Composizione, lectio e competenze del senatus alto-repubblicano
Published 2020-07-01Subjects: Get full text
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Construction and Application of Biobanks for Infectious Diseases: Focus on SARS-CoV-2
Published 2022-01-01Get full text
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Imperatores forma ac decore corporis […] comparantibus (Tacite, Histoires, 1.7)
Published 2022-04-01“…Yet, not to dignify the body as a political object seems to belong far more to the aristocratic contempt than to the “plebeian culture”, which does not encompass such a negative appraisal. …”
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Colonial Revolution and Liberatory War: from Communist to Post-Colonial Theory (Georgy Safarov, Mao Zedong and Frantz Fanon)
Published 2021-10-01“…Similar ideas of colonial revolution as a liberatory peasant war and “plebeian” movement were developed by Franz Fanon in the context of his own war experience in Algeria. …”
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Ehre und Männlichkeit im kolonialen Spanisch-Amerika
Published 2000-08-01“…Central to this masculine value system was a heightened sensitivity to shame and insult. The essay examines plebeian understandings of masculinity in late colonial Buenos Aires. …”
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Machiavelli, Utopia, and Queer Politics
Published 2023-01-01“…The paper maintains that confrontation between the great and the plebs is best understood as a clash between two principles: repetition and inertia versus creativity and action. When the plebeian utopian impulse to be free from the oppression of the great is appropriately excited and expressed as an incessant yearning for the new, the queer political agency that is unleashed results in production of alternative possibilities of living and being in the world that make the society freer and stronger.…”
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The Intelligentsia and the October Revolution
Published 2017-06-01“…That revolution is revealed as an exclusively plebeian affair to which the left-leaning intelligentsia was intensely hostile, a situation that deeply worried worker activists.…”
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As Únicas Coisas Nobres Que a Vida Contém
Published 2013-07-01“…All other senses are plebeian and carnal." What happens if in our approach to Pessoa we read this affirmation straightforwardly, replacing the visible with the optic and the auditory with the acoustic? …”
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Under the bridge in Tehran: addiction, poverty and capital
Published 2018“…What drives the narration is not only the account of this lumpen, plebeian group vis à vis the state, but also the way power has affected their agency, their capacity to be present in the city, and how capital/power and the dangerous/lumpen life come to terms, to conflict, and to the production of new situations which affect urban life.…”
Journal article -
Un territoire inviolé : invasion, souveraineté et diplomatie publique dans le projet orangiste de 1688 en Angleterre
Published 2022-12-01“…However, incorporating the public sphere within the diplomatic process led to a definition of sovereignty as being coordinated between the crown and the political nation, whilst the instrumentalising of conflicting oppositions that straddled the revolution itself clashed with the expression of a potential plebeian agency (if not sovereignty).…”
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La Procesión de Disciplinantes. De la Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Goya y la religiosidad popular
Published 2008-10-01“…Goya drew and painted these processions as colourful and picturesque scenes, an expression of the plebeian piety that he himself professed, without the critical and mocking spirit that some scholars have wanted to see in them.…”
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The Genesis of a Permanent Tribunal: Quaestio Perpetuae de Repetundis
Published 2019-06-01“…The aim of the paper is to present the judiciary in cases de repetundis in the period before the permanent court was established, including plebeian tribunals and “occasional” tribunals: quaestiones estraordinariae / quaestiones temporiae, as well as the collegium of recuperators. …”
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Confucian justification of leadership democracy: a distinction between Confucian ethics and politics
Published 2021“…In Chapter IV, I propose Confucian leadership democracy as the best expression of Confucian plebeian and elitist values. </p>…”
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Postcolonial conflicts in the Antankarana kingdom in Northern Madagascar
Published 2009-10-01“…National State regulation was replaced, in this case, by initiatives by both supranational actors (the World Bank, holdings, reformist religious movements) and local ones (plebeian groups and noblemen, migrants’ associations and rival dynastic branches), reaching a point at which the king of Antankarana imposed religious taboos and organised affliction rituals in opposition to the installation. …”
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Trends in Peruvian historiography
Published 2006-04-01“…Lima: IEP, 2005. – The Plebeian Republic. The Huanta Rebellion and the Making of the Peruvian State, 1820-1850, by Cecilia Méndez. …”
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Do we need an anti-oligarchic constitution?
Published 2021“…Though she rightly insists on the importance of organized countervailing power and plebeian solidarity, the system of nested local assemblies that she proposes is not well-suited to foster the development of either.…”
Journal article -
Patronage, punch-ups, and polite correspondence: the radical background of James Woodhouse’s early poetry
Published 2017“…Reconsidering the letters between Woodhouse and his patrons reveals not only the influential friendships he cultivated as a plebeian poet but also the class prejudices he continued to encounter and resist, often forcefully. …”
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Published 2006-01-01“…The noblemen were not the only participants in disturbances, but - even more - the plebeian youth. People, who were night guards, experienced many inconveniences, because they were not educated for that job and they did not have any kind of authority, especially over the noblemen, so it seemed that the authorities were powerless in this respect.…”
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Popular violence and ‘lay religion’ in centre-west Mexico during Mexico’s Cristero war (1926-29)
Published 2023-12-01“…By the same token, Cristeros shared with their Revolutionary enemies a habit of plebeian vigilantism which was informed by economic and politico-religious mobilisation underway since 1910. …”
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