Sustainable integration: The silver lining of a democratically challenged EU
Published 2019“…After all, the European Parliament is directly elected, and the European Council is composed of elected heads of state. The President of the European Commission is nominated by the European Council based on the outcome of the parliamentary elections. …”
Book section -
Book review : Handbook of European social policy and The Routledge international handbook to welfare state systems
Published 2018“…Jacques Delors was the dynamic President of the European Commission and it was quite widely believed that his vision of economic integration would entail ‘harmonisation’ of social policies among the EU (15) underpinned by a commitment to furthering social equalities. …”
Article -
Are Europeans ready for a more democratic European Union? New evidence on preference heterogeneity, polarisation and crosscuttingness
Published 2016“…Some scholars and policy makers argue in favour of increasing democratic contestation for leadership and policy at the European level, for instance by having European-wide parties campaign for competing candidates for President of the European Commission ahead of European Parliament elections. …”
Journal article