Correlation of the Structural Characteristics of an Artificial Oyster Reef with Its Wake Region
Published 2023-04-01“…AORs with high vertical reliefs interact with the surrounding flow, constitute a reverse flow, and create a wake region in which concentrated nutrients and food organisms exist. …”
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Résection-anastomose de la trachée cervicale sur écrasement trachéal post-traumatique
Published 2015-11-01“…Le bilan clinique lésionnel au service des urgences chirurgicales a retrouvé un patient dyspnéique avec des reliefs cervicaux antérieurs peu modifiés, sans lésions cutanées objectivables. …”
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Published 2020-08-01“…Abstract: The Arabs took their place in the Assyrian written documents and in the reliefs adorning the walls of the palaces. The fact that the Arabs were the subject of Assyrian resources was related to their control of one of the important trade routes and having rich resources in terms of aramotics and camels. …”
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Towards Better Visualisation of Alpine Quaternary Landform Features on High-Resolution Digital Elevation Models
Published 2021-10-01“…DEMs are often displayed as hillshaded reliefs, the most common visualisation technique, which suffers from the limitation of a single illumination source. …”
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Water and "the perforated water-jars" as a Form of the Other World Misery in Greek Thought, and its Development with the Romans: An Archaeological Study "الفكر الأورفي والفيثاغو...
Published 2021-01-01“…The Romans expressed this religious idea of purification on many sarcophagi’s mythical reliefs, plus using Dionysiac “mask” or “head” as he was a “master or prompter” of these Orphic and Pythagorean secrets for the dead. …”
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Numerical investigation on flame propagation and pressure development in vented explosion
Published 2017“…However, the details physical and dynamic mechanism responsible for the generation of significant pressure peaks during vented explosions is insufficient, making it difficult for designing the accurate explosion reliefs in practical situations. The primary motivation of this research was to better understand the turbulent flame propagation in vented gas explosion using modelling approach. …”
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Insights on the Early Pleistocene Hominin Population of the Guadix-Baza Depression (SE Spain) and a Review on the Ecology of the First Peopling of Europe
Published 2022-04-01“…This basin is surrounded by the highest mountainous reliefs of the Alpine-Betic orogen and shows a limited number of connecting corridors with the surrounding areas, which could have limited gene flow with other hominin populations. …”
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Surfaces of coastal biogenic structures: exploiting advanced digital design and fabrication strategies for the manufacturing of oyster reef and mussel bed surrogates
Published 2024-04-01“…Coastal biogenic structures, formed by ecosystem engineering species, often feature rough surfaces characterized by intricate topographies and highly three-dimensional reliefs. Their surfaces are shaped by waves and tidal currents and reciprocally influence the ambient hydrodynamics, reflecting an equilibrium. …”
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Erosion Gully Networks Extraction Based on InSAR Refined Digital Elevation Model and Relative Elevation Algorithm—A Case Study in Huangfuchuan Basin, Northern Loess Plateau, China...
Published 2024-03-01“…The method successfully detected small reliefs of erosion gullies using the InSAR-refined DEM. …”
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Caracteristici epidemiologice principale ale cazurilor de COVID-19 internate în spital din prima linie de apărare din Bucureşti, România
Published 2020-09-01“…În ceea ce priveşte severitatea, este de notat faptul că 6 pacienţi au decedat în primele 14 zile de la internare; toate fatalităţile au survenit la persoane în vârstă şi 89,3% dintre aceştia aveau boli cronice de rinichi. Datele reliefate în această lucrare pot ajuta la un management mai bun al pandemiei COVID-19.…”
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Human haptic perception is interrupted by explorative stops of milliseconds
Published 2014“…For Experiments D and E the PHANToM haptic device was used for the exploration of virtual (D) and real (E) sunken reliefs. Results: In each Experiment we observed explorative stops of different average durations. …”
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Visible Light Communications through Diffusive Illumination of Sculptures in a Real Museum
Published 2021-07-01“…In this work, we achieve, for the first time, VLC transmission through diffusive LED illumination of three-dimensional artworks (wooden and marble sculptures) in a real museum, exploiting the available LED illumination system, demonstrating the feasibility of VLC technology also when complex three-dimensional artworks, such as sculptures or bas-reliefs, are involved. In our experimental campaign, performed inside the Basilica of Santa Maria Novella in Florence, we perform extensive Packet Error Rate (PER) and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) tests on two important wooden and marble sculptures (<i>Crucifix</i> by Brunelleschi and the <i>Holy Water Font</i> by Bordoni, respectively), for different distances, view angles and configurations, in order to mimic a wide set of situations that visitors may encounter in a realistic scenario. …”
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Published 2019-09-01“…As a method, we used the Akhaimenid inscriptions, Assyrian documents and ancient Greek texts and the Achaemenid reliefs depicting the Sakas, the figures on the tombs and some archaeological materials extracted from the kurgans. …”
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EU State Aid Regulation & Incentives for Forest Biodiversity Conservation
Published 2011-01-01“…Even the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) recognises their importance6.7 Positive incentives to motivate stakeholders can be economic (direct payments, tax reliefs) or non-economic (recognition, awards for outstanding performance, reputation). …”
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Análise pré e pós-operatória da capacidade funcional e qualidade de vida de pacientes portadores de Osteoartrose de quadril submetidos à Artroplastia Total Pre- and Post-Surgery an...
Published 2004-06-01“…CONCLUSIONS: Total hip artroplasty reliefs patients pain, improves daily life activities and increases the hip range of motion; patients, however, relate fear and insecurity in the accomplishment of those activities.…”
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Published 2018-05-01“…În rezultatul analizei sunt propuse soluții pentru problemele reliefate. Se stabilește că violul reprezintă o infracțiune complexă. …”
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The Economic Effects of Tax Incentives for Housing Owners : An Overview and Policy Implications (Written in Korean)
Published 1990-08-01“…Housing owners in Korea have a variety of tax advantages such as income tax exemption for the imputed rent of owner-occupied housing, exemption from the capital gains tax and deduction of the estate tax for one-house households. These tax reliefs for housing owners not only conflict with the principle of horizontal and vertical equity, but also lead to resource misallocation by distorting the housing market, and thus bring about regressive distribution effects. …”
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Técnicas corporais em Grupo de Gestantes: a experiência dos participantes Técnicas corporales en Grupo de Gestantes: la experiência de los participantes Body techniques in a Group...
Published 2006-06-01“…The descriptive categories of the experience were: the body thecniques reliefed the pregnancy discomforts, had encouraged the participation in the sessions and had been evaluated positively; the use of body techniques in a group of pregnant women promoted selfcare of the members; body techiniques intensified the link among the couples and gave conditions for the integration of the members; there are limitations in use of the body thechniques in a group of pregnant women and in its applicability at home. …”
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EU State Aid Regulation & Incentives for Forest Biodiversity Conservation
Published 2011-01-01“…Even the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) recognises their importance6.7 Positive incentives to motivate stakeholders can be economic (direct payments, tax reliefs) or non-economic (recognition, awards for outstanding performance, reputation). …”
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Published 2019-04-01“…It is shown that single beam sonar might miss some details, such as pipeline and quick elevation changes on seabed when we compare to the side scan sonar of IVER3 because the single side scan sonar can acquire better resolutions to understand the 3D features, such as pipelines, reliefs etc.…”
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