India’s mass-market clean mobility initiatives and its unique, customized business models for light electric vehicles
Published 2022“…This can only succeed if accessible and affordable solutions are available in adequate numbers. Also, given the segmented nature of the market and the different dynamics within each segment, government support could be better targeted. …”
Working paper -
Non-spherical potentials in the band theory of solids
Published 1975“…First of all a rigorous treatment, in v;hich it is found necessary to label the radial functions with two sets of angular momentum quantum numbers is developed. This treatment involves the calculation of many more radial functions than the usual spherical treatment and the form of trial function produced necessitates certain changes and generalisations of the Cellular Method, It is, therefore, important to look for possible approximations which might be employed to facilitate a quicker, and more simple solution to the problem Two such methods are explored.…”
Thesis -
Homelessness and police-recorded crime victimisation: a nationwide, register-based cohort study
Published 2020“…The cohort was constructed using the Danish Civil Registration System, with data linked across other registries (including the Danish Homeless Register, Danish Psychiatric Central Research Register, and the Danish Central Crime Register) by use of personal identification numbers. The exposure, experience of homelessness, was defined as at least one contact with a homeless shelter. …”
Journal article -
Body-mass index and cause-specific mortality in 900 000 adults: collaborative analyses of 57 prospective studies.
Published 2009“…BACKGROUND: The main associations of body-mass index (BMI) with overall and cause-specific mortality can best be assessed by long-term prospective follow-up of large numbers of people. The Prospective Studies Collaboration aimed to investigate these associations by sharing data from many studies. …”
Journal article -
Low-dose vs standard-dose alteplase for patients with acute ischemic stroke: secondary analysis of the ENCHANTED randomized clinical trial
Published 2017“…Of the 3310 randomized patients, 13 patients were excluded for missing consent, mistaken randomization, and duplicate randomization numbers. This secondary analysis was conducted between May 1, 2016, and April 28, 2017. …”
Journal article -
Oral or topical nasal steroids for hearing loss associated with otitis media with effusion in children.
Published 2000“…Most comparisons involved small numbers of subjects. The odds ratio for OME persisting after short term follow up for children treated with oral steroids plus antibiotic compared to control plus antibiotic was 0.32 (95% CI 0.20 to 0.52). …”
Journal article -
Factors associated with potentially serious incidental findings and with serious final diagnoses on multi-modal imaging in the UK Biobank Imaging Study: A prospective cohort study
Published 2019“…Our study is the largest so far to investigate the factors associated with PSIFs and serious final diagnoses, but despite this, we still may have missed some associations due to sparsity of these outcomes within our cohort and small numbers within some exposure categories.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion </strong>Risks of PSIFs and serious final diagnosis are substantially influenced by PSIFs protocol and to a lesser extent by age. …”
Journal article -
Inter- and intraspecific variation of breeding biology, movements, and genotype in Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus and Gyrfalcon F. rusticolus populations in Greenland
Published 2007“…The crucial prey for Gyrfalcons when they start nesting in early spring are resident ptarmigan, whose numbers are probably depleted by Peregrines during the months they are present. …”
Thesis -
Endolysosomal two‐pore channels regulate autophagy in cardiomyocytes
Published 2016“…Electron micrographs of hearts from TPC1/2 double knockout mice showed that cardiomyocytes contained large numbers of immature lysosomes with diameters significantly smaller than those of wild‐type mice. …”
Journal article -
Evaluating safety reporting in paediatric antibiotic trials 2000-2016: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Published 2017“…</p><p> Main Outcome and Measure: In order to quantitatively assess the rate of developing AEs by drug-class, the numbers of overall and body-system-specific AEs were collected for each study arm. …”
Journal article -
WITHDRAWN: Ovarian ablation for early breast cancer.
Published 2008“…MAIN RESULTS: Among 2102 women aged under 50 when randomised, most of whom would have been premenopausal at diagnosis, 1130 deaths and an additional 153 recurrences were reported. 15-year survival was highly significantly improved among those allocated ovarian ablation (52.4 vs 46.1%, 6.3 [SD 2.3] fewer deaths per 100 women, logrank 2p=0.001), as was recurrence-free survival (45.0 vs 39.0%, 2p=0.0007). The numbers of events were too small for any subgroup analyses to be reliable. …”
Journal article -
Multitarget quantitative PCR improves detection and predicts cultivability of the pathogen Burkholderia pseudomallei.
Published 2017“…In this study, we show that a B. pseudomallei-specific qPCR approach can detect significantly higher numbers of B. pseudomallei-positive soil samples from areas where it is endemic compared with that from culture. …”
Journal article -
Enhanced activity of multiple TRIC‐B channels: an endoplasmic reticulum/sarcoplasmic reticulum mechanism to boost counterion currents
Published 2019“…However, unlike channels from WT mice, the Po of SR K+ -channels from Tric-a KO mice increased as increasing channel numbers were present in the bilayer, driving the channels into long sojourns in the fully open state. …”
Journal article -
Cardiac structure injury after radiotherapy for breast cancer: cross-sectional study with individual patient data
Published 2018“…For 133 women, all with documented location of coronary artery disease with ≥ 70% stenosis, doses to six coronary artery segments were estimated. For each segment, numbers of women with left-sided and right-sided breast cancer were compared. …”
Journal article -
Smoking and mortality from tuberculosis and other diseases in India: retrospective study of 43000 adult male deaths and 35000 controls.
Published 2003“…Overall, smoking currently causes about 700000 deaths per year in India, chiefly from respiratory or vascular disease: about 550000 men aged 25-69 years, about 110000 older men, and much smaller numbers of women (since few women smoke).…”
Journal article -
Maintenance of efficacy following tofacitinib dose reduction in patients with ulcerative colitis in stable remission
Published 2019“…</p> <p><strong>Conclusions</strong> In this post-hoc analysis, most patients with UC who achieved remission with tofacitinib 10 mg BID in OCTAVE Sustain and reduced to 5 mg BID in the OLE study maintained remission through M24 of the OLE study. Despite small pt numbers, maintenance of remission after dose reduction was numerically more likely for patients in remission for ≥6 months than for those in remission for <6 months prior to reduction. …”
Conference item -
Early short course of neuromuscular blocking agents in patients with COVID-19 ARDS: a propensity score analysis
Published 2022“…Secondary objectives were comparisons in the numbers of ventilator-free days (VFD) between day 1 and day 28 and between day 1 and 90 through competing risk regression. …”
Journal article -
Performance assessment in science and academia: effects of the RAE/REF on academic life
Published 2016“…First, there is a belief in numbers. Second, there is reactivity due to indicators and judgement criteria. …”
Working paper -
Unsupervised primaquine for the treatment of Plasmodium vivax malaria relapses in southern Papua: A hospital-based cohort study
Published 2017“…Individual clinical, pharmacy, and laboratory data were merged using individual hospital identification numbers and the date of presentation to hospital. …”
Journal article -
Dietary fibre manipulation as a potential endogenous mechanism of radiosensitisation in bladder cancer
Published 2022“…</p> <p>Psyllium plus inulin raised Bifidobacterium abundance (P<0.001), CD8+ cell numbers (P=0.024), and caecal inosine levels (P<0.001), which have been shown to enhance immunotherapy efficacy. …”