A Quick and Easy Way to Estimate Entropy and Mutual Information for Neuroscience
Published 2021-06-01“…Then, while this method can be used in all kind of experimental conditions, we provide examples of its application in patch-clamp recordings, detection of place cells and histological data. Although this method does not give an absolute value of entropy or mutual information, it is mathematically correct, and its simplicity and broad use make it a powerful tool for their estimation through experiments.…”
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From Self-Assessment to Frustration, A Small Step Towards Autonomy in Robotic Navigation.
Published 2013-10-01“…We made several experiments that can account for such properties for two different strategies (road following and place cells based navigation) in different situations.…”
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Self-organizing continuous attractor network models of hippocampal spatial view cells.
Published 2005“…It has recently been shown how idiothetic (self-motion) inputs could update the activity packet of neuronal firing for a one-dimensional case (head direction cells), and for a two-dimensional case (place cells which represent the place where a rat is located). …”
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Neural mechanisms underlying advanced cognition in humans
Published 2017“…In a brain network that has expanded the most during mammalian evolution, known as the default mode network, grid cells and place cells organize spatial representations into mental maps. …”
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MAxSIM: multi-angle-crossing structured illumination microscopy with height-controlled mirror for 3D topological mapping of live cells
Published 2023-10-01“…Axial localization accuracy can be enhanced by placing cells on a bottom glass substrate, locating a custom height-controlled mirror (HCM) at a fixed axial position above the glass substrate, and optimizing the height reconstruction algorithm for noisy experimental data. …”
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A Novel Nonparametric Approach for Neural Encoding and Decoding Models of Multimodal Receptive Fields
Published 2016“…Using this extended nonparametric approach, we develop novel algorithms for decoding a rat’s trajectory based on recordings of hippocampal place cells and entorhinal grid cells. Results show that both encoding and decoding models derived from our new method performed significantly better than state-of-the-art encoding and decoding models on 6 minutes of test data. …”
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Hippocampal development and the dissociation of cognitive-spatial mapping from motor performance [version 1; referees: 2 approved]
Published 2015-08-01“…The neural substrate for cognitive learning was hypothesized to depend on place cells within the hippocampus. Subsequent behavioral studies attempted to directly eliminate the motor component of spatial learning by allowing rats to passively view the distal environment before performing any motor response using a task that is widely considered to be hippocampal-dependent. …”
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Navigation Patterns and Scent Marking: Underappreciated Contributors to Hippocampal and Entorhinal Spatial Representations?
Published 2018-06-01“…Instead, many publications have considered animal position in space as the major variable that affects the firing of hippocampal place cells and entorhinal grid cells. Here we argue that future work should focus on a more detailed examination of different behaviors exhibited during navigation to better understand the mechanism of spatial tuning in hippocampal neurons. …”
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Long-lasting novelty-induced neuronal reverberation during slow-wave sleep in multiple forebrain areas.
Published 2004-01-01“…In contrast with data from hippocampal place cells, we found no evidence of time compression or expansion of neuronal reverberation in any of the sampled forebrain areas. …”
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Seeding of Corneal Wounds by Epithelial Cell Transfer from Micropatterned PDMS Contact Lenses
Published 2005-09-01“…The cell-covered PDMS contacts were then placed cell-side down onto tissue culture plastic and, after 1, 2, or 3 days, the PDMS contact was removed and the transferred cells were trypsinized and counted. …”
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Effects of Scaffolds on Urine- and Urothelial Carcinoma Tissue-Derived Organoids from Bladder Cancer Patients
Published 2023-08-01“…Organoids are three-dimensional constructs generated by placing cells in scaffolds to facilitate the growth of cultures with cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions close to the in vivo situation. …”
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Flagellar membrane fusion and protein exchange in trypanosomes; a new form of cell-cell communication? [version 1; referees: 2 approved]
Published 2016-04-01“…The formation of double-positive cells was dependent on the presence of extracellular calcium and was enhanced by placing cells in medium supplemented with fresh bovine serum. …”
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Tracking the Same Neurons across Multiple Days in Ca2+ Imaging Data
Published 2017-10-01“…Keywords: calcium imaging, two-photon microscopy, fluorescence imaging, hippocampus, miniature microscopes, microendoscopy, GCaMP6, cell registration, image alignment, place cells…”
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RatInABox, a toolkit for modelling locomotion and neuronal activity in continuous environments
Published 2024-02-01“…This software provides users with (i) the ability to construct one- or two-dimensional environments with configurable barriers and visual cues, (ii) a physically realistic random motion model fitted to experimental data, (iii) rapid online calculation of neural data for many of the known self-location or velocity selective cell types in the hippocampal formation (including place cells, grid cells, boundary vector cells, head direction cells) and (iv) a framework for constructing custom cell types, multi-layer network models and data- or policy-controlled motion trajectories. …”
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Neural Representation of Spatial Topology in the Rodent Hippocampus
Published 2014“…Although it has been long suggested that pyramidal cell activity may underlie a topological code rather than a topographic code, it remains unclear whether an abstract spatial topology can be encoded in the ensemble spiking activity of hippocampal place cells. Using a statistical approach developed previously, we investigate this question and related issues in greater detail. …”
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Hippocampal development and the dissociation of cognitive-spatial mapping from motor performance [version 2; referees: 2 approved]
Published 2015-09-01“…The neural substrate for cognitive learning was hypothesized to depend on place cells within the hippocampus. Subsequent behavioral studies attempted to directly eliminate the motor component of spatial learning by allowing rats to passively view the distal environment before performing any motor response using a task that is widely considered to be hippocampal-dependent. …”
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Experience-dependent changes in hippocampal spatial activity and hippocampal circuit function are disrupted in a rat model of Fragile X Syndrome
Published 2022-12-01“…Conclusions In conclusion, we found that hippocampal place cells from Fmr1 −/y rats show similar spatial firing properties as those from WT rats but do not show the same experience-dependent increase in spatial specificity or the experience-dependent changes in network coordination. …”
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Brain-state dependent activity and selective cortical innervation of identified GABAergic medial septal neurons
Published 2019“…Temporally ordered firing sequences of cortical principal cells such as ‘place cells’ support spatial navigation. These temporal sequences are distributed across different regions of the temporal cortex and are coordinated by rhythmic inhibition from presynaptic cortical GABAergic interneurons. …”