A Ritual for Initiation of Medical Students to the Profession-White Coat Ceremony
Published 2023-04-01Get full text
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A Rare Case of Familial Progressive Ataxia with Palatal Tremors
Published 2022-01-01Get full text
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Investigación y práctica urbanística desde la Escuela de Arquitectura de Madrid : 20 años de actividad del Instituto Juan de Herrera (SPyOT), 1977-1997
Published 1997-11-01“…A considerable number of outstanding students have started careers in the planning field, both in the public and private sectors. After 20 years it can be said that the always difficult relationship between academia and the professional world, both for students and professors, has been facilitated by the existence of the SPyOT. …”
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<p align="justify">A Pedagogia das Competências em um Curso de Administração: o desafio de passar do projeto pedagógico à prática docente<br><br>The Pedagogy of Competencies in a B...
Published 2011-09-01“…<br><br><b>ABSTRACT</b><br>The aim of this paper is to analyse the discourse and the practice of the Pedagogy of Competencies in a Business Administration course from a private Higher-Education School in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in order to identify and indicate the possibilities and challenges demanded by the implementation process taking place when moving from the course pedagogical project to a pedagogical practice. …”
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The PMIP4 contribution to CMIP6 – Part 1: Overview and over-arching analysis plan
Published 2018-03-01Get full text
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Staffing an Academic Reference Desk with Librarians is not Cost-effective
Published 2009-06-01“…Setting – Stetson University, a private institution in the United States with an FTE of approximately 2500. …”
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Proefwonen voor mensen met een verstandelijke beperking en/of psychiatrische problemen
Published 2015-09-01“…Most of the participants still receive support, but for those clients where the prospects are good, reduction in the level of support received can begin.Most applicants were clients who could leave their collective housing facilities.Some of the applicants previously lived in privately rented housing and were unable to afford the rent, thus risking homelessness.What was striking in the testimonials of the participants was that they were all very positive about the effect of living independently. …”
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PROTOCOL: Effects of interventions to improve access to financial services for micro‐, small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises in low‐ and middle‐income countries: An evidence and gap...
Published 2023-09-01“…To address this, both the public and private sectors employ indirect and direct finance interventions to help MSMEs in developing and emerging economies enhance and increase their financing needs. …”
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Overview of colorectal resections in a reference center in Curitiba – Brazil: Experience with open and laparoscopic approach
Published 2018-01-01“…Methods: This is a retrospective observational study performed in a Teaching Private Hospital of the City of Curitiba, Brazil, with the revision of 395 medical charts of patients subjected to colorectal resections from January 2011 through June 2016. …”
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Badanie poziomu satysfakcji pacjentów z funkcjonowania podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej w Polsce i we Włoszech. Analiza porównawcza = Measuring patient satisfaction in primary health...
Published 2015-10-01“…Results Majority of Polish respondents (68%) declared that mostly they use private health care sector. Respondents from Italy, by contrast reported more frequent use of the public health sector (91%). …”
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Management of psoriatic arthritis: a consensus opinion by expert rheumatologists
Published 2023-11-01Get full text
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The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Millimeter Observations of a Population of Asteroids or: ACTeroids
Published 2024-01-01Get full text
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Influence diagram of strategic human resource planning considering futures studies concepts based on customized hybrid Roland Berger - HHL Leipzig approach and Fuzzy DEMATEL (Case:...
Published 2017-05-01“…New approaches in public administration, such as outsourcing, downsizing, privatization, merger, partnership or joint management are in next places in terms of importance. …”
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The Study of the Poetic Features of Shamloo and Nazar Qabbani's Poems, Based on Jakobson`s Linguistic Theory of the Metaphoric and Metonymic Poles
Published 2021-02-01“…In Shamloo poems including the performance of speech figures such as irony, metaphor and simile with a tendency towards rational parties on the paradigmatic axis in proportion to the characteristics of referring to private issues of life, intense attention to social and political issues, ambiguity, similes and new metaphors, emphasis The use and importance of the symbol, and the creation of new relationships between the sensible and the rational, and in Qabbani's poems the performance of these speech figures in proportion to the characteristics of contemporary Arabic poetry such as the variety of rhetorical methods, exaggeration in the use of imagination and style, To take refuge in the symbol in the structure of the ode is to hide the meaning, complexity and ambiguity. …”
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O ensino secundário laico e católico no rio grande do sul, nas primeiras décadas do século XX: apontamentos sobre os ginásios Pelotense e Gonzaga - Secular and catholic secondary t...
Published 2011-03-01“…They had their stories closely related to the development of Public and Private Superior Teaching in Pelotas, since from these institutions were created schools that then originated Universidade Católica and Universidade Federal de Pelotas (Catholic University and Federal University). …”
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