The Importance of the Place of Comparative Approach in the History of Persian Folk Literature and Criticism of Arabic Poetry and Prose Texts, the Heading of Folk Literature, Master...
Published 2023-08-01“…The importance of Arabic sources in terms of recording the legendary history of Iranians and its importance in the discussion of mythological studies: the translation of Iranian history sources into Arabic, especially the "Khuday nameh", and the comparison of different characterizations of Iranian mythological champions such as Rostam in these sources with the Shahnameh and Iranian folk culture, It doubles the importance of Arabic sources in studying the history of developments in Iranian mythology.The influence of Arabic-Islamic culture on the components of Iranian folk literature: When discussing the importance of Arabic sources in the discussion of Iranian folklore literature, it is necessary to consider the effects of Arabic-Islamic culture on Iranian public culture and literature. including the influence of Arabic proverbs and admonitions and the importance of influence of Semitic and Islamic history in the discussion of comparative mythology and the spread of Arabic love stories in Iranian culture.Authors and important works: the works of Ibn Muqafa as the first collections containing Iranian proverbs and rulings after Islam, the works of Jahiz, the important work of Abu al-Faraj Isfahani called Al-Aghani, the works of Thaalibi Neishabouri, the book of Abu hayyan Tawhidi’s Al-EMtaa and Al-Mu’anasat, the works of Qazi Mohsen Tanukhi and the work of Ragheb Isfahani With the name of Mohazerat al-odaba va Mohaverat al-shoara va al-bolagha, which contain verse and prose form of proverbs and admonitions, anecdotes, stories, superstitions, Arabic stories that are influential in Iranian culture, jokes and popular opinions. these cases are the most important things is the importance of Arabic sources in reflecting folk culture and literature.Designing the heading of the Iranian folk culture and literature course in Arabic poetry and prose texts: based on the discussed topics, it is suggested to change the title of the Arabic poetry and prose texts course in the Persian folk literature heading to "Iranian folk culture and literature in Arabic prose and poetry texts" and educational topics should be organize under these main headings:"The importance and role of Nahj al-Balagha and the Holy Quran in Iranian folk culture and literature""Iranian admonitions, Arabic admonitions and understanding the importance of moral and religious admonitions and advice in Iranian culture (before and after Islam)"" Iranian proverbs in sources of Arabic proverbs, Arabic proverbs, stories of proverbs, examples of Arabic poems by Iranian poets (poetice form of proverbs and admonitions)""The importance of historical sources in the analysis and investigation of Iranian, Semitic and Islamic mythology and how to synchronize them"" Analysis and investigation of Iranian folk culture and literature in the Arabic collections""Study of Arabic love stories introduced into Persian culture and literature""The influence of folk culture and literature in the creation of the literary type of Maghameh""Jokes and comical in Arabic sources""Familiarization with the research texts of Arabic writers in the field of the connection between Iranian folk culture and literature with Arabic and Islamic culture and literature". 4.ConclusionThe current heading of the course on Arabic poetic and prose texts of the folk literature major does not fit with the goals and nature of the major. …”
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„I tu leży wampir pogrzebany” – powiedzenia, przysłowia, frazeologizmy w przekładach wybranych utworów Andrzeja Sapkowskiego na język rosyjski
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