Phase noise measurement of external cavity diode lasers and implications for optomechanical sideband cooling of GHz mechanical modes
Published 2013-01-01“…The measurements reveal that even at GHz frequencies diode lasers do not exhibit quantum-limited performance. The associated excess backaction can preclude ground-state cooling even in state-of-the-art nano-optomechanical systems and can, moreover, lead to noise-induced sideband asymmetries.…”
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Quantum theory of optical temporal phase and instantaneous frequency. II. Continuous-time
Published 2010“…Using a state-variable approach to estimation, we design homodyne phase-locked loops that can measure the temporal phase with quantum-limited accuracy. We show that postprocessing can further improve the estimation performance if delay is allowed in the estimation. …”
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Investigating pin-holes issues in Josephson junction travelling waveparametric amplifiers requiring large area of dielectric layer
Published 2024“…Microwave superconducting Josephson Travelling Wave Parametric Amplifiers (JTWPAs) exploit the non-linear inductance of a long superconducting metamaterial line formed by thousands of Josephson junctions to achieve broadband parametric gain with quantum limited added noise. Nevertheless, pin-holes in the dielectric (spacer) layer required for fabricating these superconducting transmission lines (STLs) represent a challenge for JTWPAs fabrication. …”
Conference item -
Topological Quantum Fluctuations and Traveling Wave Amplifiers
Published 2016-11-01“…We show that one can exploit this to realize a topologically protected, quantum-limited traveling wave parametric amplifier. The device is naturally protected against both internal losses and backscattering; the latter feature is in stark contrast to standard traveling wave amplifiers. …”
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Lateral vibration analysis of monatomic chains considering atomic longitudinal displacement
Published 2019-06-01“…The tension of the quantum limitation is given and the value of limitation can be used to distinguish nanoelectromechanical systems from quantum-electromechanical Systems. …”
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Quantum regime of free electron lasers starting from noise
Published 2006-09-01“…Quantum effects such as frequency shift, line narrowing, quantum limitation for bunching and energy spread, and minimum uncertainty states are described. …”
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Compact SPAD-Based Pixel Architectures for Time-Resolved Image Sensors
Published 2016-05-01“…The main features of these solutions are the adoption of analog counting techniques and time-to-analog conversion, in NMOS-only pixels. Reliable quantum-limited single-photon counting, self-referenced analog-to-digital conversion, time gating down to 0.75 ns and timestamping with 368 ps jitter are achieved.…”
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High-Fidelity Measurement of a Superconducting Qubit Using an On-Chip Microwave Photon Counter
Published 2021-02-01“…Our technique provides access to the binary outcome of projective quantum measurement at the millikelvin stage without the need for quantum-limited preamplification and thresholding at room temperature. …”
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Microwave amplification based on quasiparticle SIS up and down frequency converters
Published 2018-02-01“…Heterodyne instruments have recently attained quantum-limited low-noise performance, particularly in radio astronomy, but it is difficult to develop large heterodyne arrays such as a modern radio camera using cryogenic sensitive detectors based on microwave kinetic inductance detectors, transition edge sensors, etc. …”
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A Review on the Progress of Optoelectronic Devices Based on TiO<sub>2</sub> Thin Films and Nanomaterials
Published 2023-03-01“…Nano-TiO<sub>2</sub> devices exhibit size-dependent and novel photoelectric performance due to their quantum limiting effect, high absorption coefficient, high surface-volume ratio, adjustable band gap, etc. …”
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Quantum biology revisited
Published 2020“…Its primary steps involve energy transport operating near theoretical quantum limits in efficiency. Recently, extensive research was motivated by the hypothesis that nature used quantum coherences to direct energy transfer. …”
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Quantum biology revisited
Published 2020“…Its primary steps involve energy transport operating near theoretical quantum limits in efficiency. Recently, extensive research was motivated by the hypothesis that nature used quantum coherences to direct energy transfer. …”
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Quantum optomechanics with a high-frequency dilational mode in thin dielectric membranes
Published 2012-01-01“…It is shown how this system can be used as a quantum limited optical amplifier. The dilational motion can also lead to quantum correlations between cavity modes at different frequencies, which is quantified with an experimentally accessible two-mode squeezing spectrum. …”
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Quantum metrology with cold atomic ensembles
Published 2013-08-01“…Quantum metrology uses quantum features such as entanglement and squeezing to improve the sensitivity of quantum-limited measurements. Long established as a valuable technique in optical measurements such as gravitational-wave detection, quantum metrology is increasingly being applied to atomic instruments such as matter-wave interferometers, atomic clocks, and atomic magnetometers. …”
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Nonuniversality of quantum noise in optical amplifiers operating at exceptional points
Published 2022-09-01“…By using the Heisenberg-Langevin formalism, we calculate the added quantum noise in each of these devices and compare it with that of a quantum-limited amplifier scheme that does not involve any exceptional points. …”
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Asymptotically Optimal Adversarial Strategies for the Probability Estimation Framework
Published 2023-09-01“…We also study extensions of the analysis to quantum-limited adversaries in the (2,2,2) Bell scenario and no-signalling adversaries in higher <inline-formula><math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><semantics><mrow><mo>(</mo><mi>n</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>m</mi><mo>,</mo><mi>k</mi><mo>)</mo></mrow></semantics></math></inline-formula> Bell scenarios.…”
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Plasmonics in argentene
Published 2021“…Merging concepts from the fields of ab initio materials science and nanophotonics, there is now an opportunity to engineer new photonic materials whose optical, transport, and scattering properties are tailored to attain thermodynamic and quantum limits. Here we present first-principles calculations predicting that Argentene, a single-crystalline hexagonal close-packed monolayer of Ag, can dramatically surpass the optical properties and electrical conductivity of conventional plasmonic materials. …”
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A 230 GHz Finline SIS receiver with wide IF bandwidth
Published 2017“…Simulations of this receiver showed quantum limited noise in the RF frequency range of 140 to 260 GHzand from DC to 10GHz in the IF spectrum.We measured the noise temperature by comparing the receiver's response to hot and cold loads. …”
Conference item -
Evaluating the detection range of microwave quantum illumination radar
Published 2023-11-01“…In addition, the authors demonstrate that the symmetrical quantum limited amplification actually has no contribution to improving the detection range of a QI radar.…”
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Ultracoherent Nanomechanical Resonators Based on Density Phononic Crystal Engineering
Published 2024-03-01“…Such extremely low mechanical dissipation rates will enable the development of radically new technologies such as quantum-limited atomic force microscopy at room temperature, ultrasensitive detectors of dark matter, spontaneous waveform collapses, gravity, and high-efficiency quantum information transducers.…”
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