Prioritizing solutions to mitigate abandoned housing projects: Insights from AHP analysis in Malaysia
Published 2024“…In Malaysia, this problem has been prevalent since the 1970s, and despite the government's concerted efforts through incentives, policies and laws, the numbers of abandoned projects continue to rise. The incomplete nature of these housing projects poses risks to the surrounding environment, has social ramifications, and negatively affects the national economy. …”
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Article -
Clinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of mycophenolate in patients with autoimmune disease
Published 2013“…The extent of within-subject variability in the pharmacokinetics of mycophenolate is largely unknown and potential covariate influences need to be confirmed in studies with large subject numbers. A relationship between MPA and MPA metabolite exposure and toxicity needs to be established. …”
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Article -
التنمية بوصفها عدالةً وعنايةً موقف السنَّة النبوية الشريفة موقعها = Development as an attribute of justice and care the position and view of the noble prophetic tradition...
Published 2015“…الكلمات المفتاحية: التنمية، السنة النبوية، القيم الإنسانية، العدالة، العناية We believe that justice is morality and values which does not follow worldly arithmetic that fascinates with its numbers. We also believe that justice has so far not been ideally achieved the way it was in the era of the first Muslim community, especially during the time of the Prophet s.a.w, the companions and the succeeding generation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) simulator to enhance students understanding towards analyzing ABR waveforms
Published 2011“…The ABR typically consists of up to seven waves; each numbered using the Roman numeric system to give Waves I–VII (Jewett & Williston 1971). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Geographical information system (GIS) based multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) for landslide hazard zonation : a case study of Ampang Jaya Municipal Council / Ainon Nisa Othman
Published 2014“…Landslides have caused large numbers of damages and losses especially in hilly development areas. …”
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Thesis -
Effect of different rates of NPK fertilizer application on growth and yield of several Sabah local tradffional paddy varieties
Published 2017“…In yield component, Filipin (V2) recorded the most panide numbers (15.66) and percentage of filled grains (80.45%} which in tum having a lower percentage of empty grains (19.54%). …”
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Academic Exercise -
Evaluation of varietal performance for yield and yield contributing attributes of local brinjal (Solanum melongenaL.) germplasm collections
Published 2021“…From the correlation analysis significant correlation were detected among days to 1st flowering and days to 50% flowering; plant height and fruit diameter, while significant but negative correlation was seen among numbers of leaves and fruit diameter; plant height and fruit weight with chlorophyll content. …”
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Article -
Qualitative research : data collection & data analysis techniques
Published 2008“…This book starts off with Chapter 1 which introduces us to qualitative research, an approach that does not deal with numbers per se, but, has guidelines and a systematic approach within a theoretical framework or design. …”
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Book -
Qualitative research : data collection & data analysis techniques
Published 2011“…This book starts off with Chapter 1 which introduces us to qualitative research, an approach that does not deal with numbers per se, but, has guidelines and a systematic approach within a theoretical framework or design. …”
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Book -
Molecular Mechanics Simulations Of Quartz Etching Process
Published 2016“…Although there are extensive studies on quartz etching, larger numbers of the research are experimental and the studies focus on the process outcomes rather than the fundamental study of the process. …”
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