2019“…The analyzed questionnaire result indicated that larger numbers of Libyan house occupant have poor awareness of fire safety activities and limited knowledge on safe egress evacuation in case of unwanted fire eruption, despite good knowledge of fire hazards and consequences. …”
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Thesis -
Channel congestion control mechanisms for IEEE 802.11P/1609.4 in vehicular ad-hoc networks
Published 2019“…For instance, under various vehicles numbers, the results of the proposed AMAC scheme show improvement by 97.90%, 40.79%, 15.27%, 94.23%, and 105.72% for the fiveperformance metrics compared to the VER-MAC scheme, respectively.…”
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Thesis -
Identification of metabolic signatures associated with anti-inflammatory effects of Pheonix dactylifera L. using NMR and MS-based metabolomics
Published 2019“…The variation between the extracellular metabolites of RAW 264.7 cells from different passage numbers was determined along with the impact of different harvesting protocols on the intracellular metabolites. …”
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Thesis -
Virulence factor and genetic characterization of Streptococcus pyogenes from clinical isolates
Published 2019“…Similarities and differences in ST numbers among GAS isolates shared one common ancestor despite they were isolated from two different locations were also observed. …”
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Thesis -
Impact of innovation and high-tech trade on national competitiveness and employment structure
Published 2021“…Empirically, an increase in domestic research and expenditure (R&D) expenditure by one percent will induce high-tech exports value to grow by 0.34 percent and numbers of exported products by about 0.08 percent, respectively. …”
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Thesis -
A comparative study between desflurane and sevoflurane in recovery time and recovery characteristics on patients for elective orthopedic procedure
Published 2006“…The patients were allocated into 2 equally numbered groups, desflurane (n=30) and sevoflurane (n=30). …”
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Thesis -
Lora-Based Internet Of Things (Iot) Wireless Network System To Monitor Covid-19 Patients
Published 2021“…However, the measured pulse rate or oxygen saturation might be inaccurate of either numbers due to incompatible codes used or hardware defects with elevated value of heart rate 166 and 214 beats per minute recorded. …”
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Monograph -
Development of harmonic suppressed reconfigurable fractal dipole antenna
Published 2014“…Hence, four sets of harmonic suppressed reconfigurable antennas named TMFDB, TMDB75, TMFDB50 and TMFDB25 have been designed and simulated. The total numbers of switches are 56, 54, 54, and 50 units respectively. …”
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