Antiquitized emblems of Andrea Alciato
Published 2020-02-01“…Scholars distinguish several sources of this discipline: Egyptian hieroglyphics; epigrammatic, fabular, and numismatic heritage of the Classical Antiquity; medieval fabliau and proverbs; bestiary images of both epochs. In this paper, the “Emblemata” created by Andrea Alciato (1492–1550), a Late Renaissance writer and erudite, was analyzed. …”
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Obrazowość jako cecha stylistyczna szesnastowiecznego pamfletu politycznego Uwagi o Acrostichis własnego wyobrażenia Kniaża Wielkiego Moskiewskiego Walentego Neothebela
Published 2020-12-01“…One can indicate a few determinants of picturesqueness, they are: discontinuous words structures, proverbs and idioms, comparisons, enumerations and large and extensive description contexts. …”
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Published 2023-06-01“…This study aims to examine the philosophical life values of the Manggarai people in Western Flores, which are reflected in the proverbs of the Manggarai language (Go'et). Go'et is an oral literature that contains the values that govern the life of the Manggarai people. …”
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Colloquial language elements in the translated version of Kayum Nasiri's 'Abugalisina kyssasy'
Published 2021-02-01“…Nasyri skillfully inserts Tatar folk proverbs and sayings, figurative comparisons, and artistic metaphors into the text, thereby emphasizing particular places and strengthening the impact of the described events on the reader. …”
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Métaphores et calques dans la création phraséologique du français ivoirien
Published 2018-10-01“…Plus exactement, elle permet de cerner les propriétés idiomatiques qui caractérisent la formation des lexies complexes (expressions figées) et des lexies textuelles (adages ou proverbes) sélectionnées à partir de certains actes de communication courants entre les Ivoiriens. …”
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A discourse analysis of Melengkan at a Gayonese wedding ceremony
Published 2017-03-01“…Melengkan is a special form of the Gayonese language which is spoken in poetry, lyrics, and proverbs. This study investigated its use as poetry specifically in wedding ceremonies held in Gayo, Aceh, Indonesia. …”
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A Study of Hot and Cold Metaphors in Iraqi Arabic
Published 2020-08-01“…Idiomatic expressions and proverbs are chosen specifically from the southern dialect where they are widely used in daily interaction. …”
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Kristeva: The Individual, the Symbolic and Feminist Readings of the Biblical Text
Published 2014-11-01“…This will be used to interpret Proverbs 31 but in doing so it will become evident that this alone lacks the potency to overcome the diffuse nature of the symbolic.…”
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Published 2024-03-01“…With the application of transliteration, direct translation, proverbs, figures of speech, allusions, lexical borrowing, and grammatical and phonemic corruption, the writers are able to foreground their intention to post-colonialize and africanize their literary works. …”
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Claude Sumner’s “Oromo Wisdom Literature:” An Attempt at Understanding their Philosophical Content
Published 2019-06-01“…Odera Oruka’s sage philosophy. Sumner used proverbs, songs, folktales, riddles and similar oral materials to distill philosophical content out of some of them. …”
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Two centuries from the birth of Petar II Petrović Njegoš (Neboš of the Serbian romanticism)
Published 2013-01-01“…He was the collector of folk proverbs, which were created and printed by himself in the anthology Ogledalo srpsko (Serbian Mirror) (1846). …”
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NAMAS ‘house’ and NAMAI ‘home’ in the Lithuanian Language and Culture
Published 2016-12-01“…She reports the results of a questionnarie, which show that namas/namai is often mythicised as a paradise on earth, with the important motif of returning home. Proverbs keep guard over patriarchal relations in the family and portray home as a stronghold. …”
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L’Ase Negre avant L’Ase Negre (mars-juin 1946) : un chaînon manquant ?
Published 2017-03-01“…En mars 1946, deux jeunes défenseurs de l’occitan, Hélène Cabanes (Gracia) et Robert Lafont prirent l’initiative de créer une nouvelle revue d’action occitaniste, qu’ils intitulèrent L’Ase Negre (L’Âne Noir, à partir du proverbe « Têtu comme un âne noir »). Les ambitions de cette publication, qui ne connut que quatre minces livraisons mensuelles, étaient à la fois politiques (en faveur du fédéralisme), linguistiques (la revue est entièrement en occitan) et littéraires (on y publie de nouveaux auteurs). …”
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“A Gift of True Love…” (N.M. Karamzin’s unpublished album)
Published 2019-06-01“…The album includes citations from various European writers and philosophers, and Russian proverbs. The unpublished album is of great importance because it helps to better understand Karamzin’s worldview and attitudes in his last years. …”
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Ašarų konceptualizavimas lietuvių ir latvių frazeologijoje
Published 2011-12-01“…Though the material for the present analysis was collected from Lithuanian and Latvian dictionaries and collections of proverbs which differed in their scope and thoroughness and were often based on different principles of compilation, it provides sufficient data for grasping the main trends in the conceptualisation of tears.…”
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Mallarmé et Ponge, ou la formule
Published 2017-10-01“…Après avoir souligné la fascination de Ponge pour le proverbe, et montré que Mallarmé aussi mesure très bien les pouvoirs de l’aphorisme, l’article entreprend de saisir sur quelle vision de la poésie de telles apologies du lieu commun s’adossent.…”
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Theocentrism Is Not Anthropocentric: An Enlightened Environmentalist Reading of The Bible
Published 2023-06-01“…While the former includes the Bible, Qur’an, Bhagavad Gita, amongst others, the latter includes proverbs, myths, taboos, totems and rituals observed by different cultures across the globe. …”
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Domestication of English in Africa via proverbial expressions: A lexico-semantic study of transliteration in the English of Akɔɔse native speakers in Cameroon
Published 2015-10-01“…As such, this paper argues that Akɔɔse native speakers transpose the Akɔɔse proverbs into the English language in order to make the language a chest with treasure which expresses their sociolinguistic world view. [1] Akɔɔsә is a coastal Bantu language (with the code 652) of the Mbo Cluster Group (Gutherie, 1967) spoken by a people known as Bakossi. …”
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Lost in Translation: perdite culturali nel passaggio dall’arabo all’italiano
Published 2020-03-01“…This article investigates the Italian language rendering of some colloquial expressions, idioms and proverbs in the Egyptian vernacular that have been cited in literary works. …”
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Traces of military terminology in codex cumanicus on contemporary kipchak dialects
Published 2023-12-01“…Codex Cumanicus is a source work consisting of religious texts, various words, word lists, riddles, proverbs and some texts compiled from the mouths of the Kipchaks living in the north of the Black Sea. …”
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