Pittosporum peridoticola
Published 2021“…Pittosporum peridoticola is a rare species of shrub recorded only from Mount Kinabalu and Mount Tumbuyukon. …”
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Adinandra crassifolia
Published 2021“…Adinandra crassifolia is a rare species of treelet recorded only from Tawai Forest Reserve, Meliau Range Forest Reserve and Ulu Tungud Forest Reserve. …”
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Patterns of coral species richness and reef connectivity in Malaysia
Published 2016“…Reef coral species richness patterns were revealed and indicated common and rare species, as well as potential endemics. Factors to explain the population structure and connectivity patterns across Malaysia are discussed. …”
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Book -
Cytotoxic and antibacterial evaluation of coumarins and chromanone acid from Calophyllum symingtonianum
Published 2016“…Calophyllum symingtonianum is a rare species from the Calophyllum genus that belongs to the Guttiferae family. …”
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Extensive Sharing of COI and CYB Haplotypes in the Reef-building Staghorn Coral (Acropora spp.) in Sabah, North Borneo
Published 2019“…Small fraction (100–335 µm) samples contained greatest number of individuals, few rare species and were densest at onshore depths, and the opposite for large fraction (>335 µm) samples but were densest at nighttime and most species rich in the Coral site at night. …”
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Preliminary checklist of orchids in the Sungai Kangkawat, Imbak Canyon Conservation Area (ICCA), Sabah, Malaysia
Published 2020“…Though the finding was preliminary and brief, our encounter of endemic and rare species underlines the importance of Sungai Kangkawat forest area as an orchid biodiversity hotspot.…”
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Diel patterns of zooplankton community structure in nearshore waters of different substrates off Tinggi and Sibu Islands, Malaysia, with special reference to copepods
Published 2019“…Small fraction (100–335 µm) samples contained greatest number of individuals, few rare species and were densest at onshore depths, and the opposite for large fraction (>335 µm) samples but were densest at nighttime and most species rich in the Coral site at night. …”
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Solid waste management in Pulau Ketam - Alam Flora's experience
Published 2004“…The island's great potentials - a fishing spot, mangrove sight seeing, rare species bird watching and delicious fresh seafood - seemed diminishing. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
A Species Checklist of Wild Orchids in Selected Sites in Kadamaian, Kota Belud, Sabah
Published 2021“…Appendicula congesta, Bulbophyllum disjunctum, Dendrobium kiauense, and Goodyera rostellata are species endemic to Borneo found during the expedition along with Crepidium multiflorum, a hyper-endemic species to Kinabalu area. Several rare species which narrowly distributed to primary forest habitat were discovered, including jewel orchids; Cystorchis variegata var. variegata and Anoectochilus geniculatus, and two mycoheterotrophs; Aphyllorchis pallida and Lecanorchis multiflora var. multiflora.…”
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Ecology of mammals and implication on park management
Published 2023“…Mammals such as the Leopard (Panthera pardus), Sumatran Serow (Capricornis sumatraensis), and Malayan Tapir (Tapirus indicus) are recorded providing evidence of the presence of these rare species thriving in TNJGL. Using the occupancy analysis, areas to be prioritized for mammals’ conservation were presented in a map. …”
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Thesis -
Ecology of mammals and implication on park management
Published 2023“…Mammals such as the Leopard (Panthera pardus), Sumatran Serow (Capricornis sumatraensis), and Malayan Tapir (Tapirus indicus) are recorded providing evidence of the presence of these rare species thriving in TNJGL. Using the occupancy analysis, areas to be prioritized for mammals’ conservation were presented in a map. …”
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Thesis -
The value of forest fragments within or surrounding oil palm plantations and disturbed landscapes for terrestrial mammal conservation in Sabah, Malaysia
Published 2020“…In terms of species composition, forest fragments (both logged and unlogged) were dominated by common and widespread species, whereas rare species were more represented in the continuous forest sites. …”
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Thesis -
A new genus and two new, rare freshwater mussel (Bivalvia: Unionidae) species endemic to Borneo are threatened by ongoing habitat destruction
Published 2021“…Molecular phylogenetics (five genes) of the native taxa, including comparative material from West Kalimantan and Sarawak, revealed: (i) the presence of a new genus with two new, rare species: Khairuloconcha lunbawangorum sp. nov. in the Limbang River basin and K. sahanae in the Kinabatangan River basin; (ii) that Khairuloconcha and Ctenodesma form the Bornean endemic tribe Ctenodesmini trib. nov.; and (iii) that Schepmania represents another Bornean endemic tribe Schepmaniini trib. nov. …”
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An assessment of the terrestrial mammal community in and around Sungai Rawog Conservation Area, Sabah, Malaysia
Published 2019“…These included common and rare species, as well as species of high conservation value, such as bearded pig (Sus barbatus), sambar deer (Rusa unicolor), banteng (Bos javanicus), Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus morio), Sunda clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi), flat-headed cat (Prionailurus planiceps) and Malayan pangolin (Manis javanica). …”
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Proceedings -
Biodiversity consequences of long-term active forest restoration in selectively logged tropical rainforests
Published 2023“…Surprisingly, our findings suggest that active forest restoration promoted the recovery of adult tree species diversity, expressed as Shannon Diversity Index, and in particular promoted rare species. In actively restored plots, the number of adult individuals of tree species that were planted was enhanced, and the density of liana seedlings was reduced, demonstrating that these silvicultural interventions were effective and had long-lasting effects on the forest structure. …”
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Revision of ants formerly known as genus pachycondyla (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae) of Sabah
Published 2015“…The distribution of ants formerly known as genus Pachycondyla was high in Danum, Gunung Tambuyukon, Imbak, Keningau, Poring and Maliau Basin where the forests are pristine and under good management. Several rare species such as P. brevior was only recorded in Maliau, P. sandakana from Sandakan, Poring and Danum and P. debilior from Poring, Gunung Tambuyukon and Imbak. …”
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