Treatment of skeletal Class Ⅲ malocclusion with mandibular lateral deviation by clear aligner therapy combined with orthognathic treatment: case report and literature review
Published 2023-02-01“…With good compliance of the patient, treatment was completed by the first set of aligners, Class I canine and molar relationships were obtained, normal overbite and overjet were achieved, and mandibular deviation was addressed. …”
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Evaluation of Skeletal, Dentoalveolar, and Sagittal Airway Changes Induced by the Mandibular Anterior Repositioning Appliance (MARA) in Class II Malocclusion: A Retrospective Contr...
Published 2022-01-01“…The MARA group showed a significant improvement of Wits (−1.4 mm; <i>p</i> = 0.009) and ANB angle (−0.6°; <i>p</i> = 0.038), a reduction in the overjet (−1.9 mm; <i>p</i> = 0.001), of the overbite (−1.5 mm; <i>p</i> = 0.005), an improvement of molar relationship (1.8 mm; <i>p</i> = 0.000) and a proclination of the lower incisors (2.7°; <i>p</i> = 0.012). …”
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Descripción y análisis del uso del Componente de Salud Dental del Índice de la Necesidad de Tratamiento Ortodóncico en pacientes en dentición mixta y permanente joven
Published 2022-03-01“…Incluye diferentes indicadores específicos de maloclusión, avalados como necesidades terapéuticas, clasificándolos según su severidad: overjet o sobremordida horizontal, overjet inverso o sobremordida horizontal negativa, mordida cruzada anterior y posterior, contactos dentarios desplazados, mordida abierta anterior y posterior, overbite o sobremordida vertical, oclusión pre y post normal, hipodoncia, diente impactado, diente retenido, labio y paladar hendido u otras malformaciones craneofaciales, dientes parcialmente erupcionados, inclinados e impactados contra dientes adyacentes, dientes supernumerarios, agenesia dental. …”
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Comparison of craniofacial morphology, head posture and hyoid bone position with different breathing patterns
Published 2012-07-01“…Results: Statistical comparisons showed that sagittal measurements including SNA (p < 0.01), ANB (p < 0.01), A to N perp (p < 0.05), convexity (p < 0.05), IMPA (p < 0.05) and overbite (p < 0.05) measurements were found to be lower in MB patients compared to NB. …”
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İskeletsel sınıf III olguda multidisipliner tedavinin arka hava yolu ve solunum fonksiyonlarına etkisi
Published 2014-02-01“…Bulgular: Maksiller ilerletme ve mandibular setback operasyonu sonucu, Sınıf-I molar ve kanin ilişkisine sahip bir okluzyon elde edildi. Overbite ve overjet ilişkisi ideal hale getirildi ve sefalometrik analizle uyumlu olacak şekilde, alt yüz yüksekliğindeki azalmanın bir sonucu olarak fasiyal estetik görünüm iyileştirildi. …”
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Stability of anterior open bite treatment with molar intrusion using skeletal anchorage: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Published 2020-09-01“…The mean posttreatment follow-up time was 2.5 years (SD = 1.04). The overbite showed a standardized mean relapse of − 1.23 mm (95% CI − 1.64, − 0.81, p < 0.0001). …”
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The association between body posture and malocclusion - a literature review
Published 2024-02-01“…Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis significantly affects the stomatognathic system, leading to issues like crossbite, crowding, increased overjet, overbite, partial open bite, and midline deviation. …”
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Estimation of Distances in 3D by Orthodontists Using Digital Models
Published 2021-09-01“…We asked 31 orthodontists (19 women and 12 men; an average age of 37 years) to generate 3D model-based measurements of seven different elements: mandibular congestion, the maxillary intermolar distance, Spee’s curve, 16/26 symmetry, the right canine class, overbite, and overjet. These values were then compared to the actual measurements calculated using Insignia<sup>®</sup> software (ORMCO Corporation: Brea, CA, USA), using single sample <i>t</i>-tests. …”
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A Salivary Calcium Binding Protein in Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Relation to Smoking
Published 2016-06-01“…Anterior irregularities were found in (18.36 %maxillary and 26.84% mandibular),mean overjet 3.310 mm, mean overbite was 2.99 mm, Class I Angle class was found in 78.29%, class II in 19.5% and class III in 2.3%. …”
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Clinical association between teeth malocclusions, wrong posture and ocular convergence disorders: an epidemiological investigation on primary school children
Published 2013-01-01“…</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A prevalence of cases with an unphysiological gait was found in patients with overjet (14.70%) or overbite (14.87%), while the percentage of patients with normal occlusion that showed an unphysiological gait was 13.08%. …”
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Evaluation of digital and manual orthodontic diagnostic setups in non-extraction cases using ABO model grading system: an in-vitro study
Published 2024-02-01“…The manual diagnostic setup had significantly larger scores in marginal ridge, overjet, overbite, buccolingual inclination, occlusal relationship, and total scores (P < 0.01). …”
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Descripción y análisis del uso del Componente de Salud Dental del Índice de la Necesidad de Tratamiento Ortodóncico en pacientes en dentición mixta y permanente joven
Published 2022-03-01“…Incluye diferentes indicadores específicos de maloclusión, avalados como necesidades terapéuticas, clasificándolos según su severidad: overjet o sobremordida horizontal, overjet inverso o sobremordida horizontal negativa, mordida cruzada anterior y posterior, contactos dentarios desplazados, mordida abierta anterior y posterior, overbite o sobremordida vertical, oclusión pre y post normal, hipodoncia, diente impactado, diente retenido, labio y paladar hendido u otras malformaciones craneofaciales, dientes parcialmente erupcionados, inclinados e impactados contra dientes adyacentes, dientes supernumerarios, agenesia dental. …”
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التقييم السيفالومتري لأنماط المركب القحفي الوجهي باستخدام مشعر الانسجام المتعدد
Published 2016-10-01“…The subjects had an ideal or near-ideal occlusion [Class I molar relationship, not more than 4 mm overbite and overjet, and no missing teeth] and a well-balanced face.With multiple regression analysis, the expected value that each angle should take in a norm individual when the remaining angles are given is estimated. …”
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التقييم السيفالومتري لأنماط المركب القحفي الوجهي باستخدام مشعر الانسجام المتعدد
Published 2016-10-01“…The subjects had an ideal or near-ideal occlusion [Class I molar relationship, not more than 4 mm overbite and overjet, and no missing teeth] and a well-balanced face.With multiple regression analysis, the expected value that each angle should take in a norm individual when the remaining angles are given is estimated. …”
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The application of a new clear removable appliance with an occlusal splint in early anterior crossbite
Published 2021-01-01“…Results Normal degrees of overbite and overjet in the primary dentition were achieved using this new appliance. …”
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Published 2011“…Perawatan ortodontik teknik Begg pada maloklusi klas III skeletal bertujuan untuk memperbaiki reverse oveljet dan overbite, melalui mekanisme bite opening. Mekanisme bite opening menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan dentoskeletal sehingga dapat mempengaruhi profil muka. …”
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Published 2011“…The aim of orthodontic treatment in skeletal class III malocclusion by using Begg technique was to correct reverse overjet and overbite, with bite opening mecanism. Bite opening mecanism can caused dentoskeletal changes that influence face profil. …”
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Malocclusion and Temporomandibular Disorders: Verification of the Controversy
Published 2019“…Molar and canine relations, overjet, overbite, occlusal guidance, occlusal interferences, and centric slides were recorded for each patient, and the skeletal craniofacial patterns were analyzed for each patient using cone beam computed tomography. …”
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Comparison of Twin Block appliance and Herbst appliance in the treatment of Class II malocclusion among children: a meta-analysis
Published 2024-02-01“…Herbst and Twin Block appliances produced similar effects in the skeletal and dentoalveolar changes including Sella-Nasion-point A (SNA), Sella-Nasion-point B, point A-Nasion-point B (ANB), overjet, and overbite. Conclusion As the findings revealed both Herbst and Twin Block appliances contributed successfully to the correction of Class II malocclusion. …”
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A 3D CBCT Analysis of Airway and Cephalometric Values in Patients Diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Compared to a Control Group
Published 2022-04-01“…Cephalometric images were rendered from the CBCT data for each patient, and the following cephalometric values were identified: SNA angle, SNB angle, ANB angle, anterior facial height (AFH), posterior facial height (PFH), mandibular plane angle (SN-MP), FMA (FH-MP), overjet (OJ), and overbite (OB). Airway volumes, the most constricted cross-sectional area values, and cephalometric values were compared between the JIA and control groups. …”
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