Pembaharuan Hukum Waris Adat dalam Putusan Pengadilan (Penghormatan Identitas Budaya Vs Perkembangan Zaman)
Published 2018-11-01“…It is contrary with principle of inheritance on adat law, especially in patrilineal communities. Therefore this article analysis legal reasoning in Supreme Court decisions within equality between men and women in inheritance cases and their implications to cultural identities. …”
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Market integration, income inequality, and kinship system among the Mosuo of China
Published 2023-01-01“…Using demographic data collected from 505 households among the matrilineal and patrilineal Mosuo in 2017, we test whether market integration is associated with increased material wealth, whether increased material wealth is associated with wealth inequality, and whether being in a matrilineal vs. patrilineal kinship system alters the relationship between wealth and inequality. …”
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Christianity's Forgetting
Published 2015-09-01“…The Tree of Jesse serves as a particular and important example of the patrilineal and fraternal affiliations and disaffiliations in the trajectory of the genealogy of the family tree, motivated by desires to support claims to pedigree and patrimony, reversed from a model of descent to one of ascent with the European “Aryans.”…”
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Ritual and Economic Strategies against Vacant Succession in Premodern Korea
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L'injure comme délit. L'approche des fuqahâ' théologiens-légistes musulmans
Published 2004-06-01“…The study of this type of infringement reveals the close links between insult and sexuality and more precisely, with female sexuality, controlled as it is by the principle of the reproduction of the corporate groups organized along patrilineal lines ('aṣabât) on which the Arab-Moslem social order is based. …”
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« Épouser une femme indienne, c’est comme épouser une communauté entière… ». Nouvelles perspectives féminines dans une ville du Haut Rio Negro
Published 2011-12-01“…To marry an indigenous woman is like marrying a whole community: new feminine perspectives in a town of Upper Rio Negro. Among the patrilineal and virilocal indigenous communities of the Uaupés river, the « displaced » position of women is an essential constituent of female social experience, while male experience is centred on the notion of « belonging ». …”
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Keep on walk: the role of migration in Linearbandkeramik life
Published 2016-12-01“…Beyond continued westand eastward expansion, at regional and site levels migration to better one’s social position provided an alternative to patrilineal land inheritance. The main change between the earliest and later phases is the role of material culture after migration events. …”
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On the Issue of Polite Appeals and Blessings in Indian English
Published 2019-01-01“…The use of polite appeals and blessings in Indian English is greatly influenced by age and gender restrictions and a traditional family structure with a Patrilineal background which has been followed since long ago. …”
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Rikki Ducornet Revisits Hawthorne: "The Stain" or a Time for ‘Sexts’
Published 2013-10-01“…Whether a precocious feminist or a covert phallogocentric, as the majority of feminist critics maintains, Hawthorne centres the dramatic conflict on his male characters. Contrary to his patrilineal filiation, Ducornet displays a matrilineal one and places her female character centre stage. …”
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Kinship networks of seed exchange shape spatial patterns of plant virus diversity
Published 2021-07-01“…Results reveal contrasted patterns of viral diversity in patrilineal and matrilineal communities, consistent with cultural differences in modes of seed exchange.…”
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Ts’umbal activo en las transformaciones rurales de Oxchuc, Chiapas
Published 2015-07-01“…En este trabajo se discute y reflexiona sobre las transformaciones rurales, a partir de los sujetos y actores sociales, desde el término ts’umbal, que se vincula con el grupo doméstico patrilineal. Se basa en revisión documental, teórica y empírica, y se contextualiza en la sociedad tseltal de Oxchuc, Chiapas. …”
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Flesh, <em>Freundschaft</em>, and Fellowship: Towards a Holistic Model of the Amish Kinship System
Published 2020-06-01“…The article contributes an analysis of social-cosmological precepts governing the Amish kinship structure and reaffirms Mook and Hostetler’s (1957) premise on patrilineal ultimogeniture, Hurd’s (1985b) assertion on the absence of prescriptive marriage rules, and Huntington’s (1988) argument on preferential affinal alliance. …”
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Commentary: Gender-based Violence among the (H)mong
Published 2012-12-01“…Prepared for the Seminar on Cultural Factors in the Prevention and Promotion of Gender Based Violence held at UNESCO Bangkok on 17-18 May 2012, this article presents the current state of the subject in the patrilineal, patrilocal and patriarchal (H)mong society. …”
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Hukum Waris Mazhab Negara: Sebuah Tinjauan Sisi Maslahah (Studi Analisis Pemikiran Hazairin dan KHI)
Published 2014-06-01“…Islamic inheritance law is influenced by the Arabic inheritance law in the pre-Islam era that followed patrilineal system, which influenced the mainstream thoughts of Islamic scholars in understanding inheritance law. …”
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“Black People, White Hearts”: Origin, Race, and Colour in Contemporary Yemen
Published 2020-05-01“…By contrasting the case of another Yemeni low status group, the white-skinned <em>beny al-khumus</em>, with that of the black-skinned <em>akhdam</em>, the article expands the notion of racism beyond the boundaries of colour and phenotype, implying an exclusion of the Other based on his patrilineal line of descent. Concurrently, it depicts race as an instrument of self-essentialization for the <em>akhdam</em>, a tool for political struggle.…”
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Pembagian Harta Waris Adat Lampung Sai Batin Kabupaten Pesisir Barat Perspektif Hukum Islam
Published 2018-03-01“…Second, the native peoples in Way Napal use the patrilineal division system. The absolute decision is possessed by the heirs as the owner and the absolute decision-maker. …”
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Kinship and consumption: the effect of spouses' outside options on household productivity
Published 2014“…Using exogenous variation in inheritance rules in Malawi as a measure of outside options, the empirical results show that matrilineal households (where women have access to land) have 10% higher consumption than patrilineal households (where women have no access to land). …”
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“Asia's Missing Women” as a Problem in Applied Evolutionary Psychology?
Published 2012-12-01“…Son preferences and associated cultural practices like patrilineal inheritance, patrilocality and the Indian Hindu dowry system arise among the wealthy and powerful elites for reasons consistent with models of sex-biased parental investment. …”
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Indagación genealógica sobre el origen canario de la familia paterna de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz/Juana Inés de Asuaje y rastreo lingüístico de su habla con seseo
Published 2022-06-01“…Se presentan tres árboles genealógicos: patrilineal, matrilineal y uno que prueba que tuvo una tatarabuela del lado paterno de origen judío.…”
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Children Born of Rebel Captivity: Politics and Practices of Integration in Uganda
Published 2022-05-01“…In Uganda's patriarchal and patrilineal social systems, children with no paternal lineage are viewed as of lower status. …”
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