The possible source of the causal time arrow in geo-historical explanations
Published 2017-05-01“…I will illustrate this claim with a few examples of geo-historical explanations in the theory of plate tectonics, most of which are based on irreversible geo-physical processes. …”
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Early Paleozoic tectonics of Asia: Towards a full-plate model
Published 2018-05-01“…A review of salient geologic observations and paleomagnetic data from the various continental blocks and terranes of Asia is followed by the presentation of a new, full-plate tectonic model of the region from middle Cambrian to end-Silurian time (500–420 Ma). …”
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Mantle convection modeling of the supercontinent cycle: Introversion, extroversion, or a combination?
Published 2014-01-01“…The periodic assembly and dispersal of continental fragments, referred to as the supercontinent cycle, bear close relation to the evolution of mantle convection and plate tectonics. Supercontinent formation involves complex processes of “introversion” (closure of interior oceans), “extroversion” (closure of exterior oceans), or a combination of these processes in uniting dispersed continental fragments. …”
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Olivine anisotropy suggests Gutenberg discontinuity is not the base of the lithosphere
Published 2016“…The operation of plate tectonics in gen-eral depends intimately on the manner in which lithospheric plates couple to the convecting inte-rior. …”
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Some numerical investigations of large scale continental deformation.
Published 1983“…The theory of plate tectonics cannot adequately account for the deformation of the continents: within the oceanic portions of the plates seismic deformation is seen to occur in belts only a few tens of kilometres wide, but seismic, topographic, gravity and field geology data all indicate that the continents are deforming (and have deformed for most of geological time) in zones that are hundreds to thousands of kilometres wide. …”
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When will it end? Long-lived intracontinental reactivation in central Australia
Published 2019-01-01“…The long-lived, amagmatic, intracontinental reactivation of central Australia is a remarkable example of stress transmission, strain localization and cratonization-hindering processes that highlights the complexity of Continental Tectonics with regards to the rigid-plate paradigm of Plate Tectonics. Keywords: Intracontinental deformation, Thermochronology, Petermann orogen, Musgrave Province, Plate tectonics, Cratonization…”
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Published 2019-12-01“…It is shown that they do not correspond to the ideas of the plate tectonics hypothesis about deepseated processes in the tectonosphere of these regions. …”
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Physiology, phylogeny, and LUCA
Published 2016-11-01“…Geologists know that plate tectonics and erosion have erased much of the geological record, with ancient rocks being truly rare. …”
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Global Rates of Subaerial Volcanism on Earth
Published 2022-06-01“…Knowledge of the global rates of volcanism is fundamental for modeling the Earth, as those rates closely relate to plate tectonics, crustal growth, mantle dynamics, atmospheric evolution, climate change, and virtually any aspect of the global Earth dynamics. …”
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Generation of Evolving Plate Boundaries and Toroidal Flow From Visco‐Plastic Damage‐Rheology Mantle Convection and Continents
Published 2023-12-01“…Abstract Earth's style of planetary heat transport is characterized by plate tectonics which requires rock strength to be reduced plastically in order to break an otherwise stagnant lithospheric lid, and for rocks to have a memory of past deformation to account for strain localization and the hysteresis implied by geological sutures. …”
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Inconsistent seduction: Addressing confounds and methodological issues in the study of the seductive detail effect
Published 2021-09-01“…The 3 × 2 between‐subjects design presented 132 undergraduate students with a lesson on plate tectonics; participants completed tests on both recall and transfer. …”
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An All-in-One Application for Temporal Coordinate Transformation in Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Published 2020-05-01“…The application unifies coordinate transformation between different realizations (reference frames) of the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS) and European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 (ETRS89) following European Reference Frame Technical Note (EUREF TN) recommendations with temporal shifts of discrete points on the Earth’s surface caused by plate tectonics by integrating no-net rotation (NNR) kinematic models of the Eurasian tectonic plate.…”
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Deep Water Cycling and the Multi‐Stage Cooling of the Earth
Published 2020-10-01“…This has been argued to indicate a transition from a single plate mode to a plate tectonics. However, a tectonic change may not be necessary. …”
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Numerical models of slab migration in continental collision zones
Published 2012-09-01“…Continental collision is an intrinsic feature of plate tectonics. The closure of an oceanic basin leads to the onset of subduction of buoyant continental material, which slows down and eventually stops the subduction process. …”
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The subduction dichotomy of strong plates and weak slabs
Published 2017-03-01“…A key element of plate tectonics on Earth is that the lithosphere is subducting into the mantle. …”
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Magmatism controls global oceanic transform fault topography
Published 2024-03-01“…Abstract Oceanic transform faults play an essential role in plate tectonics. Yet to date, there is no unifying explanation for the global trend in broad-scale transform fault topography, ranging from deep valleys to shallow topographic highs. …”
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Exploring the Dynamics of Global Plate Motion Based on the Granger Causality Test
Published 2021-08-01“…The geodynamic mechanism is the research focus and core issue of plate motions and plate tectonics. Analyzing the time series of earthquakes may help us understand the relationship between two plate boundaries and further explore movement mechanisms. …”
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Published 2016-11-01“…Here, we explore the potential contribution of seagrass as C sink on the atmospheric CO2 decrease by measuring changes in seagrass extent, which is directly associated with variations in the global coastal length associated with plate tectonics. We claim that global seagrass distribution significantly affected the atmospheric composition, particularly at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary, when the CO2 concentration fell to 400 ppm, i.e. the approximate value of current atmospheric CO2.…”
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Global drainage patterns and the origins of topographic relief on Earth, Mars, and Titan
Published 2018“…We attribute the observed differences to ancient long-wavelength topography on Mars, recent or ongoing generation of long-wavelength relief on Titan, and the creation of short-wavelength relief by plate tectonics on Earth.…”
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Published 2009“…By applying tlte model of plate tectonics in West Java, it appears that tIre earthquake was caused by activihj in tIre subduction zone megathntst soutll of Java. …”