Allá en África, en cada barrio por lo menos hay un senegalés que sale de viaje: La migración senegalesa en Buenos Aires Em África, em cada distrito pelo menos há uns senegalés que...
Published 2009-07-01“…<br>In this paper we present an anthropological approach to the senegalese migration in the province of Buenos Aires and the Ciudad Autónoma of Buenos Aires, in the general context of the African migration to Argentina, particularly characterizing the migratory trajectories, the working activities and the circuits that are performed by these migrants.…”
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Project Management Tools and Techniques and SME Performance: Empirical Evidence in the Context of Developing Countries
Published 2021-09-01“…The companies selected for the analysis have their registered office in the province of Buenos Aires. Overall, 172 manufacturing companies participated in the survey. …”
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Los profesores principiantes enseñan historia
Published 2012-02-01“…They are consid-ered new teachers or novice teachers who are in the first three years of professional practice.The information presented herein was collected through a qualitative type of research conducted between the HDI (Human Development Institute), belonging to the National University of General Sarmiento and the Higher Institute of Teacher Education nº 42 San Miguel, province of Buenos Aires. This project, conducted from 2008 up to 2010, was led by Dr. …”
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Cognitive skills involved in reading comprehension of adolescents with low educational opportunities
Published 2020“…The sample consisted of 45 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 15 from two secondary schools in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Each participant was evaluated both in-group and individually for three sessions during school hours. …”
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Music for Unknown Journeys by Cristian Aliaga: New and selected prose poems: travels in Europe, Africa and the Americas
Published 2021“…Cristian Aliaga (b. 1962, Tres Cuervos, Province of Buenos Aires) is one of Argentina’s foremost contemporary poets. …”
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Le tournesol en Argentine : situation et défis
Published 2000-05-01“…Son aptitude à supporter des sols et des climats frais et secs lui permet de s’étendre au-delà de la Pampa humide, jusqu’au sud-ouest de la province de Buenos Aires, sa zone de prédilection qu’il investit de plus en plus, au fur et à mesure de la poussée du soja dans les autres zones pampéennes. …”
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Niñez, escolarización y lengua indígena. Una mirada antropológica sobre la diversidad lingüística en la escuela
Published 2013-07-01“…These reflections are based on research performed with indigenous children Toba (Qom) who are resident in the Province of Buenos Aires (Argentina). Keyword: Indigenous children. …”
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Algas no planctónicas: un experimento de colonización
Published 2019-03-01“…The aim of the present research is to study the algal colonization process using artificial substrata placed in Los Padres Lagoon waters (Province of Buenos Aires) during summer. The area selected for sampling were the influent stream (Los Padres Creek) and the effluent (La Tapera Creek) due to the large amount of «giant bulrush» Schoenoplectus californicus found there. …”
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Promoción estatal de formas autogestivas y asociativas de trabajo. Estudio de caso en un gobierno local en la provincia de Buenos Aires.
Published 2013-04-01“…This article discusses the implementation by a local government in the province of Buenos Aires of a line of a national plan considering the policy‟s capabilities to generate sustainable ventures and to promote other types of work.…”
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Estado peronista y cooperativismo eléctrico: El caso de la Cooperativa Eléctrica de Las Flores entre 1946 y 1951
Published 2006-01-01“…Finally the study analyses the energetic politic, firstly in the Province of Buenos Aires during Domingo Mercante's government and secondly in the national circuit, during Juan Perón's presidency.…”
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Justicia criminal y Estado en la frontera de Buenos Aires, 1852-1880
Published 2010-06-01“…<br>With Rosas' downfall, a new possibility for the implementation of the project to establish the administrative structures that characterize the liberal State emerged in the province of Buenos Aires. With this intention, the first instance criminal courts were established in rural areas. …”
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La concientización usuaria del patrimonio modesto. Sentir, pensar y hacer en dos ciudades
Published 2014-11-01“…Therefore, this article will investigate strategies towards the preservation of the modest heritage of two intermediate cities in the Province of Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata and Tandil, with focus on the users and their state of awareness. …”
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Epidermal characteristics of toxic plants for cattle from the Salado River basin (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Caracteres epidérmicos de las plantas tóxicas para el ganado de la Depres...
Published 2005-12-01“…One hundred and eighty species belonging to 41 families inhabiting the Salado River Basin of the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina) were previously reported to be toxic for cattle. …”
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Redescription of the last instar larva and pupa of Bezzia roldani (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) Redescripción del último estadio larval y de la pupa de Bezzia roldani (Diptera: Cerato...
Published 2007-07-01“…The hydrophytes were collected in the Chascomús and Los Talas ponds, both in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The larva show features typical of carnivorous larvae, and it is compared with that of B. nobilis (Winnertz) and with a similar species of the genus Palpomyia Meigen, P. guarani Lane. …”
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Published 2013-08-01“…These estimations are based on a survey conducted on a representative sample of the population of the district of Quilmes (province of Buenos Aires, Argentina). The results suggest that formal education generates a deeper understanding -on the basis of information previously provided-, as well as a greater environment valuation. …”
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Evaluación del desarrollo psicomotor: pruebas de screening latinoamericanas
Published 2021-01-01“…The second aims to compare 3 instruments (PRUNAPE, EDIN and Abridged Development Scale) administered in a sample of 28 5-year-old children residing in 3 municipalities in the province of Buenos Aires (La Plata, Berisso and Ensenada), Argentina. …”
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Diversidad de orbículas en Poaceae
Published 2012-06-01“…Anthers of ten species of Poaceae from the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina) were investigated with scanning and transmission electron microscopes. …”
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El papel de la tributación en la formación del Estado. La contribución directa en el siglo XIX en Buenos Aires
Published 2010-06-01“…This article is a review of the history of contribución directa -a wealth tax set in the Province of Buenos Aires to substitute Church tithe. The initial goal of reducing the fiscal dependence on Customs duties was not achieved during this period and resistance among tax payers complicated the making of a much needed consensus for its collection.…”
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Educational inequality during isolation for COVID-19 in Buenos Aires
Published 2023-01-01“…This survey was filled out by a sample of families (n=4,008), whose children were in three levels of public (62.6%) and private (37.4%) education in three districts of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. According to the results, the majority of the families sustained communication with the educational institutions; however, cases in which difficulties manifested were linked to limitations in connectivity or lack of technological apparatuses (above all, in public schools). …”
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