Transport coefficients of a relativistic plasma
Udgivet 2016“...This treatment is then generalized to plasmas with arbitrary atomic number by numerically solving the linearized Boltzmann equation. ...”
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Computing the elastic mechanical properties of rodlike DNA nanostructures
Udgivet 2020“...The obtained bending persistence lengths are much larger than that for double-stranded DNA and increase nonlinearly with the number of helices, whereas the twist moduli increase approximately linearly. ...”
Journal article -
Valuing the unpaid contribution of community health volunteers to mass drug administration programs
Udgivet 2018“...Community health volunteers (CHVs) are being used within a growing number of healthcare interventions, and they have become a cornerstone for the delivery of mass drug administration within many neglected tropical disease control programs. ...”
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A marginal sampler for σ-stable Poisson–Kingman mixture models
Udgivet 2016“...Specifically, we introduce a novel and efficient MCMC sampling scheme in an augmented space that has a small number of auxiliary variables per iteration. We apply our sampling scheme to a density estimation and clustering tasks with unidimensional and multidimensional datasets, and compare it against competing MCMC sampling schemes. ...”
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Young people, new technologies and learning at home: taking context seriously
Udgivet 2012“...The paper presents findings from a large-scale mixed methods study of young people's uses of new technologies at home to address a number of key conceptual issues in understanding the home as context for learning. ...”
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Shape-morphing of an artificial protein cage with unusual geometry induced by a single amino acid change
Udgivet 2022“...This symmetry change is accompanied by a decrease in the number of Au(I)-mediated bonds between cysteines and a concomitant change in biophysical properties of the cage....”
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Natural convection effects in electrochemical systems
Udgivet 2017“...Particular attention is devoted to a critical assessment of the concept of ‘spontaneous convection’, which has been invoked in a number of recent papers. ...”
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Chronic, treatment-resistant depression and right fronto-striatal atrophy.
Udgivet 2002“...Atrophy was confirmed on volumetric analysis, the degree correlating with the cumulative number of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) treatments received, suggesting an acquired deficit. ...”
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Acute compartment syndrome: Reducing the risk
Udgivet 2008“...Although there is commonly a history of trauma there are a number of causes of compartment syndrome, which includes iatrogenic insults. ...”
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Understanding the private-public school performance gap in PISA: evidence from Portugal
Udgivet 2025“...When PISA sampling weights are used, the number of students enrolled in those types of schools and specific grades/tracks of study differs significantly from official population figures. ...”
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Real-time modelling of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in England 2020-2023: a challenging data integration
Udgivet 2024“...We present a full range of estimates of the epidemic history and the changing severity of the infection, quantify the impact of the vaccination programme and deconstruct contributing factors to the reproduction number. We further investigate the sensitivity of model-derived insights to the availability and timeliness of prevalence data, identifying its importance to the production of robust estimates....”
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Generalised Covariance Union: A Unified Approach to Hypothesis Merging in Tracking
Udgivet 2010“...Multi-hypothesis tracking (MHT) techniques can become prohibitively computationally expensive as the number of hypotheses increases. In order to maintain an estimate with bounded computational cost, multi-hypothesis methods often merge the estimates together. ...”
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Narrative understanding
Udgivet 2024“...Much work in history, anthropology, sociology, and political science has a narrative form — the events described are emplotted into stories. A number of recent critics of narrative have argued that the story form is a poor vehicle for social scientific explanation, as it often misleads us about the causal structure of the social world. ...”
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Standardising RNA profiling based biomarker application in cancer—The need for robust control of technical variables
Udgivet 2017“...In this review of a large number of CRC transcriptional studies, we identify recurrent sources of technical variability that encompass collection, preservation and storage of malignant tissue, nucleic acid extraction, methods to quantitate RNA transcripts and data analysis pipelines. ...”
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Make Up Your Mind! Adversarial Generation of Inconsistent Natural Language Explanations
Udgivet 2020“...Our framework shows that this model is capable of generating a significant number of inconsistent explanations....”
Conference item -
Search for charged Higgs bosons in e(+)e(-) collisions at root s = 172 GeV
Udgivet 1998“...Data from ring imaging Cherenkov and microvertex detectors are used to identify the quarks as a cs pair. The number of candidates found is compatible with the background expected from standard processes. ...”
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The molecular genetics of non-ALS motor neuron diseases.
Udgivet 2006“...Recently, mutations in a number of novel genes have been associated with Lower Motor Neuron (HSPB1, HSPB8, GARS, Dynactin), Upper Motor Neuron (Spastin, Atlastin, Paraplegin, HSP60, KIF5A, NIPA1) or mixed ALS-like phenotypes (Alsin, Senataxin, VAPB, BSCL2). ...”
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Asymptotic analysis of optimal vaccination policies
Udgivet 2023“...Targeted vaccination policies can have a significant impact on the number of infections and deaths in an epidemic. However, optimising such policies is complicated, and the resultant solution may be difficult to explain to policy-makers and to the public. ...”
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Chimpanzee adenoviral vectors as vaccines for outbreak pathogens
Udgivet 2017“...Work is already underway to develop vaccines against a number of other outbreak pathogens and we will also review progress on these approaches here, particularly for Lassa fever, Nipah and MERS. ...”
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On the taste of "Bouba" and "Kiki": An exploration of word-food associations in neurologically normal participants.
Udgivet 2011“...Participants were given a range of foods to taste, and had to rate each one along a number of dimensions. These included scales anchored with the words "takete/maluma" and "bouba/kiki". ...”
Journal article