Effective Communication for Water Resilient Communities: A Conceptual Framework
Published 2021-10-01Get full text
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Religious and philosophical views of Dada Omar Rovshani and moral and didactic motives in "Miskinlikname"
Published 2023-06-01“…Rovshani’s use of verbal folklore, proverbs, sayings, a lively, simple vernacular in general attest his devotedness to people, their language, life and traditions. …”
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التّوظيف التّراثيّ في شعر أدونيس
Published 2018-12-01“…This article tackles the question of tradition and its functional use in Adonis' poetry, starting with his traditional education that contributed to crystallizing his position on this matter; I have paid special attention to Adonis' employment of various traditional sources in his poetic creations like Quran, Hadith, sayings, proverbs, and traditional characters from all fields, be they political, literary, religious, and mythical. …”
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Criticism of Verbal Humor in the Arabic Translation of "Shekarestan" Animation TV Series based on Panek’s Approach
Published 2022-12-01“…It is rooted in old Iranian-Eastern stories, proverbs, fables, and folk tales. This animation TV series has been dubbed into other languages including Arabic. …”
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Мовна гра як вияв національної лінгвокреативності: на матеріалі галицьких паремій XIX ст.
Published 2022-12-01“… Language Play as a Manifestation of Linguistic Creativity (on the Material of Nineteenth-Century Galician Paroemias) This article analyses nineteenth-century paroemias from the threevolume collection Halytsʹko-rusʹki narodni prypovidky [Galician-Ruthenian Folk Paroemias] by Ivan Franko, published in 1901–1910. The proverbs and sayings recorded in the collection indicate that in the nineteenth century Ukrainians often combined words that sound alike, which endowed them with new shades of meaning. …”
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Systematic Review of Flood and Drought Literature Based on Science Mapping and Content Analysis
Published 2021-10-01Get full text
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Published 2017-08-01“…In order to stress the novel topic, the writer makes some reference by taking quotations from genres such as proverbs, idioms, and lyrics from literary works of various famous writers from Kafka, known not only in German literature but also in world literature history, to Tolstoy; from Mozart to Shakespeare. …”
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IDIOMATICS IN EVERYDAY SPEECH (Search for Methods of Description)
Published 2018-04-01“…In addition to the more or less conventional units of this type, i. e. proverbs, sayings and other “dictionary” idioms-phraseologisms (with lexicographic fixation, including the modified and not necessarily literary units), it is proposed to enrich the user’s corpus data for further research with units, whose idiomaticity may cause doubt, such as stable constructions (takoe oshchushchenie / vpechatlenie; s uma soshol chto li), forms-idioms (po idee, po barabanu, po chesnoku), idiom-like interjections (Bog / chort s toboj! …”
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Dictionnaires contextuels
Published 2020-09-01“…A travers l’expérimentation de la traduction des adages et des proverbes de l’arabe vers le français, nous avons pu déduire que le dictionnaire contextuel Reverso Context présente des limites de traduction en ce qui concerne les combinaisons arabe-français. …”
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Tea Well-Wishes in Contemporary Kalmyk Lyric Poetry: The Folklore Aspect Revisited
Published 2023-07-01“…The study shall examine a number of folklore genres, such as tea well-wishes, proverbs, sayings, and three-part (ternary) poems. …”
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The language of the weather forecast in Italian and Spanish television broadcasts: Linguistic-descriptive analysis of the end of winter on RTVE and TG5 television channels
Published 2023-06-01“…As a result, popular tradition has disseminated many proverbs related to human activities that have been the subject, over time, of scientific studies, intending to verify the veracity of such predictions. …”
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Making Birmingham a Flood Resilient City: Challenges and Opportunities
Published 2019-08-01Get full text
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Gregory the Great
Published 1979“…Gregory preached seven series of homilies on books, or groups of books, of the Old Testament: on Job, Ezechiel, the Heptateuch, the Prophets, the Books of Kings, Proverbs, and the Song of Songs. The homilies on Job survive in full in his own revision. …”
Thesis -
Modulation of the pupillary response by the content of visual working memory
Published 2019“…The thought-provoking corollary to our findings is that the pupils provide a reliable measure of what is in the focus of mind, thus giving a different meaning to old proverbs about the eyes being a window to the mind.…”
Journal article -
The Ethnic Content of the Values Son and Daughter in the Kazakh Culture: Ethnopsycholinguistic Study of Family and Relative Values
Published 2024-04-01“…The association experiment’s results were in line with the analysis of proverbs, showing the common and different components in the association fields and semantic zones of the values. …”
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S. Dovlatov’s Aphorisms: Structural and Semantic Features
Published 2021-01-01“…The article introduces its main semantic and stylistic characteristics that distinguish it from other phenomena, e.g. proverbs, idioms, sayings, quotations, etc. Linguists define aphorism as a literary genre, a sphere of knowledge, and a linguistic phenomenon. …”
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Metaphor, language, and culture Metáfora, linguagem e cultura
Published 2010-01-01“…Culture and language are connected in a myriad ways. Proverbs, rules of turn-taking in conversations, pronouns of power and solidarity, background knowledge to the understanding of conversations, politeness, linguistic relativity, the principle of cooperation, metaphor, metonymy, context, semantic change, discourse, ideology, print culture, oral culture, literacy, sociolinguistics, speech acts, and so forth, are just some of the concepts in which we find obvious connections between culture and language. …”
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Working memory and abstract thinking in patients with schizophrenic spectrum disorders
Published 2021-04-01“…To study abstract thinking, the following neuropsychological and psychometric techniques were used: exclusion of objects, D-KEFS understanding of proverbs (latent concepts were recorded). The following techniques were used to study working memory: n-back; Wechsler Test, subtest Digit Repetition. …”
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تحليل الخطاب الإعلاني في المجلات الفرنسية وخصائصه الاكسبرس و النوفيل أوبسيرفاتور مثالا .
Published 2018-12-01“…Nous insistons aussi sur l'utilisation des formes linguistiques: proverbes et locutions, comparaisons et hyperboles. …”
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Extracción automática de colocacións e modismos
Published 2004-12-01“…Our work applies different methods to a small literary corpus in Spanish language, in order to evaluate, with the same text and the same criteria, each methodological tool that could be involved in automatic detection of collocations on the basis of strictly quantitative data, which should deal also with idioms and even proverbs.…”
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