A gift of time: the contemporary artist-in-residency programme
Опубликовано 2021“...Promoted through new online platforms such as Res Artis and TransArtists, they are now firmly embedded within artistic networking and discursive practices. ...”
Диссертация -
Modelling the global constraints of temperature on transmission of Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax.
Опубликовано 2011“...CONCLUSIONS: These modelled products, made available freely in the public domain, can support the refined delineation of populations at risk; enhance endemicity mapping by offering a detailed, dynamic, and biologically driven alternative to the ubiquitous empirical incorporation of raw temperature data in geospatial models; and provide a rich spatial and temporal platform for future biological modelling studies....”
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Mining human prostate cancer datasets: The "camcAPP" shiny app.
Опубликовано 2017“...We therefore determined to produce an accessible web-based platform that would permit straightforward interrogation of these datasets with individual gene identifiers or gene sets. ...”
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Self‐organizing hair peg‐like structures from dissociated skin progenitor cells: new insights for human hair follicle organoid engineering and Turing patterning in an asymmetric mo...
Опубликовано 2019“...Together, our culture system provides a suitable platform to 1) analyze the self‐assembly behavior of hair progenitor cells into periodically arranged hair primordia, and 2) identify parameters that impact the formation of hair primordia in an asymmetric morphogenetic field. ...”
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Neoliberalism and Hindutva in the Actually Existing State: The case of Dholera smart city
Опубликовано 2020“...Launched and continuously promoted by India’s current Prime Minister and head of a right-wing Hindu nationalist party, Narendra Modi, since his days as Gujarat’s Chief Minister, Dholera has been a platform to reimagine the state and ideas of development....”
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Application of genomic technologies for molecular diagnosis of genetic diseases
Опубликовано 2015“...</p> <p>Several different NGS platforms, each of which differs substantially in terms of sample preparation, chemistry, and sequencing methodology, were tested, in addition to several sequence capture and enrichment technologies that allow sequencing to be targeted, and these combinations were compared to Sanger sequencing. ...”
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Single-molecule imaging and kinetic analysis of intermolecular polyoxometalate reactions
Опубликовано 2021“...Several identical carbon nanotubes aligned side by side within a bundle provided a platform for spatiotemporally resolved imaging of ca. 100 molecules encapsulated within the nanotubes by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). ...”
Journal article -
Effects of environmental impact and nutrition labelling on food purchasing: an experimental online supermarket study
Опубликовано 2022“...Participants (N = 2730) visited an experimental online supermarket platform, and were randomised to see products with (1) environmental impact labels only; (2) nutrition (NutriScore) labels only; (3) both environmental and nutrition labels; (4) no labels. ...”
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Proteomics as a tool for live attenuated influenza vaccine characterisation
Опубликовано 2019“...This demonstrates the potential utility of LC-MS/MS for optimising the purification of complex biological mixtures and shows that it is a promising approach for process optimisation in a wide variety of vaccine manufacturing platforms....”
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The molecular and spatial epidemiology of typhoid fever in rural Cambodia
Опубликовано 2016“...We conclude that there is a substantial burden of pediatric typhoid fever in rural communes in Cambodia. Our data provide a platform for additional population-based typhoid fever studies in this location, and suggest that this would be a suitable setting in which to introduce a school-based vaccination programme with Vi conjugate vaccines....”
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Evaluating the mental health outcomes of delivering peer-led interventions for young people in primary and secondary schools
Опубликовано 2019“...The global literature now recognises the school setting as a key platform to address these issues.</p> <p>Peer-led interventions have been identified as a promising method to address mental health problems in schools. ...”
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Biocuration - mapping resources and needs
Опубликовано 2020“...Therefore, the ELIXIR Training Platform launched an Implementation Study in order to i) identify communities of biocurators, ii) map the type of curation work being done, iii) assess biocuration training, and iv) draw a picture of biocuration career development....”
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Oxford nanopore MinION sequencing enables rapid whole genome assembly of rickettsia typhi in a resource-limited setting
Опубликовано 2019“...We prepared and sequenced libraries on a MinION in Vientiane, Lao PDR, using v9.5 chemistry, and in parallel, we sequenced the same isolate on the Illumina platform in a genomics laboratory in the United Kingdom. ...”
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Novel device architectures for perovskite solar cells
Опубликовано 2017“...Furthermore, a back-contacted perovskite device design was introduced, which allows not only for the fabrication of a new type of perovskite solar cell, but also represent a great material testing platform to study perovskite and electrode characteristics. ...”
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Electronic structures of novel quantum materials studied by spatially angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Опубликовано 2018“...<p>This thesis describes the studies on the electronic structures of several novel quantum materials by using the Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) technique: <ol><li>Topological Dirac semimetals represent a new state of quantum matter that offers a platform for realizing many exotic physical phenomena. ...”
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Practising critical resilience as an advanced peer support worker in London: A qualitative evaluation of a peer-led hepatitis C intervention amongst people experiencing homelessnes...
Опубликовано 2021“...Conclusion The programme offers policy guidance for the structured career development of APSWs and a platform for enactment of critical resilience as they transition to their advanced role, in the healthcare provider team. ...”
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The stability of electron-positron jets in laboratory plasmas
Опубликовано 2024“...In the first application of this new experimental platform, pair beam-plasma instabilities are investigated by propagating the pair beam through a metre-length plasma. ...”
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Standardising 400 years of speech: Norsk Ordbok and its dialect materials
Опубликовано 2010“...Since 2003 the editorial platform has been wholly digital. The lexicographic principle behind NO 2014 is that every dialect word can be expressed in the standard orthography and belongs in written Nynorsk. ...”
Conference item -
BioSharing: curated and crowd-sourced metadata standards, databases and data policies in the life sciences.
Опубликовано 2016“...It is a resource for funding bodies and journal publishers to navigate the metadata landscape of the biological sciences; an educational resource for librarians and information advisors; a publicising platform for standard and database developers/curators; and a research tool for bench and computer scientists to plan their work. ...”
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Acute molecular changes in synovial fluid following human knee injury are associated with early clinical outcomes.
Опубликовано 2016“...Assays were by MesoScale Discovery™platform or ELISA, and compared with controls.6/7 molecules were significantly elevated in human synovial fluid immediately after injury: IL-6, MCP-1, MMP-3, TIMP-1, activin-A and TSG-6. ...”
Journal article