Controlled synthesis of manganese-based heterostructures for supercapacitor application
Publicat 2015“…The versatility of this synthetic protocol provides a platform to fabricate complex ternary composites in a more benign way. …”
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Thesis -
Towards energy efficient task execution in mobile cloud computing
Publicat 2015“…With the emergence of cloud computing, various cloud-assisted mobile application platforms have been proposed, such as Cloudlet, CloneCloud and Weblet, which leverage cloud resources to accomplish computation intensive tasks and save energy consumption on mobile devices. …”
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Thesis -
Elastic service scaling optimization in cloud-based communication systems
Publicat 2015“…A CCMN is a cloud-based platform for content delivery, which is evolved from content delivery network (CDN); A C-RAN is an evolution of cellular communication networks, which decouples the baseband processing functionalities from the cellular base stations (BSs) and migrates those baseband processing tasks to a cloud baseband unit (BBU) pool. …”
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Thesis -
A multi agent system based control scheme for optimization of microgrid operation
Publicat 2016“…It presents the use of IEEE FIPA compliant agent platform which include JADE and MACSimJX to coordinate distributed market operations and simulated real-time implementations. …”
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Thesis -
建构中国想像共同体的电影企业家 :日战前新加坡《南洋商报》的中国电影广告初探 Construction of China’s imagined community by cinema entrepreneurs in pre-war Singapore : a preliminary study of Chinese movie advertisements...
Publicat 2016“…Mass media such as newspaper, journals and movies became a lucrative platform to disseminate patriotic messages, blurring the line between the nationalism and capitalistic motivation of this commerce. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
High performance database systems on coupled CPU-GPU architectures
Publicat 2016“…In recent years, programming on GPUs for general-purpose tasks has been significantly simplified with the release of programming interfaces. They are ideal platforms for workloads in database systems with abundant Data Level Parallelism (DLP). …”
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Thesis -
Integrated vehicle scheduling and routing policies for cross-dock systems
Publicat 2016“…Through experiments using the same software and computer platform as VRSP, it is shown that the modified model (VRSP-CZHTW) can be solved for medium to large scale, real-life problems within an acceptable time. …”
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Thesis -
Vision based scene understanding for collision avoidance on roadway
Publicat 2016“…In addition, the proposed algorithm is placed among the top 15% when evaluated using the well-known KITTI odometry platform. Methods for robust and low complexity stereo-vision based obstacle detection and tracking are proposed. …”
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Thesis -
Supporting agent-based simulations on GPU
Publicat 2016“…In this research, effective and generic strategies are proposed to speed up the ABS execution with GPU platform. The strategies are proposed for the execution of a single ABS execution as well as a parameter space exploration task consisting of multiple ABS instances. …”
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Thesis -
Budget efficient online active learning and its applications
Publicat 2017“…For example, noisy workers are quite common in the crowdsourcing platforms. To correct this weak assumption, this study proposes two robust online active learning algorithms, which not only consider the predictions of experts on current instance, but also consider the cumulative performance of experts on past instances. …”
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Thesis -
Improving the productivity of high-level synthesis by advancing reuseability and verifiability
Publicat 2017“…As the complexity of applications continues to grow to meet user demands, the complexity of hardware platforms continues to grow correspondingly. Thus, the hardware design flow is a critical methodology to handle continued growth in design complexity. …”
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Thesis -
Flirtatious sequences in Indonesian : a conversation analytic and membership categorization analytic approach
Publicat 2017“…This choice is strategically motivated. CA provides a platform to approach flirting from a sequential perspective, instead of single actions, or a simple action-reaction standpoint. …”
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Thesis -
Optical-spin dynamics in organic-inorganic hybrid lead halide perovskites
Publicat 2017“…Moreover, this perovskite system also exists in with various dimension of connectivity from 0D to 3D, which provides an additional platform for tunability. Researchers in the field, especially optical spectroscopists, have focused their study on understanding why lead halide perovskites work so well. …”
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Thesis -
Exergames for subthreshold depression among older adults
Publicat 2017“…No significant exercise platform effects were reported on self-efficacy over time. …”
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Thesis -
On-state reliability study of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor on silicon
Publicat 2018“…Monolithic integration of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) into silicon (Si) platform is very attractive as this is a cost-effective solution to extend the capabilities of silicon technology especially for high power and high frequency applications. …”
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Thesis -
Towards better prediction and content detection through online social media mining
Publicat 2018“…The reason that people sometimes read rumors from OSN is because today, OSN play a significant role as a platform for information sharing especially news updates. …”
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Thesis -
From node embedding to community embedding on graphs
Publicat 2019“…Similarly, with the consolidation of Web 2.0 and the rise of Web 3.0, social networks have become one of the most popular sources of information, wherein users not only utilize but also provide content. On such platforms, the users’ information is explicitly provided and most of the information is implicitly contained in the links between different users. …”
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Thesis -
Cavity QED of superradiant phase transition in two dimensional materials
Publicat 2018“…On further analysis, we show that the framework of one particle quantum mechanics (OPQM) can be given, in general, as a mathematically approximated model which is reformulated from QED theory while the AB effect scheme provides a platform for our derivations. In addition, the classical Maxwell equations are derived from QED scattering process while both classical electromagnetic fields and potentials serve as mathematical tools that are constructed to approximate the interactions among elementary particles described by QED physics. …”
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Thesis -
Synthesis of rare-earth oxide/titanate for upconversion luminescence with an ultra-high power efficiency
Publicat 2019“…Such work proved a potential platform to study the short-term energy transfer between sensitizers and activators. …”
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Thesis -
Operation and protection of DC shipboard power system
Publicat 2019“…This thesis considers the platform supply vessel (PSV) as the target dc marine vessel and covers detailed investigation on the challenges in the modeling and control and the solutions of the dc generation and load systems. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy