The current and future potential geographical distribution of Nepeta crispa Willd., an endemic, rare and threatened aromatic plant of Iran: Implications for ecological conservation...
Published 2022-04-01“…In recent years, due to climate change, many plants have become endangered, which poses a very serious threat to very rare species such as N. crispa Willd. In the present study, we aimed to model the current and future potential geographical distributions and identify the most relevant environmental factors influencing the distribution of N. crispa Willd. an endemic plant species in west of Iran. …”
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The diversity of moth fauna (lepidoptera: heterocera) according to altitudes of Taman Negara Johor, Gunung Ledang
Published 2016“…The most abundance species in Gunung Ledang was Pogonopygia nigralbata Warren with total of 131 individuals recorded, whereas the totals of 78 species have been identified as rare species. The highest percentage of overlapping species following sampling month is between P3 and P4 (75%), whereas following altitude is between L2 and L3 (100%).…”
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Biodiversity consequences of long-term active forest restoration in selectively logged tropical rainforests
Published 2023“…Surprisingly, our findings suggest that active forest restoration promoted the recovery of adult tree species diversity, expressed as Shannon Diversity Index, and in particular promoted rare species. In actively restored plots, the number of adult individuals of tree species that were planted was enhanced, and the density of liana seedlings was reduced, demonstrating that these silvicultural interventions were effective and had long-lasting effects on the forest structure. …”
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Molecular characterisation of lignocellulose degradation of roseithermus sacchariphilus strain RA
Published 2020“…The bacterium is a rare species in the hot spring because of its slow growth rate, and is less competitive compared to other prokaryotes due to its low preference for glucose. …”
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Phytonanofabrication of iron oxide particles from the Acacia jacquemontii plant and their potential application for the removal of brilliant green and Congo red dye from wastewater
Published 2023-11-01“…In the current investigation, we reported the phyto-assisted formation of iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) from a rare species of Acacia (Acacia jacquemontii). First, ethanolic extracts of the stem powder were analyzed by high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) for the identification of phytochemicals in the stem sections of Acacia. …”
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Study on the Rare Semiaquatic Plant Elatine hydropiper (Elatinaceae) in Lithuania: Population Density, Seed Bank and Conservation Challenges
Published 2022-05-01“…The key to protecting Elatine hydropiper and other co-occurring rare species with similar ecological and biological characteristics, as well as the plant communities of shallows and exposed wet banks, is to protect their habitats. …”
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High‐frequency and long‐term observations of eDNA from imperiled salmonids in a coastal stream: Temporal dynamics, relationships with environmental factors, and comparisons with co...
Published 2022-07-01“…The objectives of this study were to use autonomous sampling to conduct long‐term, high‐frequency monitoring of the eDNA of native salmonid species in a Californian coastal stream, describe temporal variation of eDNA on multiple scales and identify environmental factors that drive this variation, and evaluate the ability of the eDNA datasets to detect rare species and represent organismal abundance. Using high‐throughput autonomous environmental sample processors (ESPs) and qPCR, we enumerated eDNA concentrations from 674 water samples collected at subdaily intervals over 360 days at a single site. …”
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Primer Binding Site (PBS) Profiling of Genetic Diversity of Natural Populations of Endemic Species <i>Allium ledebourianum</i> Schult.
Published 2021-10-01“…Conservation of this rare species is associated with monitoring studies to investigate the genetic diversity of natural populations. …”
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Detecting functional rarity in a hyperdiverse Amazonian dung beetle assemblage
Published 2023-10-01“…The use of complementary sampling methods resulted in a better characterization of the functional structure of dung beetle communities inhabiting both terra firme and floodplain Amazonian rainforests and revealed functional resilience and rare species playing ecological roles overlooked by DPFs. …”
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Effects of error, chimera, bias, and GC content on the accuracy of amplicon sequencing
Published 2023-12-01“…In addition, comparative analyses based on the mock communities showed that several widely used sequence processing pipelines/methods, including DADA2, Deblur, UCLUST, UNOISE, and UPARSE, had different advantages and disadvantages in artifact removal and rare species detection. These results are important for improving sequencing quality and reliability and developing new algorithms to process targeted amplicon sequences.IMPORTANCEAmplicon sequencing of targeted genes is the predominant approach to estimate the membership and structure of microbial communities. …”
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Materials to the creation of the Regional Landscape Park ‘Smarahdove Dzherelo’ (Kharkiv Region, Ukraine)
Published 2021-12-01“…We found eight animal species of the European Red List, 65 animal species from Appendices II and III of the Bern Convention, including six species from Appendices I and II of the Bonn Convention; 23 animal species are included in the Red Data Book of Ukraine, while 19 species are in the List of Rare Species and Species in Need of Protection in the Kharkiv Region. …”
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Estructura y composición de los ensamblajes estacionales de coleópteros (Insecta: Coleoptera) del bosque mesófilo de montaña en Tlanchinol, Hidalgo, México, recolectados con trampa...
Published 2010-08-01“…Most species possess abundances lower than 1 % representing the rare species. According to the theoretical estimation of richness there are many species to add to the list. …”
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Structure of the community of nesting birds in a ravine oak wood in the valley of the Oskol river
Published 2016-10-01“…The species from the forest-steppe faunistic complex of the European type of fauna account for 3.6% to 9.48% of the population of nesting birds, and most of these have the status of third-degree (rare species). The composition of the group of third-degree species is highly diverse: in addition to the elements of Nemoral, Ancient-Nemoral and forest-steppe complexes, it includes species from the tropical and boreal groups. …”
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Whale lice (Isocyamus deltobranchium & Isocyamus delphinii; Cyamidae) prevalence in odontocetes off the German and Dutch coasts – morphological and molecular characterization a...
Published 2021-08-01“…Ectoparasites were found on two cetacean species – harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena), as the most abundant cetacean species in the North Sea, and on a pilot whale (Globicephala melas), as a rare species here. Prevalence of ectoparasitic crustaceans in cetaceans was low: 7.6% in porpoises stranded in the Netherlands (n = 608) and 1.6% in porpoises stranded in Germany (n = 122). …”
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Response of bacterial community composition and co-occurrence network to straw and straw biochar incorporation
Published 2022-09-01“…Notably, we found that rare species inside keystone taxa (Gemmatimonadetes and Nitrospirae) play an indispensable role in maintaining bacterial network construction in LCBS. …”
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Losers, winners, and opportunists: How grassland land‐use intensity affects orthopteran communities
Published 2016-11-01“…To describe species‐specific responses to environmental gradients, we employed a new approach termed “niche model,” coupled with a randomization procedure, which is sensitive even for rare species for which trends may otherwise be difficult to detect. …”
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Genomic study and lipidomic bioassay of Leeuwenhoekiella parthenopeia: A novel rare biosphere marine bacterium that inhibits tumor cell viability
Published 2023-01-01“…The phylogenomic and microbial diversity studies demonstrated that this bacterium is a new and rare species, barely representing 0.0029% of the bacterial community in Mediterranean Sea metagenomes. …”
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Distinctive Community Patterns With Exceptional Diversity of Polychaetes Around a Tectonically Active Archipelago in the Tropical Indian Ocean
Published 2020-08-01“…The polychaetes were represented by 606 species (279 genera) in the study, of which >50% were rare species. Based on polychaete species composition, three regions were delineated in the study area - the Nicobar margin, the western margin of the Andaman (Bay of Bengal sector), and the eastern margin of the Andaman (Andaman Sea sector). …”
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Adult conspecific density affects Janzen-Connell patterns by modulating the recruitment exclusion zones
Published 2023-06-01“…Finally, our simulations showed that JC distribution should not be frequent in the case of rare species immersed in a matrix of heterospecific adults. …”
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