Coloratives in the system of narrative discourse strategies of L.N. Tolstoy (based on the novel 'Resurrection')
Argitaratua 2017-02-01“...Thus, one of the dominant discourse strategies of this novel is the discourse strategy of landscape painting, which is connected with all discourse strategies, such as discourse mythopoetical strategy, discourse strategy of portrait painting, discourse strategy of plot and compositional development, discourse psychological strategy, discourse social strategy, discourse publicistic strategy, and philosophical and religious discourse strategy. ...”
Testu osoa
Artikulua -
Influences of the discourse on language endangerment and multilingualism on young European language minorities members
Argitaratua 2018-07-01“...The way they formulate ideas on language endangerment and arguments they choose to encourage others to use these languages bears a strong resemblance to the discourse produced by international organizations, researchers and publicists. The analysis concerns three aspects of the discourse of young minority activists: appropriation of the dominant discourse of language endangerment and its role; constructing a collective identity as a part of a language movement through the discourse of responsibility for the future of the languages; discursive strategies of presenting the advantages of multilingualism and, in so doing, of learning and using a minority language. ...”
Testu osoa
Artikulua -
“An article by an unidentified author about Nikon, the Patriarch of Moscow” (text study and publication)
Argitaratua 2021-12-01“...An unknown author of a publicistic essay attempted to compare two significant figures in the history of Russia: Patriarch Nikon and the Russian public and statesman M.M. ...”
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Artikulua -
Dalia Gargasaitė - bibliographer and book science specialist
Argitaratua 2024-08-01“...Gargasaitė devoted the greatest attention in her publicistic writings to the promulgation of the undertakings and accomplishments of cultural activists living in emigration, reflecting their efforts to cherish and foster Lithuanianism. ...”
Testu osoa
Artikulua -
NMT-translation – basic models, quality assessment
Argitaratua 2025-01-01“...The texts of translations of specialized literature in various fields and publicistic texts on relevant topics made with the help of NMT systems were studied using contextual analysis methods, as well as structural-semantic and comparative-semantic methods. ...”
Testu osoa
Artikulua -
Private life of a Tatar woman of the pre-reform era (on the example of the Menzelinsk Uyezd)
Argitaratua 2023-12-01“...Images of Tatar women in the first half of the 19th century presented in publicistic works are a bit static. Russian authors described only the look of a Tatar woman, the cost of her clothes, accessories, etc. ...”
Testu osoa
Artikulua -
The Cult of the legislator in France 1750-1830
Argitaratua 2017“...<br/> Important to this enterprise was the rich variety of symbolic representations accompanying the theoretical writings of eighteenth-century publicists and activists. Enlightenment historiography, reflecting the reforming tendencies in the writing of the philosophes, included multiple allusions to the figure of the lawgiver in history, all the while looking for improvement. ...”
Liburua -
En nombre del rey: Teoría y práctica de un intento de eclipse (poder, gobierno y opinión)
Argitaratua 2018-02-01“...Dans tous les cas, la période fut propice aux publicistes et à la mobilisation afférente, et les usages politiques de la communication entraînèrent un changement important....”
Testu osoa
Artikulua -
“Economic ethics” in the context of the Russian Silver Age
Argitaratua 2023-05-01“...Russian social thought, primarily connected in one way or another with Marxism (which is characteristic of such leading social thinkers and publicists of the first decade of the 20th century as P. ...”
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Artikulua -
Emprunts aux langues africaines non burkinabè et français populaire ivoirien dans les discours des vendeurs de produits de santé dans les cars de transport au Burkina Faso
Argitaratua 2023-12-01“...Les cars parcourant les principaux axes routiers du pays sont en effet pris d’assaut par cette nouvelle race de commerçants-publicistes en charge de la vente de ces produits de santé. ...”
Testu osoa
Artikulua -
Issues of International and Interchurch Relations in the Work of Holy Council 1917–1918 of the Orthodox Russian Church
Argitaratua 2019-07-01“...The efforts of some historians and publicists shaping contemporary discourse in Russia depict the restoration of the Patriarchate in the Russian Church as the only important act of the Council are challenged by the material presented in this article, which shows how the Council constructed the future position of Russian Orthodoxy in dialogue with the non-Orthodox churches, in its presence abroad and its missions in non-Christian countries. ...”
Testu osoa
Artikulua -
Argitaratua 2020-03-01“...Cuvinte-cheie: discurs publicitar, semiotică culturală, limbaj publicistic, kawaii, cultură pop, cultura ca interacțiune socială, mit. ...”
Testu osoa
Artikulua -
Correspondence; Dialogue; History of ideas
Argitaratua 2017“...Correspondence<br/> Dorothy Medlin, André Morellet, the <em>Journal de Paris</em>, and <em>Le Publiciste</em>, 1795-1807<br/> Donald C. Spinelli and Adrina M. ...”
Liburua -
Revival of the Unwilling or Unable Doctrine in Jus ad Bellum Discourse; Critical Analysis in a Legal Positivist Look
Argitaratua 2023-07-01“...The International Court of Justice and the most highly-qualified publicists have also refused to recognize such use of force. ...”
Testu osoa
Artikulua -
Enlightenment, Revolution and the periodical press
Argitaratua 2017“...Pallares-Burke, A spectator of the Spectators: Jacques-Vincent Delacroix<br/> Eric Négrel, Le journaliste-orateur: rhétorique et politique sans-culottes dans <em>Le Publiciste de la République française</em> de Jacques Roux (juillet-octobre 1793)<br/> Susanne Lachenicht, La presse des immigrants allemands en Alsace (1791-1799)<br/> Philip Harling, The perils of ‘French philosophy’: Enlightenment and revolution in Tory journalism, 1800-1832<br/> Index<br/>...”
Liburua -
Le Métier de journaliste au XVIIIe siècle
Argitaratua 2017“...<br/> Un trio singulier, en effet, que celui constitué de fait par le libraire et bibliographe Prosper Marchand (1678-1756), le publiciste Jean Rousset de Missy (1686-1762) et l’érudit mais besogneux touche-à-tout, Lambert Ignace Douxfils (1708-1753). ...”
Liburua -
Argitaratua 2021-03-01“...Cuvinte-cheie: discurs publicitar, semiotică culturală, limbaj publicistic, kawaii, drăgălaș, studii asupra drăgălășeniei, cultură pop ...”
Testu osoa
Artikulua -
Following up the Discussion on the stricto sensu ‘Principles’ in Modern International Law, and Beyond the Same ….
Argitaratua 2021-07-01“...The article is based on the provisions of international treaties, materials of codification of international law norms by the UN International Law Commission, judicial decisions, acts of law enforcement of the International Court of Justice or other international courts, and documents embodying the positive international law, as well as the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists in the field of theory and practice of international law. ...”
Testu osoa
Artikulua -
Principles in Modern International Law (Certain Issues of Concept, Nature, Genesis, Substance and Scope)
Argitaratua 2021-03-01“...The analysis undertaken in the article is based on normative and doctrinal materials that reflect the positive international law and law enforcement acts, other documents, including reports and research presentations of the UN International Law Commission, judicial decisions or advisory opinions of the International Court of Justice and other international judicial institutions, acts of international organizations, as well as the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists and practitioners in the field of international law and its history, which relate to the topic of this publication. ...”
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