Insights of Blaise Pascal (about the Book “France and Russia: around Blaise Pascal”)
Published 2021-03-01Subjects: Get full text
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Fyodor Dostoevsky and America: Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Oldtown Folks and Issues of Calvinist Theology
Published 2020-06-01Subjects: Get full text
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Dede Korkut Hikâyelerinde Türk-İslam İnanışlarının İtikādî Göstergeleri
Published 2018-06-01Subjects: Get full text
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Published 2014-01-01Subjects: Get full text
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موقف مدرسة مصطفى عبد الرازق من الخطاب الاستشراقي محمد عبد الهادي أبو ريدة أنموذجاً
Published 2019-07-01Subjects: “…Orientalism - Muhammad Abdul-Hadi Abu Ridah - Mustapha Abul-Raziq - Islamic philosophy - Predestination and free will…”
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“Practical and experimental”: Henry Venn and the moderate Calvinist tradition in the Church of England (1747-1834)
Published 2023Subjects: “…Christianity; Christian; Jesus Christ; God; evangelical; evangelicalism; church; Calvinism; Calvinist; Moderate Calvinism, Moderate Calvinist; justification; conditional justification; sacrament; sacramental; baptism; Communion; Lord’s Supper; Thirty-nine Articles; Formularies; Prayer Book; Book of Common Prayer; conviction, election; predestination; new birth; repentance; faith; belief; solafideism; solafideists; duty; The Complete Duty of Man; rigorism; rigorist; moral; morality; moralism; moralistic; pray; prayer; preach; sermon; assurance; sin; redemption; hell; heaven; joy; practical; experimental; household piety; preacher; preaching; ministry; minister; pastor; pastoral; visitation; Church of England; Anglican; vicar; rector; parish; bishop; episcopal; Oxford; Cambridge; Huddersfield; Yorkshire; Pennine; Richard Venn; Eling Venn; Joseph Priestley; John Murgatroyd; John Riland; Ann Riland; Gilbert Burnett; Samuel Furley; Samuel Walker; Yelling; Huntingdonshire; Georgian; Hanoverian; George Whitefield; John Wesley; Charles Wesley; Thomas Haweis; William Grimshaw; James Stillingfleet; William Cowper; John Berridge; John Fletcher; Arminian; Arminianism; Trevecca; Countess of Huntingdon; Countess of Huntingdon’s Connexion; Dissent; Independency; John Venn; William Wilberforce; Clapham Sect; Evangelical Party.…”
Thesis -
Fideizm Jana Kalwina w doktrynie podwójnej predestynacji
Published 2015-12-01“…John Calvin adopted late‑Augustinian interests, and was especially concerned with the issue of predestination. The Geneva reformer was the author of the double predestination doctrine. …”
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God’s non-capricious no: Karl Barth’s “purified infralapsarianism” in development 1920-1953
Published 2014“…In a nutshell, my thesis in Part II is that Christology and predestination started out as two loosely related doctrines in Barth’s theology, but as predestination, which was inconsistently supralapsarian during the first phase of the development, was drawn closer to Christology, which carried infralapsarian tendencies at first and became infralapsarian in the 1920s, Barth’s doctrine of predestination became more and more infralapsarian, and then in 1936-42 the two doctrines merged and became inseparable, and he became basically infralapsarian in both Christology and predestination. …”
Thesis -
the social works of belief in human life from the perspective of the quran and traditions
Published 2022-08-01“…Belief in divine predestination is one of the Islamic beliefs because many verses and traditions specify it, and in addition to the philosophical dimension, it also has a social and practical aspect. …”
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Causalidad divina y libertad humana en Suárez
Published 2013-11-01“…This paper takes over Suarez's interesting concept of freedom in order to discuss what human free will is and how it is concordant with divine predestination and grace. After analyzing the concept of freedom and connecting the structure of action with contemporary views of rationality (rational choice), the paper shows how Suarez's theory can actually be used (against the original intentions of the author) lo prove that there can be predestination without any violation of human free will.…”
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Predestinação e a metafísica da identidade: um estudo de caso iorubá
Published 2007-01-01“…In Yoruba account of predestination, a moulded body, already infused with the spirit of life by Olodumare (the supreme being), goes to pick an Ori (the bearer of destiny), before his or her birth. …”
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Applying Weber : analysis of low and middle income Muslims in Singapore
Published 2011“…The religious ethic found in Protestants, particularly Calvinists, is through the concept of predestination brought about by inner-worldly asceticism and the economic ethics of accumulating as much profits as possible. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Is Conveying Knowledge the Only Task of the Contemporary School?
Published 2012-04-01“…Reaching to the past − the period of Reformation and the idea of predestination, still present today in some Protestant factions − the author demonstrates how this idea affects not only the concept of man in Europe, but also the idea of education and the acceptance or rejection of the so-called “educational capability”, on which J.F. …”
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Uno su mille. Contrappunto sulla predestinazione in Agostino
Published 2023-06-01“…The interweaving of theses on predestination, grace, destiny, and character can help, but only on the condition of being aware that these are nevertheless analogies that never succeed in fully clarifying, but can help. …”
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Théologie et ecclésiologie chez William Laud (1573-1645), archevêque de Cantorbéry
Published 2009-03-01“…A theologian who gave pride of place to sacramental life, and whose forceful rejection of predestination made him close to Arminianism, Laud followed in the footsteps of Saint Cyprian in upholding episcopacy as the proper form of government for the Church.…”
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HIV-related risk perception among female sex workers in Nigeria
Published 2011-07-01“…To reduce dissonance, many sex workers had a strong belief in fatalism, predestination, and faith-based invulnerability to HIV infection. …”
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Melancholy and the doctrine of reprobation in English puritan culture, 1550-1640
Published 2012“…Reprobation formed part of the Calvinist doctrine of double predestination, by which God had chosen a few for salvation (the elect), and many for destruction (the reprobate). …”
Thesis -
Calvijn en de Dordtse Leerregels
Published 1993-06-01“…In this article a surprising similarity in structure between Calvin’s teachings on predestination and those of the Canons of Dordt is indicated. …”
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