Showing 111,141 - 111,160 results of 111,409 for search '"pollutant"', query time: 0.77s Refine Results
  1. 111141

    Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks in 188 countries, 1990-2013:... by Forouzanfar, M, Alexander, L, Anderson, H, Bachman, V, Biryukov, S, Brauer, M, Burnett, R, Casey, D, Coates, M, Cohen, A, Delwiche, K, Estep, K, Frostad, J, Astha, K, Kyu, H, Moradi-Lakeh, M, Ng, M, Slepak, E, Thomas, B, Wagner, J, Aasvang, G, Abbafati, C, Abbasoglu Ozgoren, A, Abd-Allah, F, Abera, S, Aboyans, V, Abraham, B, Abraham, J, Abubakar, I, Abu-Rmeileh, N, Aburto, T, Achoki, T, Adelekan, A, Adofo, K, Adou, A, Adsuar, J, Afshin, A, Agardh, E, Al Khabouri, M, Al Lami, F, Alam, S, Alasfoor, D, Albittar, M, Alegretti, M, Aleman, A, Alemu, Z, Alfonso-Cristancho, R, Alhabib, S, Ali, R, Ali, M, Alla, F, Allebeck, P, Allen, P, Alsharif, U, Alvarez, E, Alvis-Guzman, N, Amankwaa, A, Amare, A, Ameh, E, Ameli, O, Amini, H, Ammar, W, Anderson, B, Antonio, C, Anwari, P, Argeseanu Cunningham, S, Arnlöv, J, Arsenijevic, V, Artaman, A, Asghar, R, Assadi, R, Atkins, L, Atkinson, C, Avila, M, Awuah, B, Badawi, A, Bahit, M, Bakfalouni, T, Balakrishnan, K, Balalla, S, Balu, R, Banerjee, A, Barber, R, Barker-Collo, S, Barquera, S, Barregard, L, Barrero, L, Barrientos-Gutierrez, T, Basto-Abreu, A, Basu, A, Basu, S, Basulaiman, M, Batis Ruvalcaba, C, Beardsley, J, Bedi, N, Bekele, T, Bell, M, Benjet, C, Bennett, D, Benzian, H, Bernabé, E, Beyene, T, Bhala, N, Bhalla, A, Bhutta, Z, Bikbov, B, Bin Abdulhak, A, Blore, J, Blyth, F, Bohensky, M, Bora Başara, B, Borges, G, Bornstein, N, Bose, D, Boufous, S, Bourne, R, Brainin, M, Brazinova, A, Breitborde, N, Brenner, H, Briggs, A, Broday, D, Brooks, P, Bruce, N, Brugha, T, Brunekreef, B, Buchbinder, R, Bui, L, Bukhman, G, Bulloch, A, Burch, M, Burney, P, Campos-Nonato, I, Campuzano, J, Cantoral, A, Caravanos, J, Cárdenas, R, Cardis, E, Carpenter, D, Caso, V, Castañeda-Orjuela, C, Castro, R, Catalá-López, F, Cavalleri, F, Çavlin, A, Chadha, V, Chang, J, Charlson, F, Chen, H, Chen, W, Chen, Z, Chiang, P, Chimed-Ochir, O, Chowdhury, R, Christophi, C, Chuang, T, Chugh, S, Cirillo, M, Claßen, T, Colistro, V, Colomar, M, Colquhoun, S, Contreras, A, Cooper, C, Cooperrider, K, Cooper, L, Coresh, J, Courville, K, Criqui, M, Cuevas-Nasu, L, Damsere-Derry, J, Danawi, H, Dandona, L, Dandona, R, Dargan, P, Davis, A, Davitoiu, D, Dayama, A, de Castro, E, De la Cruz-Góngora, V, De Leo, D, de Lima, G, Degenhardt, L, del Pozo-Cruz, B, Dellavalle, R, Deribe, K, Derrett, S, Des Jarlais, D, Dessalegn, M, deVeber, G, Devries, K, Dharmaratne, S, Dherani, M, Dicker, D, Ding, E, Dokova, K, Dorsey, E, Driscoll, T, Duan, L, Durrani, A, Ebel, B, Ellenbogen, R, Elshrek, Y, Endres, M, Ermakov, S, Erskine, H, Eshrati, B, Esteghamati, A, Fahimi, S, Faraon, E, Farzadfar, F, Fay, D, Feigin, V, Feigl, A, Fereshtehnejad, S, Ferrari, A, Ferri, C, Flaxman, A, Fleming, T, Foigt, N, Foreman, K, Paleo, U, Franklin, R, Gabbe, B, Gaffikin, L, Gakidou, E, Gamkrelidze, A, Gankpé, F, Gansevoort, R, García-Guerra, F, Gasana, E, Geleijnse, J, Gessner, B, Gething, P, Gibney, K, Gillum, R, Ginawi, I, Giroud, M, Giussani, G, Goenka, S, Goginashvili, K, Gomez Dantes, H, Gona, P, Gonzalez de Cosio, T, González-Castell, D, Gotay, C, Goto, A, Gouda, H, Guerrant, R, Gugnani, H, Guillemin, F, Gunnell, D, Gupta, R, Gupta, R, Gutiérrez, R, Hafezi-Nejad, N, Hagan, H, Hagstromer, M, Halasa, Y, Hamadeh, R, Hammami, M, Hankey, G, Hao, Y, Harb, H, Haregu, T, Haro, J, Havmoeller, R, Hay, S, Hedayati, M, Heredia-Pi, I, Hernandez, L, Heuton, K, Heydarpour, P, Hijar, M, Hoek, H, Hoffman, H, Hornberger, J, Hosgood, H, Hoy, D, Hsairi, M, Hu, G, Hu, H, Huang, C, Huang, J, Hubbell, B, Huiart, L, Husseini, A, Iannarone, M, Iburg, K, Idrisov, B, Ikeda, N, Innos, K, Inoue, M, Islami, F, Ismayilova, S, Jacobsen, K, Jansen, H, Jarvis, D, Jassal, S, Jauregui, A, Jayaraman, S, Jeemon, P, Jensen, P, Jha, V, Jiang, F, Jiang, G, Jiang, Y, Jonas, J, Juel, K, Kan, H, Kany Roseline, S, Karam, N, Karch, A, Karema, C, Karthikeyan, G, Kaul, A, Kawakami, N, Kazi, D, Kemp, A, Kengne, A, Keren, A, Khader, Y, Khalifa, S, Khan, E, Khang, Y, Khatibzadeh, S, Khonelidze, I, Kieling, C, Kim, D, Kim, S, Kim, Y, Kimokoti, R, Kinfu, Y, Kinge, J, Kissela, B, Kivipelto, M, Knibbs, L, Knudsen, A, Kokubo, Y, Kose, M, Kosen, S, Kraemer, A, Kravchenko, M, Krishnaswami, S, Kromhout, H, Ku, T, Kuate Defo, B, Kucuk Bicer, B, Kuipers, E, Kulkarni, C, Kulkarni, V, Kumar, G, Kwan, G, Lai, T, Lakshmana Balaji, A, Lalloo, R, Lallukka, T, Lam, H, Lan, Q, Lansingh, V, Larson, H, Larsson, A, Laryea, D, Lavados, P, Lawrynowicz, A, Leasher, J, Lee, J, Leigh, J, Leung, R, Levi, M, Li, Y, Li, Y, Liang, J, Liang, X, Lim, S, Lindsay, M, Lipshultz, S, Liu, S, Liu, Y, Lloyd, B, Logroscino, G, London, S, Lopez, N, Lortet-Tieulent, J, Lotufo, P, Lozano, R, Lunevicius, R, Ma, J, Ma, S, Machado, V, MacIntyre, M, Magis-Rodriguez, C, Mahdi, A, Majdan, M, Malekzadeh, R, Mangalam, S, Mapoma, C, Marape, M, Marcenes, W, Margolis, D, Margono, C, Marks, G, Martin, R, Marzan, M, Mashal, M, Masiye, F, Mason-Jones, A, Matsushita, K, Matzopoulos, R, Mayosi, B, Mazorodze, T, McKay, A, McKee, M, McLain, A, Meaney, P, Medina, C, Mehndiratta, M, Mejia-Rodriguez, F, Mekonnen, W, Melaku, Y, Meltzer, M, Memish, Z, Mendoza, W, Mensah, G, Meretoja, A, Mhimbira, F, Micha, R, Miller, T, Mills, E, Misganaw, A, Mishra, S, Mohamed Ibrahim, N, Mohammad, K, Mokdad, A, Mola, G, Monasta, L, Montañez Hernandez, J, Montico, M, Moore, A, Morawska, L, Mori, R, Moschandreas, J, Moturi, W, Mozaffarian, D, Mueller, U, Mukaigawara, M, Mullany, E, Murthy, K, Naghavi, M, Nahas, Z, Naheed, A, Naidoo, K, Naldi, L, Nand, D, Nangia, V, Narayan, K, Nash, D, Neal, B, Nejjari, C, Neupane, S, Newton, C, Ngalesoni, F, Ngirabega, J, Nguyen, G, Nguyen, N, Nieuwenhuijsen, M, Nisar, M, Nogueira, J, Nolla, J, Nolte, S, Norheim, O, Norman, R, Norrving, B, Nyakarahuka, L, Oh, I, Ohkubo, T, Olusanya, B, Omer, S, Opio, J, Orozco, R, Pagcatipunan, R, Pain, A, Pandian, J, Panelo, C, Papachristou, C, Park, E, Parry, C, Paternina Caicedo, A, Patten, S, Paul, V, Pavlin, B, Pearce, N, Pedraza, L, Pedroza, A, Pejin Stokic, L, Pekericli, A, Pereira, D, Perez-Padilla, R, Perez-Ruiz, F, Perico, N, Perry, S, Pervaiz, A, Pesudovs, K, Peterson, C, Petzold, M, Phillips, M, Phua, H, Plass, D, Poenaru, D, Polanczyk, G, Polinder, S, Pond, C, Pope, C, Pope, D, Popova, S, Pourmalek, F, Powles, J, Prabhakaran, D, Prasad, N, Qato, D, Quezada, A, Quistberg, D, Racapé, L, Rafay, A, Rahimi, K, Rahimi-Movaghar, V, Rahman, S, Raju, M, Rakovac, I, Rana, S, Rao, M, Razavi, H, Reddy, K, Refaat, A, Rehm, J, Remuzzi, G, Ribeiro, A, Riccio, P, Richardson, L, Riederer, A, Robinson, M, Roca, A, Rodriguez, A, Rojas-Rueda, D, Romieu, I, Ronfani, L, Room, R, Roy, N, Ruhago, G, Rushton, L, Sabin, N, Sacco, R, Saha, S, Sahathevan, R, Sahraian, M, Salomon, J, Salvo, D, Sampson, U, Sanabria, J, Sanchez, L, Sánchez-Pimienta, T, Sanchez-Riera, L, Sandar, L, Santos, I, Sapkota, A, Satpathy, M, Saunders, J, Sawhney, M, Saylan, M, Scarborough, P, Schmidt, J, Schneider, I, Schöttker, B, Schwebel, D, Scott, J, Seedat, S, Sepanlou, S, Serdar, B, Servan-Mori, E, Shaddick, G, Shahraz, S, Levy, T, Shangguan, S, She, J, Sheikhbahaei, S, Shibuya, K, Shin, H, Shinohara, Y, Shiri, R, Shishani, K, Shiue, I, Sigfusdottir, I, Silberberg, D, Simard, E, Sindi, S, Singh, A, Singh, G, Singh, J, Skirbekk, V, Sliwa, K, Soljak, M, Soneji, S, Søreide, K, Soshnikov, S, Sposato, L, Sreeramareddy, C, Stapelberg, N, Stathopoulou, V, Steckling, N, Stein, D, Stein, M, Stephens, N, Stöckl, H, Straif, K, Stroumpoulis, K, Sturua, L, Sunguya, B, Swaminathan, S, Swaroop, M, Sykes, B, Tabb, K, Takahashi, K, Talongwa, R, Tandon, N, Tanne, D, Tanner, M, Tavakkoli, M, Te Ao, B, Teixeira, C, Téllez Rojo, M, Terkawi, A, Texcalac-Sangrador, J, Thackway, S, Thomson, B, Thorne-Lyman, A, Thrift, A, Thurston, G, Tillmann, T, Tobollik, M, Tonelli, M, Topouzis, F, Towbin, J, Toyoshima, H, Traebert, J, Tran, B, Trasande, L, Trillini, M, Trujillo, U, Dimbuene, Z, Tsilimbaris, M, Tuzcu, E, Uchendu, U, Ukwaja, K, Uzun, S, van de Vijver, S, Van Dingenen, R, van Gool, C, van Os, J, Varakin, Y, Vasankari, T, Vasconcelos, A, Vavilala, M, Veerman, L, Velasquez-Melendez, G, Venketasubramanian, N, Vijayakumar, L, Villalpando, S, Violante, F, Vlassov, V, Vollset, S, Wagner, G, Waller, S, Wallin, M, Wan, X, Wang, H, Wang, J, Wang, L, Wang, W, Wang, Y, Warouw, T, Watts, C, Weichenthal, S, Weiderpass, E, Weintraub, R, Werdecker, A, Wessells, K, Westerman, R, Whiteford, H, Wilkinson, J, Williams, H, Williams, T, Woldeyohannes, S, Wolfe, C, Wong, J, Woolf, A, Wright, J, Wurtz, B, Xu, G, Yan, L, Yang, G, Yano, Y, Ye, P, Yenesew, M, Yentür, G, Yip, P, Yonemoto, N, Yoon, S, Younis, M, Younoussi, Z, Yu, C, Zaki, M, Zhao, Y, Zheng, Y, Zhou, M, Zhu, J, Zhu, S, Zou, X, Zunt, J, Lopez, A, Vos, T, Murray, C

    Published 2015
    “…In terms of global DALYs in 2013, six risks or clusters of risks each caused more than 5% of DALYs: dietary risks accounting for 11·3 million deaths and 241·4 million DALYs, high systolic blood pressure for 10·4 million deaths and 208·1 million DALYs, child and maternal malnutrition for 1·7 million deaths and 176·9 million DALYs, tobacco smoke for 6·1 million deaths and 143·5 million DALYs, air pollution for 5·5 million deaths and 141·5 million DALYs, and high BMI for 4·4 million deaths and 134·0 million DALYs. …”
    Journal article
  2. 111142

    A‌S‌S‌E‌S‌S‌M‌E‌N‌T O‌F G‌E‌O‌T‌E‌C‌H‌N‌I‌C‌A‌L C‌H‌A‌R‌A‌C‌T‌E‌R‌I‌S‌T‌I‌C O‌F B‌E‌N‌T‌O‌N‌I‌T‌E C‌L‌A‌Y C‌O‌N‌T‌A‌M‌I‌N‌A‌T‌E‌D B‌Y G‌A‌S‌O‌L‌I‌N‌E... by S.M.A. Zomorodian, V.R. Rahimi Haghighi

    Published 2017-11-01
    “…P‌e‌t‌r‌o‌c‌h‌e‌m‌i‌c‌a‌l‌s a‌n‌d t‌r‌a‌n‌s‌p‌o‌r‌t f‌u‌e‌l p‌o‌l‌l‌u‌t‌a‌n‌t‌s c‌a‌n c‌h‌a‌n‌g‌e s‌o‌i‌l c‌h‌a‌r‌a‌c‌t‌e‌r‌i‌s‌t‌i‌c‌s. …”
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  3. 111143

    Causes and Consequences of Reverse Migration to the Rural Areas of Buin and Miandasht County by Asghar Norouzi, Fatemeh Mahdian

    Published 2022-12-01
    “…In this context, the highest mean of environmental-physical aspects belongs to the components of pollution in the urban environment (lack of healthy weather and natural landscapes and the absence of pollution in the village). …”
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  4. 111144

    Empowerment of Informal Settlements with Emphasis on Desirable Urban Governance Indicators (Case Study: Informal Settlements of Tabriz metropolis) by Darioush Nowin, Ebrahim Taghavi, Bakhtyar Ezzatpanah

    Published 2022-09-01
    “…At least 600 million people, primarily poor, live in polluted urban environments in health-threatening conditions. …”
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  5. 111145

    Climate forcing growth rates: doubling down on our Faustian bargain by James Hansen, Pushker Kharecha, Makiko Sato

    Published 2013-01-01
    “…Reduction of the net human-made climate forcing by aerosols has been described as a ‘Faustian bargain’ (Hansen and Lacis 1990, Hansen 2009), because the aerosols constitute deleterious particulate air pollution. Reduction of the net climate forcing by half will continue only if we allow air pollution to build up to greater and greater amounts. …”
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  6. 111146
  7. 111147

    Estimates of lightning NO<sub><i>x</i></sub> production based on high-resolution OMI NO<sub>2</sub> retrievals over the continental US by X. Zhang, X. Zhang, Y. Yin, Y. Yin, R. van der A, R. van der A, J. L. Lapierre, Q. Chen, Q. Chen, X. Kuang, X. Kuang, S. Yan, J. Chen, J. Chen, C. He, C. He, R. Shi, R. Shi

    Published 2020-04-01
    “…To apply satellite data in both clean and polluted regions, a new algorithm for calculating L<span class="inline-formula">NO<sub><i>x</i></sub></span> has been developed that uses the Berkeley High-Resolution (BEHR) v3.0B <span class="inline-formula">NO<sub>2</sub></span> retrieval algorithm and the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with chemistry (WRF-Chem). …”
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  8. 111148

    Atmospheric conditions and composition that influence PM<sub>2.5</sub> oxidative potential in Beijing, China by S. J. Campbell, S. J. Campbell, K. Wolfer, B. Utinger, J. Westwood, Z.-H. Zhang, Z.-H. Zhang, N. Bukowiecki, S. S. Steimer, S. S. Steimer, T. V. Vu, T. V. Vu, J. Xu, N. Straw, S. Thomson, A. Elzein, Y. Sun, D. Liu, D. Liu, L. Li, P. Fu, A. C. Lewis, A. C. Lewis, R. M. Harrison, R. M. Harrison, W. J. Bloss, M. Loh, M. R. Miller, Z. Shi, M. Kalberer, M. Kalberer

    Published 2021-04-01
    “…In this work, filter samples were collected in winter 2016 and summer 2017 during the atmospheric pollution and human health in a Chinese megacity campaign (APHH-Beijing), and PM<span class="inline-formula"><sub>2.5</sub></span> OP was analysed using four acellular methods: ascorbic acid (AA), dithiothreitol (DTT), 2,7-dichlorofluorescin/hydrogen peroxidase (DCFH) and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR). …”
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  9. 111149
  10. 111150

    Weighing and Prioritizing the Eight Principles of Integrated Health, Safety, Environment and Energy Management in Industries Covered by the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade by Rasoul Yarahmadi, Hamed Moridi, Ali Asghar Farshad, Fereshteh Taheri

    Published 2020-05-01
    “…Based on the results, sustainable development can be achievable by ranking and prioritizing the HSEE processing indicators to facilitate managerial decision-making processes and monitor continuous improvement of systems to protect individuals, property and reduce accidents and pollution. Keywords: Prioritization, HSEE, Sustainable Development, Fuzzy TOPSIS, Index, Weighting, AHP. …”
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  11. 111151

    Environmental Crisis as The Ultimate Life Issue by Arnold Donozo

    Published 2018-03-01
    “…The sad state of the environmental degradation includes the prevalence of continued deforestation, uncontrolled flooding, topsoil erosion, heavily silted inland waterways, destruction of coral reefs, and various forms of pollution. Amidst the crisis, hope can be seen from the moral values and beliefs of Filipinos. …”
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  12. 111152

    Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Pattern of ABC Transporters in Razor Clam (Sinonovacula constricta) by Fan YANG, Zhiping LI, Yinghui DONG, Jianfeng REN

    Published 2024-02-01
    “…Several investigations of heavy metal pollution were conducted in mollusk culture areas, and it was found that the concentrations of some ions exceeded the limits. …”
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  13. 111153

    Development of a sustainable cloud service business model by Somayeh Keshavarz, Alireza Motameni

    Published 2022-09-01
    “…Discussion and Conclusion: The economic dimension refers to the production of goods and services as a prerequisite for improving living conditions; The social dimension refers to the equality of all human beings and their opportunities to access resources according to basic needs such as food, water and development through improved living conditions such as health care and education; The environmental dimension is related to the Earth ecosystem and the reduction of man-made carbon and the environmental imbalance created by the terms pollution, ozone layer, greenhouse gases, non-degradable waste, deforestation, overfishing, and The governance dimension is also related to the ways in which power is spent on managing economic and social resources for development. …”
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  14. 111154
  15. 111155

    Kajian Potensi Air Rawa dan Kearifan Lokal sebagai Dasar Pengelolaan Air Rawa Yomoth sebagai Sumber Air Bersih di Distrik Agats Kabupaten Asmat Provinsi Papua by Yoseph Kamun, Su Ritohardoyo, Langgeng Wahyu Santosa

    Published 2016-10-01
    “…It was considered that the swamp water of Yomoth was managed and protected wisely by continuously avoiding pollution and damage as to be used together. Village owner and community rights of Asmat ethnic persons of Yepem village and the government of Yepem village and traditional society did not allow persons outside village to enter the village, their forest and swamp to take products and explore natural resources existing in their location.   …”
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  16. 111156

    Review on the Analysis and Testing Method of Typical Plant Growth Regulators in Environment by HU Xiaolei, CHEN Liang, HOU Jie, WU Shaopei, WANG Lei

    Published 2023-03-01
    “…At the same time, considering the strong natural attenuation ability of PGRs and the high toxicity of their intermediates, the advantages, disadvantages and applicability of different testing techniques are systematically summarized, taking into account the special structure and nature of PGRs, in order to fully understand the current status of pretreatment and analytical testing of PGRs and provide literature support for subsequent research on analytical testing, migration transformation, pollution evaluation and treatment of PGRs.Due to many impurities in the sample that can interfere with the detection, the appropriate pretreatment method can improve the accuracy of the test results. …”
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  17. 111157

    AgNPs Prepared by Lemon Juice Reduction Method for SERS Rapid Detection of Pesticide Residues in Fruits and Vegetables by DONG Shanshan, ZHANG Fengqiu, XIA Qi, LI Jialin, LIU Chao, LIU Shaowei, CHEN Xiangyu, WANG Rujing, HUANG Qing

    Published 2024-01-01
    “…Pesticide exposure and pesticide residues can not only lead to environmental pollution issues but also seriously affect human health. …”
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  18. 111158
  19. 111159

    Rapid reduction in black carbon emissions from China: evidence from 2009–2019 observations on Fukue Island, Japan by Y. Kanaya, Y. Kanaya, K. Yamaji, K. Yamaji, T. Miyakawa, F. Taketani, F. Taketani, C. Zhu, Y. Choi, Y. Komazaki, K. Ikeda, Y. Kondo, Z. Klimont

    Published 2020-06-01
    “…This suggests that reductions in BC emissions started without significant delay when compared to other pollutants such as <span class="inline-formula">NO<sub><i>x</i></sub></span> and <span class="inline-formula">SO<sub>2</sub></span>, which are among the key precursors of scattering PM<span class="inline-formula"><sub>2.5</sub></span>.…”
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  20. 111160