Showing 100,361 - 100,380 results of 276,011 for search '"number"', Forespørselstid: 0.81s Refine Results
  1. 100361

    Osteoarthritis genetics: Current status and future prospects af Wilkins, J, Loughlin, J, Snelling, S

    Udgivet 2007
    “...Epidemiological studies have shown that OA is a complex, multifactorial disorder with a number of risk factors, including environmental and genetic components. ...”
    Journal article
  2. 100362

    The efficacy of antivenom in the treatment of bites by the Papuan taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus canni). af Trevett, A, Lalloo, D, Nwokolo, N, Naraqi, S, Kevau, I, Theakston, R, Warrell, D

    Udgivet 1995
    “...The only significant difference between a small number of patients given 2 vials of antivenom and patients given a single vial at the same time after envenoming was a marginally shorter duration of intubation in those who required it. ...”
    Journal article
  3. 100363

    Tau phosphorylation in transgenic mice expressing glycogen synthase kinase-3beta transgenes. af Brownlees, J, Irving, N, Brion, J, Gibb, B, Wagner, U, Woodgett, J, Miller, C

    Udgivet 1997
    “...Transgene-derived mRNAs were detected in the brains of a number of the transgenic mouse lines and several of these transgenic lines displayed transgenic GSK-3beta activity. ...”
    Journal article
  4. 100364

    Boolean tensor decomposition for conjunctive queries with negation af Abo Khamis, M, Ngo, H, Olteanu, D, Suciu, D

    Udgivet 2019
    “...Its query complexity depends on the structure of the conjunction of negated relations; in general it is exponential in the number of join variables occurring in negated relations yet it becomes polynomial for several classes of queries. ...”
    Conference item
  5. 100365

    DMS: differentiable mean shift for dataset agnostic task specific clustering using side information af Hobley, M, Prisacariu, V

    Udgivet 2023
    “...Unlike previous methods, with or without side information, we do not need to know the number of clusters, their centers or any kind of distance metric for similarity. ...”
    Internet publication
  6. 100366

    Retinal ganglion cells labelled from the pulvinar nucleus in macaque monkeys. af Cowey, A, Stoerig, P, Bannister, M

    Udgivet 1994
    “...Primate gamma cells formed the great majority of classifiable cells and, like the primate alpha cells that were found in much smaller numbers, they were already known to send axons to the superior colliculus and to the pretectal complex. ...”
    Journal article
  7. 100367

    Comparative genetic analysis: the utility of mouse genetic systems for studying human monogenic disease. af Oliver, P, Bitoun, E, Davies, K

    Udgivet 2007
    “...One of the most important features of this strategy is the ability to identify and compare a number of mutations in the same gene, an allelic series. ...”
    Journal article
  8. 100368

    An ethics framework for research into heterogeneous systems af Happa, J, Nurse, J, Goldsmith, M, Creese, S, Williams, R

    Udgivet 2018
    “...Using our framework, researchers should be able to deliver use-case scenarios that should be peer-reviewed by a large number of experts in dissimilar domains with the aim of identifying issues to why the research and development proposed is not done responsibly, so researchers can address these concerns. ...”
    Conference item
  9. 100369

    Human connectomics. af Behrens, T, Sporns, O

    Udgivet 2012
    “...Connectivity analysis has already led to a number of new insights about brain organization. For example, segregated brain regions may be identified by their unique patterns of connectivity, structural and functional connectivity may be compared to elucidate how dynamic interactions arise from the anatomical substrate, and the architecture of large-scale networks connecting sets of brain regions may be analysed in detail. ...”
    Journal article
  10. 100370

    Raising the achievement of young-beginner readers of French through strategy instruction af Macaro, E, Erler, L

    Udgivet 2007
    “...This article reports on an intervention study of reading comprehension among young-beginner learners of French as a foreign language (L2) in England. A number of factors are currently contributing to low achievement in reading among this population of learners. ...”
    Journal article
  11. 100371

    Quantitative pathological evidence for axonal loss in normal appearing white matter in multiple sclerosis. af Evangelou, N, Esiri, M, Smith, S, Palace, J, Matthews, P

    Udgivet 2000
    “...The calculated total number of axons was reduced significantly (mean +/- SD, 5.4 x 10(7) +/- 3.1 x 10(7)) compared with normal controls (11.6 x 10(7) +/- 2.2 x 10(7), p = 0.001) with a reduction both in axonal density (median, 34%; range, 16-56%; p = 0.004) and area (mean +/- SD: multiple sclerosis, 584 +/- 170 mm2; controls, 871 +/- 163 mm2; p = 0.004). ...”
    Journal article
  12. 100372

    The McKay correspondence for isolated singularities via Floer theory af McLean, M, Ritter, AF

    Udgivet 2023
    “...Given an isolated singularity Cn/G for a finite subgroup G ⊂ SL(n, C) and any crepant resolution Y , we prove that the rank of positive symplectic cohomology SH∗ +(Y ) is the number |Conj(G)| of conjugacy classes of G, and that twice the age grading on conjugacy classes is the Z-grading on SH∗−1 + (Y ) by the Conley-Zehnder index. ...”
    Journal article
  13. 100373

    Direct observation of supported lipid bilayer formation with interferometric scattering microscopy af Andrecka, J, Spillane, K, Arroyo, J, Kukura, P

    Udgivet 2013
    “...Here, we used interferometric scattering microscopy (iSCAT) to directly visualize membrane formation from nanoscopic vesicles in real time. We observed a number of previously proposed phenomena such as vesicle adsorption, rupture, movement and a wave-like bilayer spreading. ...”
    Conference item
  14. 100374

    The moral and fiscal implications of antiretroviral therapies for HIV in Africa af Collier, P, Sterck, O

    Udgivet 2018
    “...However, even with optimal prevention the quasi-liability is likely to remain too high to be affordable for a significant number of African countries. Extending the model to two players, we show that if the international community accepts part of the quasi-liability, as it does, it should finance a broadly equal share of prevention and treatment of future infections to mitigate moral hazard and avoid sub-optimal investment in prevention....”
    Journal article
  15. 100375

    Airlines' choice of aircraft size : explanations and implications af Givoni, M, Rietveld, P

    Udgivet 2009
    “...Regression analysis of over 500 routes in the US, Europe and Asia provides empirical evidence that the choice of aircraft size is mainly influenced by route characteristics (e.g. distance, level of demand and level of competition) and almost not at all by airport characteristics (e.g. number of runways and whether the airport is a hub or slot coordinated). ...”
    Journal article
  16. 100376

    Modelling an isolated dust grain in a plasma using matched asymptotic expansions af Ockendon, J, Arinaminpathy, N, Allen, J

    Udgivet 2006
    “...We derive analytical expressions for the electric potential, the ion number density and ion velocity. This requires only one computation that is not specific to a single set of dust–plasma parameters, and sheds new light on the shielding distance of a dust grain. ...”
    Journal article
  17. 100377

    Náttúra by Kitchen Theory: An immersive multisensory dining concept af Youssef, J, Spence, C

    Udgivet 2021
    “...It was inspired by the New Nordic Cuisine Manifesto which has influenced not only cuisine in the Nordic countries but international gastronomy more broadly for a number of years now. This multisensory dining concept incorporated dishes that have subsequently appeared in peer-reviewed academic research, including in this journal, thus highlighting the potential of practice-led gastrophysics research (as in research that was designed to optimize the eye-appeal of the plating of one of the dishes served on the menu). ...”
    Journal article
  18. 100378

    Using learning of speed to stabilize scale in monocular localization and mapping af Frost, D, Murray, D, Prisacariu, V

    Udgivet 2018
    “...We compare the performance with number of other methods for scale-drift correction from monocular data, and show that our solution achieves more accurate results....”
    Conference item
  19. 100379

    Time from symptom onset to hospitalisation of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases: implications for the proportion of transmissions from infectors with few symptoms af Thompson, RN, Lovell-Read, FA, Obolski, U

    Udgivet 2020
    “...Here, we show that the proportion of infections arising from hosts with few symptoms at the start of an outbreak can, in combination with the basic reproduction number, indicate whether or not interventions targeting symptomatic hosts are likely to be effective. ...”
    Journal article
  20. 100380

    Interplay of chiral and helical states in a quantum spin hall insulator lateral junction af Calvo, M, de Juan, F, Ilan, R, Fox, E, Bestwick, A, Mühlbauer, M, Wang, J, Ames, C, Leubner, P, Brüne, C, Zhang, S, Buhmann, H, Molenkamp, L, Goldhaber-Gordon, D

    Udgivet 2017
    “...We control the carrier density inside and outside a junction region independently and hence tune the number and nature of 1D edge modes propagating in each of those regions. ...”
    Journal article